Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 87: Qualifications of Elven Warlocks

During dinner, Roswaal did not show up.

There were only Zhou Fangwu and Emilia on the long empty table, which seemed a little awkward.

However, after the two said a few words, the relationship between them immediately eased, and the stiff atmosphere became normal.

It's also thanks to Emilia who is not a fussy person.

If it was Priscilla Balier's extremely arrogant Blood Bride, someone would definitely have his head chopped off and kicked as a ball, the kind that no one can stop!

Although it is true, it does not mean that all people will accept and listen to other people's opinions.

In fact, Zhou Fangwu didn't know whether Emilia understood what he said, whether he listened to what he said.

But at least, now Emilia is determined to gain the approval of the village.

This is out of Emilia's own opinion and will.


I thought that Parker would get angry, after all, in the eyes of others, Zhou Fangwu's attitude could not be overstated.

But in reality, it didn't come looking for it.

The old father Parker loves his daughter very much, because he is afraid that her daughter will feel wronged by being bullied, but he pays more attention to Emilia's growth, so he acquiesces to Zhou Fangwu's actions.

This is a good thing for Zhou Fangwu.

Without Parker's obstruction, Emilia's growth plan will be implemented more smoothly.


Emilia stood in the courtyard and communicated with the micro elves.

If practicing breathing method every morning is a daily compulsory course for Zhou Fangwu, then communicating with the little elves is a daily compulsory course for Emilia.

Nayuki Subaru stood not far from her, looking at Emilia shining in the dim light, the love in his eyes was beyond words.


Emilia in this posture is really charming. Boys who are full of fantasy in their hearts usually like this kind of dreamy girl, and they can't hold themselves at all.

But are your eyes too eager?

Restrain yourself, Nayue-kun!

Your expression is exactly the same as that of an idiot!

When Emilia finished her daily compulsory lessons, Natsuki Subaru walked up to her and chatted with her about tomorrow's arrangements.

Because Zhou Fangwu proposed the reason for the test, the two of them decided to go to the village to find out information tomorrow.

Natsuki Subaru's suggestion is to start with the innocent and unguarded children and build a good relationship with them.

Although the practice is a bit shameless, it is the fastest way for them to integrate into the village.

Only by letting the children who are the easiest to accept them nod, their parents will change their views little by little.

Of course, more than that!

There is another meaning to this!

When Emilia is accepted by children who accept her easily, she also develops a certain self-confidence.

This confidence will be directly proportional!

As Emilia conquers more people, it will bring her more self-confidence, which will also benefit her in strengthening her confidence in conquering the people in the future.

It can be said that Natsuki Subaru's plan is perfect.

But he didn't realize that the current Emilia is still just passively accepting it.

"Wu, what do you think of my plan?"

Nayue Subaru asked Zhou Fangwu beside him.

Zhou Fangwu glanced at the adventurer card in his hand, and said perfunctorily: "Well, it's pretty good, I'm optimistic about you."

Now he is a little absent-minded.

Because in the past few days, I have been analyzing the qualifications of Emilia's elf warlock.

The good news is that he finally finished analyzing it today!

It also means that now he also has the qualifications to become an elf warlock!

It's just that he hasn't signed a contract with the micro-elves yet, as long as he signs a contract with the micro-elves, he will be a real elf warlock!

In other words, it doesn't have to be a micro-elf!

That awkward tsundere loli elf, can you try it too?

All of a sudden, his mind became active.

At this time, Ram came and said that he would teach Nayue Subaru to learn the three common characters of the mainland. He took Nayue Subaru out of the courtyard and returned to the room to study new knowledge hard.

As for Zhou Fangwu, he has already learned it through [analysis and imitation], and there is no need for someone to teach him at all.

It took a total of one day!

Only in this way, he always felt that he missed something.

the next day

Subaru Natsuki and Emilia finished their preparations, and Parker also appeared from the crystal, starting from 9 am to 5 pm, 365 days a year without a break.

Because of the plan made yesterday, they are going to the village today to find out.

Along with her was Rem.

It's just that in addition to protecting them, Rem also has to purchase supplies on a part-time basis to supplement the mansion's food vacancies.

"Rem, Lord Emilia and Barus will leave you alone."

Ram told Rem: "Master Emilia's personal safety must be protected, and Barus can be thrown out as a shield if necessary."

"Yes, my lord, I will definitely protect Lord Emilia."

Rem nodded expressionlessly, "At the same time, if there is any danger, I will throw Subaru out."

I don't know when, Barus, who was called the same as his sister, became 486.

This means that Rem may have begun to accept the existence of Natsuki Subaru.

After hearing that Ram and Rem ignored his life, Nayue Subaru shouted loudly: "Hey, is my life not important at all? By the way, how much you care about me!"

"Hmph, as long as Barus is a good meat pad, it doesn't matter what happened to Barus."

Ram snorted softly, and said with a poisonous tongue: "The gap between people is sometimes bigger than the gap between humans and animals."

"Hey, senior, I suspect you are implying me!"

"You are mistaken, Barus."

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't imply, this is already express, okay?"

Ram's sharp and venomous tongue is as powerful as ever~www.readwn.com~ Even Subaru Natsuki, who is out of character, can't stand it, so he has to beg for mercy repeatedly.

Zhou Fangwu also stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, "Mr. Caiyue, you must protect Emilia."

"Oh, I will!"

Natsuki Subaru nodded and said he would, but he said, "Sure enough, Wu is worried about Emilia's safety."

"No, not really."


"I don't care much about Emilia."

Zhou Fangwu repeated it again, and at the same time looked at him worriedly, and said:

"Rather than worrying about Emilia, it's better to say that I'm worried about Natsuki-kun's safety. Come back early and don't worry me too much."

This is inevitable.

If he dies, all the [magic protection], [space transfer], [elf warlock], etc. that Zhou Fangwu imitated these days will be gone!


Nayuki Subaru did not expect Zhou Fangwu to say that.

At this moment, Parker said with precision, "I can feel it. What Wu said is true. He doesn't care about Emilia, but he is really worried about your safety."


Nayuki Subaru folded his hands on his chest as if playing a treasure, stepped back a few steps, and shouted at the same time:

"So Wu's target is me?! I'm sorry, please allow me to refuse! You are a good person, but we are really not suitable! I like girls!"


Is this guy taking revenge on me?

I really want to hack him to death!

"Go, go, go, go, go, come back early!"

Amid Zhou Fangwu's laughter and cursing, Nayue Subaru and the others headed towards the distant village.

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