Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 85: You can't just rely on your mouth

Roswaal had thought that things would develop in the direction he expected and guided by the book of wisdom.

Because of everything, he did it according to the requirements in the book of wisdom.

As a result, it must be the same as usual!

But Zhou Fangwu's sudden utterance made him a little dazed.

The development of the situation suddenly exceeded his expectations!

"I'm sorry, Wu."

After Emilia saw Zhou Fangwu, she first apologized to him: "Because of me, I gave you a headache, I'm really sorry."

She has always been like this.

I don't want to trouble others, and I don't want to cause trouble to others, thinking that the fault is all on my own body.

This kind of alienation is a kind of tenderness, but not everyone will appreciate it.

The same is true for Zhou Fangwu.

He asked: "Emilia, what is your motivation for participating in the king's election?"


Emilia was stunned for a moment.

"Didn't you understand? Let me put it another way."

Zhou Fangwu said again: "Emilia, why did you become a candidate for the throne to participate in the king's election? What is your purpose? Is it ambition, selfish desire, righteousness, or something else?"

Emilia thought about it. He said sternly: "I want everyone to put aside their prejudices and coexist peacefully. I want to create a country where all people can be treated fairly!"

Her face was unwavering, her voice sonorous, her determination unwavering.

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help applauding for her.

Clap clap!

"What a distant and great ambition."


"So, for this distant and great ambition, Emilia, what will you do?"

Facing her doubts, Zhou Fangwu had no intention of answering them.

Instead, he continued to ask a question, "It is undoubtedly very difficult for everyone to coexist peacefully without prejudice, and it may be one of the most difficult things in the world. Then, what is the plan that Emilia is going to implement?" What is it?"

"That...become king first, and then..."

"Hehe, do you want to become king first..."

Zhou Fangwu couldn't help laughing, and then returned her two words coldly.



She was stunned again, apparently not expecting Zhou Fangwu to say that

"After Emilia became the king, is she going to make everyone in the kingdom abide by the laws you have made? Don't you think you are too naive?!"


Emilia pursed her lips in silence.

"Besides, Emilia, everything you do is based on the premise that you can become the king, right? Why does Emilia think that she will definitely become the king, and what if she loses the election?"

Zhou Fangwu folded his hands on his chest, looking at her flustered, bewildered eyes looking around.

He said bluntly: "If you can't become a king, you can't do anything? Or... would you choose to do nothing?! Emilia, don't you just talk about your lofty ambitions? ?”

Zhou Fangwu's words were extremely sharp and vicious, and almost completely rejected Emilia's efforts from the beginning to the present.

"..." She continued to remain silent.

It seemed she still didn't get it.

"Don't say anything...?"

Zhou Fangwu shook his head in disappointment, "Sorry, Emilia, I can't be your knight."

to the end.

The matter of making Zhou Fangwu Emilia's knight is nothing.

I thought this topic was over.

But I didn't expect that in just a moment, everyone in the Earl's mansion knew about it.

Roswaal must have spread it on purpose!

That weirdo clown!

He must have mobilized the entire Earl's mansion to persuade Zhou Fangwu to change his mind.

Ram and Rem have both been here, but they just mentioned it casually, which is considered to have completed the task assigned by the master.

But Natsuki Subaru is really a headache.

"Hey, Wu! Why didn't you choose to become Emilia Tan's knight!"


Natsuki Subaru had an envious expression on his face, "That's great, I want to be Emilia Tan's knight too!"


"But Ram said that only knights conferred by the kingdom can become Emilia Tan's knights."


"That's a knight, a position that many people can't find!"


"This kind of good opportunity, why did Wu give up!"


Caiyue Subaru chattered non-stop, and Zhou Fangwu's brain was a little big.

He had forgotten that Subaru Nayue, who hadn't experienced hardships and hadn't grown up yet, was also a stunned young man who didn't think about what he said or did, and was even more unbearable than the silly white and sweet Amelia.


Zhou Fangwu interrupted him abruptly, "Do you think Emilia can become king?"

Natsuki Subaru grinned and said loudly: "Of course! I believe her!"

I really believe in Emilia's appearance.

"Really, then tell me, how can she become king?"

Before he could answer, Zhou Fangwu told the result first, "No one will choose to support her in the king's election. She has no popular support and no achievements. Moreover, no one will want [the silver-haired half-elf] to become the king."


Even Natsuki Subaru knew about this kind of obvious thing, but he just didn't want to think about it.

To participate in the election, the first is popular support, the second is merit, and the last is image. The three are indispensable.

But now Emilia has nothing.

popular opinion?

What is that, can it be eaten?


Where can Emilia, who doesn't leave the door and doesn't leave the door, get credit?


[Silver-haired half-elf] Everyone has already shouted and beaten, okay?

After Natsuki Subaru figured it out, he asked suspiciously, "Wu, is that why you didn't agree to become Emilia's knight?"

"No, I'm not that superficial yet."

Zhou Fangwu shook his head in denial.

If he refused to become a knight because of these points, then what is the difference between him and those in the Kingdom Knights?

And he doesn't care about it at all.

Then, Zhou Fangwu explained the reason.

"Caiyue-kun, Emilia wants everyone to coexist peacefully without prejudice, I think this is a very good, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also a great ambition.

But what **** me off was that Emilia was just talking about big ambitions, but she didn't do anything about it.

You see, there is a village not far away, but she rarely even goes to the village.

He said that everyone can coexist peacefully regardless of their prejudices, but in fact, the villagers in Emilia's own territory have a lot of prejudice against her.

There is a saying in my hometown, "How can the world be governed if one house is not governed", which roughly means: If you can't even manage a family well, how can you govern the world?

Such a person, do you think she will really become a king? "

Only then did Nayue Subaru understand that Zhou Fangwu didn't serve as a knight not because he had a special dislike for Emilia like everyone else, but because there were really other reasons.

He thought about it carefully, "If... if Emilia is recognized by the village, will Wu agree to be Emilia's knight?"

"Oh?! You want to help Emilia?"

Zhou Fangwu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Nayuki Subaru said firmly: "Ah, I want to help Emilia!"

"Hehehe, yes."


"I said, yes."

Seeing Nayue Subaru's mouth open in disbelief, Zhou Fangwu repeated it.

And said: "To get the approval of the village is to win the hearts of the people and to gain merit.

This test is not only a test for Emilia, but also a test for you, Natsuki-kun.

As long as Emilia is recognized by the village and the villagers support her, I agree to become Emilia's knight.

So, show me, Nayue-kun! "


Natsuki Subaru laughed and accepted the challenge.

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