Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 206: Supreme Guardian - Supreme Sun

Sure enough, after the footage finished, everyone in the meeting room had their eyes and mouth opened wide.

Even Butcher Wang, Heero's disciple was having a hard time believing that Heero had this kind of power, let alone these executives.

The Hero Instructors who disagreed with Bai Xian Ming's proposal slumped in their seats.

Usually, the Supreme Guardian would be chosen from the Hero Instructor who produced promising heroes. That was why they strongly rejected Bai Xian Ming's proposal to appoint an outsider to hold the Supreme Sun position.

However, all those thoughts vanished after they watched the footage. The thing in the footage was not a normal human could do.

Everyone had a stupefied look on their faces, blankly looking at the finished footage. They just still could not believe what they had watched. It was surreal that someone could become that strong.

Bai Xian Ming had a satisfied smile on his face as he scanned everyone's face. He had the same expression when the first time his granddaughter showed the footage.

He also knew these people would not believe what was in the footage. Once again, he played the footage.

30 minutes later…

Bai Xian Ming had played the same footage for over 40 minutes. He had played the same footage four times and everyone's eyes were still glued to the footage even after watching the same footage for almost an hour.

When everyone seemed to agree with his proposal, the smile on his face disappeared. He changed back to his solemn look.

"There are two important criteria to be a Supreme Guardian! Xing Heero has proved that he is strong enough to hold the Supreme Sun position! Based on the footage, he meets the first criteria!"

"As for the second criteria…"

Bai Xian Ming clicked his smartwatch and the footage was replaced by five pictures. The five pictures showed five different faces of men.

"Xing Heero has five disciples, these five are his disciples! Don't you guys feel familiar with their faces?" Bai Xian Ming asked as he scanned the executives.

Looking from their expressions, not all of them recognized the other three. Bai Xian Ming released out a sigh as he was disappointed with the other executives' performance.

How could they not recognize the champion of the Junior Fighter and Free Fighter? Fighter Anteriority was an important event to find a good seedling, but not all the executives put their attention in the event.

Yes, the five pictures were Sun Zhou Yi, Musashi Hirata, Butcher Wang, Kang Dong-Woo, and Xu Lingxun.

The picture was taken from their profile for the registration of the Fighter Anteriority.

With a disappointed sigh, he sent the profile of these five people including the footage of the match to the executives and the Hero Instructors.

Then, the meeting continued in a quiet atmosphere. Everyone was looking at their smartwatch, looking through the data sent by Bai Xian Ming carefully.

However, amongst them, there were two figures who did not look at their smartwatch.

Park Yong-Gi and Kang Myung-Chul, these two had their eyes on The Chief Executive Bai Xian Ming.

"I agree to appoint Xing Heero to hold the Supreme Sun position! He has the qualification… No, at all costs, we have to make sure he accepts this position!" Kang Myung-Chul was the first one to agree.

'Hah… I know this guy is not simple, but I did not expect he would be this strong…'

"Me too!" Park Yong-Gi also raised his hand.

Park Yong-Gi and Kang Myung-Chul had the same thought.

'Kukuku… Heaven truly knows to toy with his people! Last year, this guy offered himself to be a Hero Instructor with only a million pay…'

Park Yong-Gi ridiculed himself as he thought of last year's event.

'Nah, I have to call home to prepare a good seedling! I can ask him to train them or send them to Heero Academy…'

Park Yong-Gi immediately called his brother, the head of the Park Family. He also did not forget to send the footage to his brother.

"Good! Let's decide this with a vote!"

10 minutes later, with no exception, everyone agreed to appoint Xing Heero as Supreme Sun.

"Good! Let's discuss the next issue. About Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata's promotion…"

Before Bai Xian Ming could finish his words, Wu Shanxi responded positively, "I agree with the promotion, but Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata are not the only ones with a big contribution during the battle!"

Before, he was one of the executives who disagreed to promote Musashi Hirata. However, after he watched over ten minutes of footage, he immediately changed his mind.

Musashi Hirata was Xing Heero's disciple. He did not want to offend the newly appointed Supreme Guardian. It was not worth it.

