Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 77 - Steamy Office Part 1

Two hours later.

Damien entered his office he found Ina behind his desk using his computer, Curious about what she was doing on his computer, He walked towards her and stood behind the chair.

"What are doing?" Damien asked kissing the top of her head.

"I'm playing World of Warcraft." Ina replied as she continued to play on the computer, Pausing the game, She turned around to look at him.q

"I thought that you will take more time? Did you finish already?"Ina asked standing up leaning against the desk table.

Kissing her nose, He set on the chair pulling her to sit on his lap.

"I haven't, I came here to get some documents I want, I have another meeting in less than five minutes." Damien replied interlinked their hands together.

"Are you bored?" Damien asked. 

Shocking her no, Ina said."No, Actually I spent the last two hours playing, Your computer is very fast."

"I will get you a new one so you can play with it anytime you want." He said patting her head.

Damien left the office after their small chat and Ina went back to playing on the computer.

Another hour passed and Ina didn't feel like playing anymore, She paused the game and stood starching her back.

She noticed the small silver try that was placed Infront of the desk table between the guest's chairs.

Walking towards it, She picked up the one of the wine bottle looking at it, She had drunk before secretly behind her parents before and it didn't end up well.

Remember how badly it turned to be that time she placed the bottle back to its place.

Ina walked towards the window looking at the view outside but she wasn't really focusing on the view, She looked back at the try eyeing the expensive bottle of wine, She wanted to taste it.

One glass shouldn't be a problem, Right?

Ina thought to herself as she walked back towards the bottle opening it and poured a glass of the wine.

"Hmm." Ina hummed in satisfaction as she took a sip from the wine.


Walking towards the chair, She placed the wine glass on the table before she resumed the game and started to play again.


Half an hour later.

The bottle of wine that she intended to only drink one glass of it was now half of it gone.

Ina lied on the sofa, feeling light-headed and very hot, She had taken off her shoes and turned off the heater.

"What took him so long?" The drunk Ina mumbled as she unlocked her phone and texted Damien.

Where are you? Come here now! She texted him before she throws the phone lazily on the ground. 

Oblivious Damien replied to her text message saying as he had no idea that his angel had become drunk while he was in the meetings.

I will be there shortly, I'm almost finished.

"It's so hot." Ina mumbled as she lied down on the couch.

Just then Damien walked in into the office not expecting what he is about to find out.

"Did I made you wait for too long." Damien asked as he took off his blazer and necktie before he sat down on the couch.

Ina who was floating in her own world now, Sat up and pushed Damien down on the couch before she straddled him placing her hands on his chest.

"You are so cruel." Ina said as she bent down bringing her face closer to his.

Damien frowned when he smelled the wine small that was emanating from her, He looked at the half-empty bottle of wine that was placed on the table and chuckled.

This is going to be fine!

He thought to himself.

"Look at me." Ina demanded as she pulled his face harshly and made him look at him.

Putting his hands on her waist, Damien played along to see what is the drunken Ina is capable of.

"I'm all yours." Damien replied and saw her roll her eyes at his words.

"You are very bad, Mr bossy boss, You should be with me all the time but here you are going to a meeting leaving me all alone." Ina said her voice was low and soft.

Damien looked at her face that was bright red from the too much wine that she had drunk, Her eyes were half-closed as she stared down at him, Her long like gold hair had fallen down covering either side of her face making her more alluring than she already is.

Sitting up, Damien adjusted her position to make her more comfortable. 

"Well, How can I apologize for you?" Damien asked trying very hard to not laugh.

Ina who was feeling the heat burning her body and bring didn't hear whatever he just said.

Reaching for the hem of her dress, She took it off throwing it on the armrest of the sofa.

Damien eyes immediately fall on her blackberry push up lace bra that she was wearing and gulped as he lowered his eyes to look at the matching panty that she is wearing.

She looked damn sexy and he didn't know if he could stop himself from taking her right here.

He watched as the small beads of sweat started to appear on her skin giving her an erotic sight as her chest raised up and down as she tried to even her breathing.

"Damien, do something, My body feels like it's on fire." Ina spoke in a soft voice and she was almost necked in front of him sitting on his lap making it hard for him to concentrate and stop looking at her body.


Damien cursed himself, He shouldn't be taking advantage of her while she is drunk like this.

"Ina, be good, Just sleep for some time and you will wake up feeling better." Damien said trying to coax her as he made her sit on the sofa as he stood up pulling the lower part of the sofa to make it a bed.

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