Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 219 - Hope Life

Hope looked at herself in the mirror and smiled to herself. She picked up her phone and read the message that was sent to her and it made her smile widened. 

Biting her lower lip, Hope thought about something before she fixed herself and took a selfie of herself, and sent it to someone. 

She nervously waited for the reply.

[Hope, You are killing me, When are you going to meet?] The person was unable to hold himself back when he saw her in the photo. 

[An hour from now, At your place.] Hope replied.

She heard her father's voice and she quickly put the phone away and pretended that she was combing her hair.

Hearing a knock on the door, She told him to enter.

"Good morning, Princess." Her father's warm voice filled the room.

Hope turned to look at her father with a bright smile on her face."Good morning, Daddy." She replied.

Damien bent down and kissed her forehead before he took a good look at his daughter.

"How do you feel today? Your mother told you that you woke up early." Her father asked running his fingers through his daughter's dark locks.

"Yes, I feel better today, You don't have to worry about me, Dad, I'm used to it by now." Hope replied, assuring her worried father.

Damien smiled and nodded his head.

"I just want you to know that we are all here for you." Her father said cupping her face.

Hope is twenty years old now, A year and a half ago she was diagnosed with the same disease that her mother had, It was a shock to the whole family at the time, But Hope wasn't shocked, She accepted the news and decided to not give up, With her family help, She was able to graduate from high school with high grades and she is a top student in college, With her mother and father goodness, She was able to lead a normal life even with her disease.

Hope felt lucky Because her experience was different from her mother's. She was able to get all the support of her family and she was glad.

"Thank you, Dad." Hope replied, offering her father her sweet smile.

"Daddy, My friends are going out together today and they asked me to join them. Can I go?" She asked politely, giving her father that sweet puppy stare with her blue eyes that looked just like his.

"Of course, You can, But don't be late and be careful." Her father said before he left the room.

After her father left, Hope jumped in happiness and ran towards her wardrobe to pick up an outfit to wear.

She wanted to look good but also sexy at the same time. Looking through her dresses, She finally found something to wear.

Ten minutes later, She was ready, Picking up the car keys she left her room. 

Hope was happy, excited, and nervous. Hope and her boyfriend have been dating for six months secretly now. Both of them are in love with each other, But her father doesn't seem to like him, But Hope planned to make him slowly accept him.

Hope opened her bag taking out the apartment keys, But the door suddenly opened and she was yanked inside the apartment by a pair of strong arms.

The door was shut close with a loud thud and she was pressed against it and she was being kissed roughly by her lover and she too, Didn't hold back and kissed him with the same passion, Warping her arms around his neck. 

"I missed you." He whispered as his lips left her lips and went lower kissing her jawline before he pulled away. 

"I missed you too." Hope replied shyly, staring at him with her blue orbs.

David took a step back admiring the beauty in front of him, He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

!"Baby, You look so good in this dress, No, You look good in everything." David said as eyes stared at the top of her bosom that was peeking at him.

Hope tugged her hair behind her ear and pulled him towards her and brought her lips close to his ears.

"If I'm that good, Why are you not doing anything? I'm tired of waiting." She whispered in a low sexy voice as rubbed her hand up and down against his firm chest, Teasing him.

David closed his eyes tightly trying to endure the throbbing arousal.

"I know, Baby, But you have to wait a little bit longer, I promised that nothing will happen until I get your parent's approval, You are that precious to me, Hope." David replied, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand.

Hope smiled and nodded her head, The fact that David cares about her that much, made her heart flutter.

David Anderson twenty-five years old, Young businessman, He and Hope met six months ago at her father's business gathering and since then, The two couples have been together and crazy in love.

The only problem is, That her father thinks that David is not good for her and he is only playing her after he found out about him. Since then, The two of them started meeting secretly in David's apartment.

"But this might take a long time." Hope said as they walked inside the apartment heading towards the living room.

"And I'm willing to wait for as long as I live." He replied, kissing her cheek. 

Hope glared at him and kicked off her shoes before she placed her feet on his lap and he happily started to give her favorite feet a message that she loves it.

David is aware of Hope's condition, She made sure to tell him on their first date. She wanted them to be honest, So she didn't keep the fact that she was sick of him. At first, David was shocked by the news, But he accepted her the way she is.

Because he is madly in love with her.


I placed Hope's dress image in the comments.


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