Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 206 - Be At Ease

Author note.

Hello my dear readers, I just wanted to inform you that this story is coming to an end. Maybe ten to fifteen chapters are left. It's been a great journey with you guys. Thank you for the support and your comments.

After Unforgettable Night, I will start to update my third novel, It All Started With Hatred, Daily.

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Inside the car, Damien held Ina unconscious body close to him, His clothes and hands were covered in blood, The wound seemed deep, She must have hit her head against the nightstand. 

He pressed on the wound to stop the bleeding. He regretted not going up and checking on her earlier. Maybe he would have caught her before she fell and hurt herself. 

When they reached the hospital, Ina was rushed to the emergency room, Damien informed the doctors about her condition and disease, The hospital contacted the doctor who was in charge of her treatments, Half an hour later, The doctor arrived at the hospital.


Inside In A room.

"Mr Ray, No need to worry, She is completely fine, The wound was a bit deep that's what caused the heavy bleeding, Other than that, She is completely, Soon she will wake up." The doctor informed Damien. 

Damien didn't say anything, He continued holding her hand and watching her as she slept, hoping that she will wake up soon.

The doctor left after he did a final check on Ina.

"I'm sorry, It was my fault that you ended up like this, Please forgive me." Damien whispered, kissing her forehead.

He closed his eyes tightly, trying to calm the anger that was rising inside of him, He shouldn't have left her alone and stayed with his children, He could have let the nanny and took care of her, She is the one who needs his help the most, But somehow, Between his kids and work, He had forgotten that she is sick, It's been four months since she had a relapse, Maybe that's why he forgot.

Damien reached for the bandage that was covering her head and gently touched it. He wondered if she was in pain right now. The wound will take days to heal because it was a deep one. She had lost too much blood. That's why the doctor had to do a blood transfusion.

After about an hour, Ina finally started to regain her consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she felt was the pain on the back of her head.

She slowly started to remember what happened. She had felt dizzy and lost her balance but before that, she remembered her head had been hit against something hard that caused her to lose her consciousness. Now she understands why she is in the hospital.

"Ina." Damien called her, noticing that she had woken up.

"Oh..." Ina whined in pain when she tried to leave her head, It was so painful that it brought tears to her eyes. 

"Don't move, Your wound is still new." Damien said as he helped her to lay her head down slowly on the pillow. 

"Seems like visiting hospitals is going to happen more often in our future." Ina said laughing weakly which made her flinch in pain. 

"No, It won't happen again, I should have been more careful." Damien said as he stared at her, Her face was pale and she looked exhausted.

"Don't blame yourself, We know that this will happen soon." Ina said, reaching her hand for him.

Damien closed his hand around his and brought it to his lips kissing it.

"I should be more careful, But, I promise that I will be." He promised.

"Can we go back home? I hate staying in the hospital." Ina asked him.

"I will go and get the doctor to check on you and then we will ask him." He replied and stood up and left the room.

When Damien left the room, Ina closed her eyes taking a deep breath. She tried to not cry Infront of Damien. She didn't want him to blame himself.

She sighed as she wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.


At Daniel and Nora's apartment.

Nora and Daniel hadn't travelled back to Canada because Daniel had business to do here.

Nora was in the kitchen when her phone rang, Looking at the caller ID, She smiled.

"Damien." Nora replied.

"It's me, Ina." 

"Ina, Why are you calling from Damien's phone?" Nora asked, confused.

"My phone isn't with me. An accident has happened, I'm at the hospital, But I'm fine." Ina explained.

"Oh my god, What happened? Are Damien and the triples fine?" Nora asked worriedly.

"They are fine, Don't worry, I was just me, I will explain everything to you later, I need you to do something for me." Ina said.

"Of course, What is it?" Nora asked and noticed that Ina was crying but she didn't want to show it 

"I need to go and stay with the babies, I'm worried that they are alone without someone from the family with them. Can you do that for me?" Ina asked.

"I will go right now, Don't worry about them, Just focus on your health and don't be harsh on yourself, Everything will be alright." Nora said, hoping to comfort her.

"Thank you, Nora." Ina said She was glad that Nora hadn't travelled back to Canada. At least she will be less worried like this if she stayed with the triples.

Nora hung up the phone and walked out of the kitchen heading towards the living room where Daniel was playing with little Abigail. 

"Daniel, We need to go to Damien Villa. Ina is in the hospital. She had an accident. She asked to speak to the babies." Nora said as she took Abigail from him to get her ready.

"Oh God, Is she alright?" Daniel asked with a worried tone.

"She said that she is fine, But I think it's something to do with her disease. This is not the first time she has gone to the hospital." Nora explained.

"Damien must be worried, I will take you to the Villa and I will go to the hospital, In case they need anything." Daniel replied. 

Nora nodded her head and went to the bedroom.

Half an hour later, Nora arrived at the Villa, She went upstairs and headed towards the triples room, When she first entered the room, She saw the nanny changing Michael dipper, Adonis and Adam were crying, It was their feeding time and Ina isn't here to feed 


"Let me do it, You go and warm the milk." Nora said as she took the nanny place.

Once she finished changing Michael's dipper, Nora placed him on his crib and picked up the other two, Trying to comfort them and it did work.

"Good boys, Now I was fed and put you to sleep, Mamy is a little sick, So you need to be obedient and don't make Mamy worried." Nora whispered to the small babies and kissed their chubby cheeks.

After feeding them, Nora put them to sleep and stayed with them in the room. Daniel had taken Abigale with him, So she wouldn't tire of her mother as she took care of her brother's children.

Nora stood In front of their cribs, Staring at them. She felt sad. Their mother isn't here and they seemed to be alarmed for not sending their mother around. 


At the hospital, Ina's room.

"I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry." Ina said, pushing the food table away.

She didn't want to eat, She wanted to go back to her children.

"Ina, Darling, You need to eat, You lost too much blood." Damien spoke, trying to coax her.

"I want to go back to the villa." Ina spoke, Feeling angry, A tear slid down from her eye.

Seeing this, Damien sighed, He knew that she wouldn't be at ease until she was with their children.

"Don't cry, We will leave once your blood results come out." Damien said, wiping her tears.

He hates it when she cries. 

Ina nodded her head and started to eat, She didn't want to worry him more, And if she didn't eat, He will be. 

Later in the evening, Ina was discharged from the hospital. Both had received the news and when she went back to the villa she was surprised to find her parents there as well as Damien parents.

"We came as soon as we heard, How do you feel now?" Her father asked once she arrived.

"It's just a small wound, I'm fine." Ina replied, smiling at her father, assuring him.

"But you don't look fine, Come sit and have some rest, We will talk later." Her father said as he helped her to sit.


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