Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 97 - Not Painful But Scarry

Damien wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and kissed them, he was scared but he couldn't show her that, Ina is in a very delicate situation, the doctor had told them that there is a chance that she might suffer from a nerves related disease and it might be something serious.

Damien, who was lost in his thoughts, didn't notice that Ins fell asleep in his arms.

"Ina." Damien called noticing that something wasn't right with her

She looked as if she was half asleep but not fully.

He pressed on the nurse call button and placed Ina head on the bed.

"Sir you called for me." The nurse who entered the room said.

"Something is wrong with her, please do something." Damien said, feeling like his heart was being pulled out of his chest.

The nurse checked Ina and frowned before she called the doctor and asked Damien to leave the room.


Half an hour later.

The doctor opened the door and Damien walked towards him.

"What happened? Is she alright?" He asked as he looked inside the room to find Ina sleeping.

"She is fine now, but I think it's best if she stayed in the hospital tonight." The doctor replied

Damien frowned not understanding what is happening.

"What exactly happened to her?" Damien asked and the doctor asked to come with him to his office.


Inside the doctor offer.

"I didn't want to say this before we do tomorrow's tests, but Miss Ina had shown all the symptoms for a disease called multiple sclerosis." The doctor said and watched the shocked look on Damien's face.

"Can this disease be treated?" Damien asked, hoping that there is a treatment.

The doctor sighed as he looked at the young man Infront of him.

"I'm sorry that I had to say that but it's Incurable disease." The doctor declared and Damien felt like his mind and body froze.

"There has to be a way to cure her of it, the medical field now is making progress in diseases, there must be a to help her." Damien spoke with a desperate tone.

"There have been many researchers who have done this disease but no cure was found, only drugs that can help with the symptoms, nothing more." The doctor replied.

"But we can't say for sure now until we take the lumbar puncture and then we can say for sure." The doctor added.


Ina room.

Damien came back from the doctor's office and found Ina still sleeping, he sat on the edge of the bed watching her peaceful face as she slept.

He was heartbroken and didn't know what to do, Ina won't be able to take such news, her life will change.

Damien felt scared, scared of losing her, scared of what will happen in the future.

They were just getting started with their lives and relationship, they had so much today, they haven't even gone on a date, he didn't propose to her, they didn't have their wedding.

Sickness should happen when they grow old together, or at least that what he had imagined in his mind.

Damien couldn't stop the tears that fell down from his eyes, for the first time in his life Damien cried like this. 

He reached for her face cupping the side of it with trembling hands, he bent down and kissed her forehead before he took off his shoes and laid down beside her pulling her in his arms.


The next morning.

Ina opened her eyes, blinking them a few times before she looked at the ceiling above her.

She is still in the hospital? but why didn't they go back?

Ina stood up and was about to get off from the bed when Damien entered the room.

"Good morning." Damien said as he closed the door behind him.

"Good morning." Ina replied and felt a kiss on her cheek.

"Um, Damien, why are we still in the hospital?" She asked and noticed how he frowned.

"You don't remember anything?" Damien asked as he looked at her dizzied expressions.

Ina tugged her hair behind her ear trying to remember.

"I only remember that I fell asleep." Ina said looking at him.

Damien smiled and tried to act normal.

"That's right, you fell asleep and I didn't want to wake up, yesterday was a very stressful day so I thought that I should let you sleep." Damien said.

"Thank you." Ina said and got off the bed walking towards the bathroom. 

Damien frowned as he looked at the closed door, he tried to not panic and keep calm.


Two hours later.

Ina was prepared to do the last test which is a lumbar puncture, the doctor had spoken with her first and told how the process will go and that she can leave after three hours once they are finished.

"Can he speak with me?" Inas asked the nurse.

"Of course, he can, don't be scared for painless purposes, you won't feel anything." The nurse replied as she helped Ina to lay down on her side with a small part of her lower back exposed.

Damien looked at Ina offering her a smile as he let her hold his hand.

"I'm going to clean this area, alright, just relax your body." Ina heard the nurse said as she touched her lower back.

Ina nodded her head and looked at Damien.

"I'm right here with you, close your eyes and hold my hand." Damian said as he patted her head gently. 

"Tell if you feel any pain, you might feel a pressure in your lower back area." The doctor said before he started to inject the needle inside her lower back.

Ina shut her eyes tightly, held into Damien's hand not because she was in pain but because she was scared. 

Damien bent down kissing her forehead and whispering encouraging words in her ear to help her get through her fear, not paying attention to the people in the room and that made her feel a bit relaxed.

Forty-five minutes later, the process of the lumbar puncture was over and Ina was asked to lay down on her back as the nurse monitored her closely. 

"When are we going back? I'm bored here." Ina asked as she looked at Damien who was laying with her on the bed running his hand through her hair. 

"Soon, now be good and close your eyes and try to sleep." He said as he placed his hand on her eyes forcing her to shut them and his actions made her giggle. 

"I will sleep under one condition." Ina said her eyes were still covered with his hand.

"Hmm, what is that condition?" Damien asked already knowing what she was going to say.

"Make love to me here." Ina said and heard Damien chuckle.

Removing his hand he pinched her nose.

"Be good and stop fooling around, as much as I would love to have you right now but we can't have sex for the next two days." He replied and watched her as she pouted her lips.

He bent down and pecked her lips before he said."Here, that should do for now."


At Owen apartment.

Katherine entered the apartment and waited for Owen who was still downstairs bringing her luggage. Today is the day that she will move in with him and she was still nervous about that.

Owen placed the bags on the floor before he closed the door.

"Do you want to drink something?" Owen asked, noticing how Katherine was still uncomfortable with the idea of moving out but he was happy that she willingly said yes.

"Yes, some water please." Katherine said.

Owen went to the kitchen and brought a glass of water for her.

"I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to feel nervous if you are still not comfortable with the idea of sleeping in my room then I can have one of the rooms prepared for you to sleep in it." Owen said.

"Thank you for being understanding, but didn't say that I don't want to sleep in your room, moving with you means that I will share everything with you everything."Katherine said, her face turning red as she finished drinking the cup of water.

Owen kissed the top of her head and got up to order some food for them.


At the evening.

Katherine had fallen asleep after she and Owen ate their meal and Owen didn't bother and let her sleep, he now knows that she is someone who loves to sleep so much.

While she was sleeping, he unpacked her bags and started to put her clothes in the wardrobe as she was unable to do it on her own.

Owen smiled as he placed her clothes in the wardrobe, he actually wasn't believing that she said she and moved in with him.

After he was finished, he went out of the room to check on her and saw that she already woke up and was playing with Zeus.

He secretly opened the camera of his phone and took a picture for them before he walked towards them.

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