The specter's attack truly caught off guard the Hero League. They caused big damage to Star City even though Star City received help from the heroes of the other cities.

It took the Hero League a full 24 hours to stabilize the core region. The specters were widespread, but the heroes and the rankers worked together in harmony to subdue the specters.

And such, the dangers in the core region stabilized. However, the battle was not over yet, the specters were still running amuck in the west.

Almost all heroes and rankers were dispatched to the core region. Thus only a meager number of heroes and rankers in the west. The situation there was much worse than the core region.

The heroes could only close the gate that connected the Commerce Region and the outer region. Locking the specters in the outer region.

That was what they could do while waiting for the reinforcement from the core region.

As soon as the core region was stabilized, Bai Xian Ming immediately dispatched all heroes to the west. The Elder also took a part in the subjugation party against the specter.

The battle continued in the outer region. Musashi Hirata and Sun Zhou Yi were the core of the subjugation party. Especially Sun Zhou Yi, his ability to manipulate the Ki Sword was a huge help in the subjugation.

Even though the reinforcement came, they were too late. What happened in the outer region was much worse.

In the span of one day, thousands of specters destroyed half of the outer region in the west.

The battle continued for a full week before the Hero League and the Ranker Alliance completely swept the specters out of the city.

The heroes and the rankers battled almost without rest. The outer region was the biggest region in Star City, that was why it took them more time to subdue all then specters.

Bai Xian Ming scanned his surroundings with his weary eyes. The other heroes were also totally exhausted from battling for seven days non-stop.

They were standing on top of ruins that were destroyed during the battle.

However, Bai Xian Ming knew the battle was not over yet. He unlocked his smartwatch and called an id, "Bai Shuang'er".

The call immediately connected and Bai Xian Ming asked in urging tone, "Did you find something, Shuang'er?"

Before he went to battle in the outer region, he instructed his granddaughter to check Ence Fort's situation.

Bai Xian Ming furrowed his eyebrows as he did not receive any answer. He felt uneasy as his granddaughter did not immediately answer him.

After a moment of silence, Bai Shuang'er replied in a weak voice, "The Ence Fort has fallen! I will send you pictures taken from satellites!"

"What about Ye Chen?!?" Bai Xian Ming raised his voice, attracting the other heroes' attention.

Ye Chen was a big shot, Emperor Class Hero - Rank 11. When his name was mentioned, the heroes subconsciously turned toward the voice.

Yes, after Su Yan told him the importance of the Ence Fort to the specters, he immediately called Ye Chen who was the nearest to Ence Fort.

His plan was having Ye Chen and his elite force to defend Ence Fort while he stabilized Star City. After he was done here, he would go to Ence Fort to support them.

"He died! His force also annihilated! Just look at the pictures I send you, you will know…" Before Bai Shuang'er finished her words, Bai Xian Ming closed the call.

As soon as he closed the call, his smartwatch vibrated. It was his granddaughter, sending the pictures.

He opened the pictures. The first picture that appeared on the smartwatch screen was a man's head. A severed head of a man with his eyes opened.

The head was placed on the floor, a floor of the gate in Ence Fort. Bai Xian Ming sucked a cold breath as he recognized the head. Ye Chen, it was Ye Chen's head.

He immediately locked his smartwatch. He actually wanted to gather the heroes and The Elder, but he did not. They were too late to support the Ence Fort.

If Ye Chen died, it meant the specter had captured the fort. They could not just blindly rush there. They had to make a plan before taking back the Ence Fort.

"The battle has ended! You guys go back to rest!" His words directed to the heroes who were waiting for his order.

Even though they won the battle, none of them were happy with the result. It was a tough battle, but for the first time, the heroes suffered big casualties.

This was the first time they suffered such a big casualty since a big battle a few years ago. There was no way they would be happy with this result.

None of the heroes cheered as they headed back to the inner region with their heads hung low.

Bai Xian Ming also rushed back to the inner region. He called Bai Shuang'er once again.

"Shuang'er! Notify the executive and the instructors to meet me at the meeting in an hour!"

*** ***

On the top of a broken building

Three old men were standing side by side as they watched the heroes and the rankers went back.

The three old men wore kimonos with a sword hung on their waist. The three old men scanned the heroes, looking for someone.

"They are not here either!" An old man on the left said with a tired old voice.

"What about the home? I believe one of them is a junior from our clan!" The old man on the right asked in a deep voice.

"Kukuku… Yes, home~ I am sure one of them is a junior from home~ He used our clan secret technique, Draw Sword…" The old man in the middle said in a playful tone.

The old man stopped halfway as he thought of something. A frown appeared on his wrinkled forehead, "But his Draw Sword is also weird… I am sure it was our clan secret technique, but his Draw Sword is a little different…"

"We will know when we meet him! It seems a genius appeared in our clan!" The old man on the right said in a pleased tone.

Yes, the three old men were The Elder member from the Musashi Clan. They were the retired Emperor Class Heroes.

"But who's expecting this will happen! Fortunately, we came back in time!" The old men on the left said in a relieved tone.

*** ***

Xing District, Miao Miao Noodle Shop

Heero was sitting on the table next to the window, looking to the street in deep thought.

The battle was over, now he thought of a new problem. The people he saved from the west of the outer region.

He asked Butcher Wang, Kang Dong-Woo, and Xu Lingxun to save the elderly and the children.

In the last week, the three saved over a thousand people, 1573 was the exact number. Half of them were elderly, 863 in total, 510 children, and the rest was either of the children's parents or the family of the elderly.

However, most of the elderly were abandoned by their family at the last moment. He saved their lives, but almost all of them were depressed.

It was understandable, being abandoned by their family, they must be hurt. He was having a headache about this. He saved their body, but now they were dying deep inside.

If this continued, his effort saved them would be wasted. He had saved them and he would commit to helping them until the end. But he just did not know how to comfort hundreds of elderly and children.

"What's wrong? Do you have something in your mind?" The caring Han Ying sat next to Heero and asked.

Heero did not hide his feelings and tell everything to his wife.

A gentle smile formed on Han Ying's lips as soon as she heard her husband's concerns.

"It's actually easy yet hard to solve, but I have an idea, "

Heero's eyes brightened and put his ears to listen to the solution.

"They lost their homes and family while the children lost their parents. We can give them a new home! Expand our Nursing Home and Orphanage!"

"Look at the children and the elderly you saved from the beast horde attack! They now are happy with their lives while the children grow up well, "

"Alright, you don't have to be! Leave everything to me! I will take care of them, the people in our district also will be happy with new family members, "

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