The same for the other executives. Krishna Davale and Hanzo Sojuro also no longer had any objection. They did not want to offend the newly appointed Supreme Sun.

In their mind, they were thinking about how to get closer to the newly appointed Supreme Sun. And then, getting their younger generation to learn under the Supreme Sun.

"Oh, do you have something in your mind, Executive Wu?" Bai Xian Ming nodded and asked.

"Hmm… I have two names in my mind. In my opinion, Bai Xin Yue and Wu Shen Lei also deserve a promotion to Emperor Class Hero, "

The moment these two names were mentioned, the other executives also began to mention other names. They were trying to raise their people's rank as well.

The discussion lasted for half an hour.

"Let's stop here! There will be no end if we are going to talk about the ranking, we have our people for that!"

Along with Bai Xian Ming's deep voice, the discussion came to an end.

"So, we have four candidates for the promotion of the Emperor Class Hero. Sun Zhou Yi, Musashi Hirata, Wu Shen Lei, and Bai Xin Yue!"

"I believe these four deserve a promotion, so, what's your opinion?"

Everyone unanimously agreed on this matter. Bai Xin Yue and Wu Shen Lei were having huge contributions under their belt.

Added with the contributions in the battle against the specters, it was enough to promote them to Emperor Class Hero to fill the position left behind Ye Chen and Feng Ban Xou.

"Good, let's talk about the last issue. It's about the second dungeon's disappearance and Ence Fort!"

When Bai Xian Ming mentioned these two issues, the atmosphere in the meeting room changed to glum. They lost a fort in their borderland. Adding salt into their wounds, they also lost an Emperor Class Hero in the same place.

"My idea is to set an Emperor Team comprising seven Emperor Class Heroes to investigate the second dungeon's disappearance…"

Park Yong-Gi raised his hand, he had a question with Bai Xian Ming's place.

"I am sorry I have to cut your words halfway, but why don't we take back the Ence Fort first and investigate the second dungeon afterward?"

"Good question! Ence Fort is left empty by Shadow Fang and we can take it back anytime! However, there's a big secret inside the second dungeon… Do you forget about the dragon-like creature reported by Musashi Naizen?"

"Moreover, we don't have enough manpower to send our people to Ence Fort. We have to tighten the security! Don't forget, those specters could disguise themselves in human form! We have to tighten our security, we don't have enough manpower to take care of the empty fort!

When the report was mentioned, everyone realized that the second dungeon was keeping those dangerous creatures.

Based on the report they received, there were three creatures as strong as the dragon-like creature. Not only that, but there was also one creature that was far stronger than the Wyvern King hibernating in the second dungeon.

If the Shadow Fang used those creatures against them, Star City would be in a dire situation.

The meeting continued by setting up an Emperor Team.

*** ***

Seven days later...

Heero Academy

For the first time, Heero used his office in the academy. He used his office to hear a presentation from a certain girl.

The girl was enthusiastically explained about something else, but Heero's eyes were glued on the paper in his hand.

On the top middle, "Benefit of Supreme Sun" was written in big and bold font. Below was a long list of the benefits if he accepted the Supreme Sun position.

However, his eyes were glued at number nine.

9. Bai Xin Yue.

He browsed through the benefits. The Hero League gave many benefits to this Supreme Guardian. He was tempted to accept the position as the Supreme Guardian's duties were not that hard.

The Supreme Guardian only had two duties. First, Protecting the city if the city was in danger. Second, Nurture the young generation. In order words, he had to train the heroes.

He could negotiate the first duty and he had done the second duty well.

"Wait… Wait… Mis-" Heero called out, but when the enthusiastic girl glared at him coldly, he stopped.

He coughed awkwardly two times and continued, "Cough! Cough! Xin Yue! I have a question, what's the meaning of the benefit No.9?"

Yes, the enthusiastic girl was Bai Xin Yue. She was doing a presentation so Heero wanted to hold the Supreme Sun position.

The executives would never expect that there would be someone rejecting the Supreme Sun position. It was the dream of the heroes to hold such a position.

So never crossed in their mind that someday there would be someone rejecting such an offer.

However, Bai Xin Yue knew that Heero would never agree to such a proposal easily. So that was why she was doing a presentation to convince Heero.

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