Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 91 - Harmless And Fragile

" welcome home Miss Ina." A woman in her early forties came out of the kitchen.

Ina offered the woman a weak smile.

"Thank you." In a reply not used to have anyone at the apartment other than Damien.

"I'm Allison, Mr Ray assigned me to take care of the house cleaning work and the cooking, I hope that my services will be to your liking." The woman said.

Wow. She is very polite.

"Well, I don't know what I should reply, I hope that we get along." Ina said, smiling at the old woman. 

"The lunch is ready, Do you want to eat?" Allison asked.

Nodding her head, Ina said."Yes, I'm very hungry."

Ina stood in the living room watching the woman as walked back towards the kitchen, The women had a very nice body for her age, she thought as looked at the women

Come to think about she hadn't asked her what is her relationship with Damie, she will ask her later, Ina thought as she walked towards the bedroom to change her clothes

At the dining room.

Ina watched as Alisson scoped the food in her plate and before she placed the food in front of her.

"If you need anything I'm in the kitchen," Alison said and was about to walk back to the kitchen.

"Where are you going? come and eat with me." Ina said and watched the women's surprised expression.

"Why are you still standing there? come and sit." Ina stood up and pulled her towards the chair.

Ina sat back in her chair and started to eat but she stopped when she noticed that the woman was staring at her.

putting her spoon down, she stood up and walked towards the kitchen and went back with a plate and spoon with her and started to scoop the food for Ailson.

"Here you go." Ina said putting the plate in front of her before she went back to her sir.

"You thought you were some spoiled brat, didn't you?" Ina said as she took a piece of bread from the breadbasket.

Ailson smiled as she looked at Ina.

"I'm not going to lie to you When Mr Damien called and by the way he spoke about you I thought that you must be some rich family brat." Ailson side and watched how Ina was eating.

"The food is very good." Ina said as she continued to eat.

Taking a sip from the cup of water. Ina added.``You are not the first one to think like this but it's okay, I know how these girls act." 

"It seems that Mr Damien has a soft spot." Ailson said and watched how the girl blushed but tried to act normal.

"So how do you Damien." Ina asked, trying to change the subject.

"I have been working for Mr Damien for more than seven years, I used to clean his old apartment." Ailson replied.

Nodding her head, Ina smiled at the old woman.

His old apartment, he didn't say anything to her about this.

I will ask him when I see him, Ina mumbled in her mind.


A week later.

At Owen apartment.

Kathrine waited for Owen to finish speaking on the phone but he took too long and she needed to use the bathroom very badly, Having no choice she thought about asking Zeus to help her.

"Zeus, Can you help me to reach the bathroom." She asked the dog who was placing his head on her lap as his owner stocked his back gently.

Zeus who was sitting stood up and got off the couch and woofed, Holding into his leash she let him guide her towards the bathroom.

Once they reached the bathroom, Zeus woofed telling her to stop before he reached for the door handle opening the door for her, when he opened the door the dog walked behind her to walk forward. 

Katherine walked forward slowly placing her hand on the wall, she was inside the bathroom Zeus reached for the door again and closed the door, sitting in front of the bathroom door he waited for her.

Owen who was watching the scene from afar smiled seeing this, Zeus and Katherine are getting along perfectly.

He decided to watch what will happen next but soon after he heard the sound of glass shattering which alarmed both Owen and the dog, Owen reached towards the bathroom and opened the door.

He found Katherin kneeling on the ground trying to pick up the broken glass pieces but she ended up hurting herself.

"Katharine your hand is bleeding." Owen said as he held her hand stopping her from hurting herself more.

"I'm very sorry" Katherine said and tried to take her hands off his grip.

Owen saw the tears that were on her cheeks and his heart ached.

"Don't apologize, nothing happened, let's get your wounds dressed."Owen said as he helped her to stand up.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone." He said as he finished cleaning and dressing her wound.

"Nothing happened, It's just a small wound."She said smiling weakly.

Zeus, who was looking at Katherine since Owen brushed her to the leaving room to treat her wound, moved forward rubbing his head against her leg and it made her smile.

"It's not your fault too, I'm a clumsy person." Katherine said patting his head with her unwounded hand.

"So you didn't tell me why you suddenly wanted to stop working?' Owen asked as he pulled her in his arms placing his chin on the top of her head.

Clearing her throat that suddenly became dry after hearing his question, she replied."Nothing. I just didn't like the place there."

wen noticed how her body turned stiff in his arms and knew that she was hiding something from him.

"Are you sure that this is the reason?" Owen asked as he caressed her face.

"Yes." Katherine replied. 

Kissing the top of her head, Owen didn't ask her further, he has his own way to figure out why she left her job.

"What do you think about staying over for the night." Owen said changing the subject.

Katherine was surprised at first but then she thought that it's no big deal, at least like this her sister and her husband will have some free time for themself rather than taking care of her.

"Okay." She replied and felt press his lips on her forehead.

She called her sister to inform her that she is staying at Owen Place tonight so she didn't worry about her.

Katherine and Owen stayed in each other's arms, just cuddling until she fell asleep and he carried her to his bedroom.

Putting her on the bed gently, Owen took off her shoes before he pulled the blanket up covering her body.

He got out of the room and called his assistant and asked to find out why Katherine decided to leave her job.

Thirty months later, his assistant called him back.

"Sir, It seems that Miss Katherine had filed a report about sexual harassment before she resigned, there is also a CCTV footage showing what happened, I already sent the video on your private email." The assistant said.

Owen frowned hearing this, reported sexual harassment, why hasn't she told him about this.

"Okay." He said before he hung up the phone and logged in to his email.

Opening the CCTV video, he started to watch it.

The video showed Katherine was in her office alone, she was wearing her coat one an employee entered the room and started to talk to her. The man held her wrist but Katherine tried to free her hand but he was stronger than her.

The man pushed her against the wall and tried to force himself on her, Katherine screamed for help and some of the male and female employees entered the office and pushed him off her before they pinned him.

Owen closed the video, his hand pulled into a fist, he was very angry at first because this man is still free for what he did to Katherine and at her for not telling him.

He got up and went back to the bedroom, Katherine was sleeping soundly on his bed, she seemed harmless and fragile, he wondered how she survived in this world without the ability to see.

Owen sighed as he walked towards the wardrobe and took out his nightwear and changed into them before he joined her in the bed. 


The next morning, At Owen's apartment.

Katherine woke up feeling a warm hand caressing her face forcing her to wake up.

"Owen." She called his name to make sure it was him.

"Good morning, sorry for waking you up." Owen said as he played with the ends of her short hair.

Not used to the new situations that she was experiencing with him, she blushed not knowing what to say.

Owen smiled seeing how she looked no less than a cute kitten who just woke up, seeing her like made him hard and wished that he could make love to her right now and hear her voice calling out for him.

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