Episode 49 – Iridescent Reminiscence

On the way to Mount Cornello, they shared with me the story of how [Iron Gear] had been established. Apparently, the four of them used to be students who were enrolled in a military academy in the royal capital in order to become soldiers. But after a certain incident, Nina was expelled from the academy, and the other three voluntarily dropped out of school to stay with her and had been together ever since. I didn’t ask Nina about the details of the incident that got her expelled since I didn’t want to pry too much, but it sounded like it was an unfair expulsion. Still, I thought it was amazing that the three of them would drop out of the academy for the sake of their one friend.

By the way, Lyra and Byrne were admitted into the academy through passing the exam and were part of the regular class, but Porta was admitted through recommendation. Due to her Unique Skill, Nina was also admitted through recommendation.

As we kept walking, I continued to listen to them talk about their school days, how they became adventurers in Grezesta after dropping out of school, and the bitter hardships they faced after becoming adventurers. The stories that the four of them shared as they reminisced were vibrant and colorful, unlike the past five years I had spent toiling away at the Healer’s Guild. I definitely felt a little envious when I heard their fun-filled stories, but I don’t think I could call those days a waste. Sure, it was hell, but I had plenty to show for it. I was able to improve my [Plant Master] appraisal ability and I’m pretty sure my mental fortitude was better for it as well. I wouldn’t be who I am today without my time at the Healer’s Guild. Nor would I be able to appreciate these ordinary days in such a fresh, iridescent glow as I have of late. It was only because I had once been stuck in that monochromatic world that I could truly cherish these days as precious memories… Maybe it was similar to how food would taste even more delicious when one was hungry…

…Oh. Before I knew it, as I was lost in thought while listening to their stories, we had already arrived at Mount Cornello.

“Woohoo! We’re here! It’s been a while since we last came to Mount Cornello!” (Lyra)

“Yeah. The last time we came here was to fetch spring water for that one quest commission.” (Byrne)

“Man, that quest commission was a total disaster. We had to carry a huge amount of water while descending the mountain, and if we spilled any of it the quest would be considered a failure. After that one, I never wanted to do a transport request ever again.” (Porta)

“Thanks to that quest, we lost our 100% quest commission success rate! The guild made up for it though…” (Lyra)

“So, where on Mount Cornello do you want to go, Lewin?” (Byrne)

“Just halfway up the mountain is good. I didn’t tell you guys before, but I’m actually here to do plant and herb gathering.” (Lewin)

“Eh?! You came here to gather plants and herbs?! I did think it was a bit strange for someone to be requesting an escort to Mount Cornello, but this was what it was for?” (Byrne)

“But it’s weird for an ordinary person to be collecting plants. Are you a Healer or something, Lewin?” (Porta)

“Wow, so you sell plants and herbs for a living, Lewin? And you were fired from the Healer’s Guild?! What’s with that? Tell me more about that story!” (Lyra)

“I’m also quite curious about this. An escort quest commission just to go plant and herb gathering… No matter how you look at it, you would end up in a deficit.” (Byrne)

“Calm down, both of you. I’m curious too, but we should first move to our objective at the middle of the mountain. There are a lot of monsters on the road from the base to the middle of the mountain, so it would be dangerous to talk while we’re climbing it.” (Porta)

“Boo! I’m super curious though! Don’t you want to hear him talk about it too, Nina?” (Lyra)

“……I’m curious. But as Porta said… shouldn’t we move to our destination first? …We can listen to his explanation after that.” (Nina)

Nina’s words were the deciding factor, so we started preparing to climb the mountain. Still, I hadn’t talked about my time working at the Healer’s Guild to anyone before, not even with the [Azure Alliance]; this would really be my first time doing so. It was just five straight years of appraising plants and herbs though, so it wasn’t an exciting story by any means. In the first place, I didn’t think it would draw that much interest. But, when I had revealed my background, even Nina stared at me wide-eyed in surprise.

For now, we cut the conversation short. Based on my previous experience, the monsters would quickly increase, so I needed to be ready for battle. I took out a vial of Slime liquid and placed it in a holder on my belt for quick access. In case something went wrong, I held some Magical Grass and flint and steel in my hand. Our formation placed me at the center with the members of [Iron Gear] on all four sides of me, and we proceeded up the mountain path.

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