Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 81 - To Fulfill My Girlfriend's Needs

Inside the kitchen.

She walked inside the kitchen and sit down across to Damien who was waiting for her.

"Sorry I made you wait." Ina said and he smiled at her before he passed her a toast and she took it and started to eat it as was very hungry.

"It's okay." He replied as he picked up another piece of toast rubbing the strawberry jam on it before he hands it to her too.

Ina who was happy being spoiled early in the morning, Finished her first toast before she took the second one from him.

"Thank you." She said and took a bit from the tasty toast.

After eating their breakfast, Ina wanted to ask Damien about how and when they got back seeing that it's a good time to ask.

"Damien."She called and he immediately put down the newspaper that was in his hands and turned his attention to her.

Seeing how she was hesitating asking what she wanted, He decided to make it easier for her.

"You want to ask me about yesterday and how and when we got back here, Right?" He asked.

Ina was shocked at how he was able to read her mind but also she was glad that he made it easier for her.

"Yes." She replied.

Looking into her green curios eyes, He asked."You can't remember anything from yesterday?"

Ina nodded her head slowly having a bad feeling about the way he was asking her.

"But you do remember that you drink from the wine bottle that was in my office?" He asked again.

She gulped softly knowing that she must have done something embarrassing yesterday, Ina lowered her head and nodded meekly.

Oh god, I hope it wasn't something very embarrassing, She pried in her mind.

"Hmm, This going to be very amazing." Damien said as he took out his phone from his pocket.

Unlocking his phone he glanced at her before he looked back at his phone screen before he handed it to her.

"I figured that you might wake up not remembering what you did yesterday, So I kept this video." Damien said as he leaned back on the chair enjoying the embarrassed Ina just like he enjoyed the drunken Ina.

Ina looked at him before she pressed on the play and the video started to play.

Saw herself as she was laying on the sofa as Damien was sitting beside her and suddenly pushed him down on the sofa but Damien who was trying to be a gentleman adjusted her position but she suddenly took off her dress throwing it on the sofa being only with her underwear on.

She watched how Damien struggled to keep down his urge to have her and adjusted the sofa for her to sleep on it before he took out a new blanket and pillow and helped her to lay down before he covered her body with it.

But it didn't end there, Ina's face turned red with embarrassment as she watched what she did yesterday and heard the way she spoke to him.

She said dirty words!

Oh god, Please let me disappear right now, How I'm going to face him now!

No wonder she was feeling sore in a certain place like if someone had touched down there.

Ina paused the video not able to watch what she did anymore. 

She told him that she wants to try a*** sex! 

Can she be more embarrassing than that!

"I'm very sorry Damien, I embarrassed you, I wasn't myself yesterday." Ina said lowering her face not able to meet his eyes. 

Damien stood up walking towards her, He squatted down in front of her taking her hand in his.

"You didn't embarrass me, Ina, Actually, I enjoyed discovering this new side of you and it was adorable, Unless you still uncomfortable being yourself around me." He said as he placed his finger under her chin to make her look at him.

Ina met his blue eyes that were looking at her lovingly. 

"So you are not mad at me?" Ina asked as she looked at him.

Kissing the back of her hand her replied."No, And why I would be? No, wait. I'm actually very mad that you have drunk half of the wine bottle, Don't you ever do that again." 

He warned her.

"I won't do it again." 

Standing up, He picked her up and sit down on her chair before he made her sit on his lap Kissing her cheek.

"But I'm curious, How do you know about a*** sex, I thought you are an innocent little girl?" He asked teasing her.

Ina covers her face with her small hands before she peeked through her finger.

"Mia told me about it and showed me a video of it." She answered honestly not wanting to lie.

Staring at her red face, He couldn't help but tease her further.

"Have you been thinking about trying it with me since you saw it in the video?" He asked her another shameless question.

Ina glared at him before she looked away nodding her head.

"Yes, But I thought that you might think badly of me if I asked you to do something like this, I never did anything like that before, You are my first in everything we did." She replied with her soft voice.

She had wanted to tell him about this two weeks ago but she couldn't gather the courage to speak to him about it.

Damien chuckled seeing how the wild demanding cat that was yesterday had turned into a shy and quiet girl.

"There nothing wrong in telling me what you desire, It's my duty to fulfill my girlfriend's needs, I don't want to look at the young hot boys because I'm not filling your needs." Damien said.

Hmm, Girlfriend, She liked the sound of this word coming from his lips.

Though his words seemed as if he was teasing her but he meant every word he said.

Turning to look at him, she cupped his face.

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