Episode 58 – The Potential of Glutamate Herb

TL Note: Sponsored chapter (2/3), thank you so much!

Totally enamored by the explosively delicious flavor of the stock, I suddenly remembered I wasn’t experiencing this alone. Lyra also had an expression of pure bliss, and she reached over to lightly punch me in the shoulder in glee.

“Lewin, this! This…it’s so YUMMY! Did you really only put a herb in there?” (Lyra)

“Y-yea. Only a herb… I was also super surprised by how delicious it was.” (Lewin)

“What is this herb? Is there more of it in the area?” (Lyra)

“Nope, this is all I was able to find for now. The stuff I just boiled was the last remaining amount I had left.” (Lewin)

“Well, um… Can I have the rest of the soup? I came up with an idea!” (Lyra)

Actually, since we just signed an exclusive contract, I should probably have these two take a look at any of the plants that I’ll discover that have anything to do with “flavor”. I thought it would be a good idea since they could decide on the spot whether or not that plant would be useful for cooking. If it wasn’t useful, we could just leave it, which would save time and space.

“Hey, Lyra. Of the plants and herbs I’ve found on Mount Cornello, could you help me discern which ones are useful for cooking in the future? I’ve found a good amount of plants and herbs on Mount Cornello that were related to taste, but I didn’t collect them because I didn’t really think about using them in cooking before.” (Lewin)

“I think so! Nina can also tell if they would be useful in cooking or not, so you can show them to either one of us.” (Lyra)

“That’d be a great help! Then, from tomorrow on, if I happen to gather any flavor-related plants, I’ll entrust it to you.” (Lewin)

“Okiedokie! You’re starting to get a little more used to casual speech, huh?” (Lyra)

After sleeping in the tent, I woke up the next day. A rich and enticing smell wafted into my nostrils, rousing me from my sleep. Even inside my tent, I could catch a whiff of the distinctly appetizing fragrance of the Glutamate Herb stock, but it was slightly different from yesterday’s scent.

“Good morning. Did you also get woken up by the smell, Lewin?” (Porta)

“Morning, Porta. Yup, that wonderful smell brought me back to life.” (Lewin)

Just as Lyra asked of me yesterday, I spoke in a casual tone with Porta. His eyes widened in surprise for just a moment, but he quickly went back to normal as if nothing happened.

“Looks like Nina and Lyra made us breakfast. I’ve only been sleeping, but I sure am hungry!” (Porta)

“Yeah, let’s hurry up and go out there.” (Lewin)

The three of us got out of bed and opened the entrance of the tent, lured by the prospects of great food. The moment we stepped outside the tent, we were blasted by an even more intensely mouthwatering aroma.

“Good morning, you guys! I used the stock that Lewin made for me last night and arranged it into a little something, so come try it out!” (Lyra)

“Huh? Something Lewin made?” (Byrne)

“It’d be a bit misleading to say that Lewin made it. Yesterday, he simmered a herb he collected in some hot water, and it turned out to be really delicious, you see.” (Lyra)

“Huh. You two were off by yourselves last night doing something that fun? Well anyway, would a herb simmered only in hot water really be delicious…?” (Byrne)

“Byrne, just try it and you’ll see just what I’m talking about! Here, I made enough for everyone!” (Lyra)

Just like yesterday, the five of us gathered around the fire and took a seat in front of the pot of soup. Looking closely at the soup, it didn’t really look that much different from yesterday’s version. The soup had taken on a tantalizing light green color, causing my stomach to grumble loudly. The smell of the soup was even more incredible than yesterday’s soup, further accented by the exquisite unity of meat and vegetables.

“Let’s dig in!” (Lyra)

“Thank you for the meal!”

After giving our graces in unison just like yesterday, I sipped a spoonful of the soup. The moment it touched the tip of my tongue, I could instantly perceive the extraordinary depth of the umami in the soup. The refined base of the soup was clearly imparted by the Glutamate Herb, and it elevated the mild sweetness of the fresh vegetables and the luscious sumptuousness of the meat to divine heights. The savory aroma that coated my palate and left an exquisite aftertaste was unparalleled, and I slurped up the entire bowl of soup in no time at all.

“Freaking delicious… What the hell…? How could any food be this tasty? Er, drink? This is my first time drinking soup like this.” (Byrne)

“For real, this is my first time experiencing anything this delicious. Just what is inside this soup…?” (Porta)

Byrne and Porta were muttering in voices of pure admiration. Honestly, I was curious what they had done to this soup, too. All I knew was that the base was from Glutamate Herb, but I didn’t know anything aside from that.

“Actually, the stock of yesterday’s soup was made from Stray Cowbird’s bones, so I made some more of that and mixed it with Lewin’s soup. Nina did the fine-tuning of the taste though!” (Lyra)

“So all you did was mix the stock of yesterday’s soup with the stock I made last night?” (Lewin)

“Yup! Just doing that was enough to bring it to this degree of perfection! Hey, Lewin… I think the herb that you used for this stock could probably sell for a really high price, don’t you think?” Lyra whispered into my ear.

Indeed, with the intense amount of flavor that Glutamate Herb could bring about, it wouldn’t be strange to be able to sell it for a high price. While the level of Glutamate Herb was high, its fertility was “Low”; but this might be the next best thing to actively aim to harvest after Dumbbell Grass. Drinking this soup only further motivated me to get out there and gather even more plants and herbs. After this experience, my horizons had further widened. I wanted to search for other flavor-related ingredients!

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