Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 215 - Dropping The Bomb

Author note. 

Hello my dear readers, I just wanted to inform you that this story is coming to an end. Maybe ten to fifteen chapters are left. It's been a great journey with you guys. Thank you for the support and your comments. 

After Unforgettable Night, I will start to update my third novel, It All Started With Hatred, Daily.

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Thank you so much. 


Daniel pulled away and kissed the top of her head. 

"Let's go back to our home, Abi, Want to see you." Daniel whispered against her lips. 

Nora smiled and nodded her head. This was enough drama for the day. They should go back to their house and take care of their daughter, She thought to herself. 

When Nora and Daniel went downstairs, They found Ina and Damien sitting in the living room waiting for them.

"Now that's better." Ina said when she saw the couple holding hands together as they climbed down the stairs."I was scared of you when you grabbed that girl's hair." She added, making everyone laugh.

Nora felt embarrassed, But that was her husband. The moment she saw that girl's hands on his shoulders, She didn't know what happened to her. She felt extreme jealousy and anger and the next thing she knew was her hitting that girl. 

"Okay, I will stop teasing you, Now you take your wife and go back to your daughter." Ina said, smiling at them.

After they left, Ina and Damien stayed awake waiting for the triples to come back from their grandparent's house. Once they arrived, They were already asleep in the car, Damien and Ina picked them up and carried them to their room.

"They must have a lot of fun today." Ina said as she stared at their sleeping faces.

Damien smiled as he hugged her from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder.

"They seem to have a lot of fun when they go to your parent's house or my parents, I think that we are a little too strict with them." He said heard her chuckle.

Ina turned around in her husband's arms, Warping her hands around his neck.

"I'm tired, Let's go to sleep." Ina said, placing her head on his chest.

Seeing how exhausted she was, He picked her up in his arms and walked out the room heading towards their room.


The next morning.

Ina woke up early and prepared Damien breakfast. Today he has a very long schedule of meetings and is going to check on the other branches. She wanted to make sure that he starts his day with a healthy and fresh meal.

"Hmm, I'm a very lucky man, My wife brought me breakfast in bed." Damien said as he took the tray from Ina's hands. 

"If you had your breakfast on the table, You will be busy feeding the triples and you will end up eating nothing." Ina said as she sat on the bed edge.

Hearing this, Damien's heart warmed.

"Thank you." He said as he held her hand in his kissing the back of it.

"No need to think of me, Now eat your breakfast." She instructed me to point at the tray.

After Damien left, Ina took the triples and dropped them at her parent's house as she has a lot of things that she needs to do, One of them is an urgent visit to the doctor.

Lately, she noticed that she gained extra weight and she needed to know if the medicines were the reason behind it or not. 

"Welcome, Miss Ray, You came alone today?" The doctor was surprised, It's the first time that Ina visited him alone.

"Yes, Damien has a lot of work today and he doesn't know that I'm coming here today." Ina replied to the doctor's question.

Nodding his head in understanding, The doctor asked.

"So, tell me, What made you visit me today?"

Ina replied, Explaining to the doctor everything that was happening with her lately.

After writing down some notes, The doctor sent Ina to do a complete blood test.

The doctor told her that he will call her once the report results.

After buying something that she needs, Ina went back to her parent's house and spent some time with her and her father before she went back to the villa.

Ina was in the car and the triples were sleeping beside her, Adam was sleeping on her chest, While Michael and Adonis were sleeping on either side of her. 

They spent the whole day playing with their grandfather in the garden and they are exhausted.

Suddenly her phone started to vibrate. Seeing the caller ID, She answered the call.

"Doctor." Ina replied, a little nervous.

"Ina, Your blood results came out, It appears that everything is fine, The reason behind the symptoms that you have been suffering from is that you are pregnant, Congratulations." The doctor said and received no response.

Her eyes widened in fear, Her hold on her son tightness and the little boy made a sound of discomfort.

"Thank you, Doctor, I will come to the clinic tomorrow." Ina said and hung up the phone.

"Oh god." Ina mumbled tiredly to herself.

It wasn't like she wasn't happy. She had wanted to have a little girl, But the triplets were still young, and being pregnant meant that she couldn't take care of them, especially with her disease.

Now she has to tell Damien.

"Poor Damien." Ina giggled as she kissed Adam's forehead.

When Ina arrived, Damien was already there. She wanted some time to prepare herself before she told him, but she found him right there in Infront of her.

Ina took a deep breath and tried to act as if everything was normal.

"Welcome home." Damien said as he walked towards her.

"I thought that you would come back late." Ina said as she watched him carry the triples in his arms.

"I noticed that you don't look well today, I also know that you didn't tell me because you didn't want to worry me." Damien replied as he walked towards the entrance of the Villa.

As always he notices anything she tries to hide from him and she loves that about him.

After putting the children in their beds, Damien and Ina went back to their room. 

"Are you going to take a bath?" Damien asked as he hugged his wife from behind.

Ina who was removing her make up nodded her head, knowing what he is going to ask her next.

"May I join you?" He asked in a low seductive tone.

Ina nodded her head and the both of them stepped inside the bathroom, She decided that it's the best time to tell him as she can't keep this from her any longer.

"Hmmm." Ina sighed, enjoying her husband's message."I could get used to this." She said in a relaxed voice as they sat in the bathtub.

"Damien." Ina called as turned around to look at him.

"Yes, My love." He replied as he held her hand and brought it to his lips.

In a bit, her lower lip, Not knowing in what way she should deliver the news to him.

"Damien, I'm pregnant." She said dropping the bomb on him. 

Damien stared at his wife as his mind was still processing what she just said.

"Did you say that you are pregnant?" He asked, wanting to confirm that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

Nodding her head she replied.

"Yes, The doctor confirmed it today."

Damien sighed running his fingers through his wet hair, Not knowing how he should feel right now.

"I know that you are sacred, But it just happened." Ina said seeing the conflicted look on her husband's face.

Suddenly, Damien pulled her into his arms, Surprising her, Ina blink a few times before she too hugged him.

"I will take care of you, I promise that nothing bad will happen this time." Damien said, tightening his arms around her.

Ina opened her lips to say something but she couldn't. She was happy, Overwhelmed by many emotions and she couldn't hold back her tears. It was tears of happiness.

"Thank you, thank you for being in my life." She said between her sobs.

Damien pulled away and cupped her face kissing her tears away, He stood up and picked up her bathrobe and helped her to stand up and wear it before he too wore his and stepped out of the bathroom.

"How far?" He asked, kissing her cheek as he sat her on the bed.

"I don't know, The blood tests came out earlier, I didn't want to hide it from you, Though I was scared of your reaction, it turned out good." She replied giggling. 


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