Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 275: Weird Trial

Heero walked into the elevator, accompanied by his two wives who also acted as assistants in his work, Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon.

Both had a formal dress for work on them, showing their amazing curve. One in crystal blue while the other one in fiery red.

Heero himself was forced to wear formal suits by the two.

The two hot girls hooked their hand into him, one in the left and one in the right. They became a center of attention. Men were staring at Heero in envy and jealousy, causing him to feel smug inside.

When he entered the elevator, the smugness disappeared and was replaced by lamentation.

'If it's me in the past, I will feel happy about this, not smug… I have changed too…' Thought Heero while the elevator went up to the 20th floor.

"So, what is the trial for? Why do I have to attend the trial?"

He's supposed to be having a break, enjoying his break after the wedding. But here, he was forced to work by Old Ming.

"Literally has the same meaning in the letter! Deciding the verdict for Wu Shen Lei and Park Jin-Soo, " Bai Xin Yue replied in an unusually serious tone.

"Who's coming up with the trial? I told Sun Zhou Yi not to make this issue big and let them slide after a kind teaching, " Heero was rather confused at this.

Yesterday's incident was wrapped smoothly. No one witnessed the scene and the traitors were caught. The matter should end there, so what with the trial?

Except, the Wu or the Park Family screwed their most promising descendant that most unlikely happened.

"The Park Family! Did not know what was in their head, but they turned over Park Jin-Soo and also reported Wu Shen Lei," Kang Seo-Yeon chimed in.


The elevator opened as they had reached the 20th floor.

"Nah, we don't care, let's finish this fast. Don't have much time over such a trivial issue!" Heero stepped into the 20th floor and went directly to the trial hall.

The trial was held in private with only executives, the hero instructor, Elder, and the Supreme Guardian had the right to attend the trial.

The judges were the Chief Executive, an Elder, and the Supreme Guardian. After all, this was a trial for Emperor Class Hero, only people with such a position would be proper to be a judge.


Heero pushed the big door and everyone inside the trial hall turned their attention to the entrance.

"You're late!!!" On the honored seat, Wu Shitian pointed his finger at Heero. Quite rude, but no one stopped.

"Yesterday was my wedding and today is supposed to be my break, but you forcefully summoned me to a trivial trial," Heero mumbled unhappily as he found a random seat.

It only made the old man angrier, "What are you doing there? Your seat is here!"

Old Wu called out loudly as he pointed at the seat next to Bai Xian Ming. It was an honored seat for the Chief Instructor.

"Oh, I am the judge?" Heero blinked his eyes and looked at his two wives.

They told him the judges were Chief Executive, The Elder, and the Supreme Guardian.

Kang Seo-Yeon shrugged her shoulder slightly, "The letter only invited you, they never mentioned the judge thing, "

The three then headed to Heero's seat. Yes, three of them, inciting more anger from Old Man Wu.

"Only Emperor Class Hero can attend the trial!!!" He pointed at Kang Seo-Yeon.

"She's my assistant!" Heero replied carelessly and took the big seat. It was more comfortable than he thought.

"We should buy this kind of chair for my computer chair…" Heero whispered to Bai Xin Yue, causing the two girls to let out a giggle.

"Enough, let's start the trial!" Kim Jung-Mun decided to speak.

With his words, the trial started in a rather intense atmosphere. Everyone in the trial hall already knew what was the matter and this issue involved the Wu Family.

The accused was brought to the center of the trial hall. Park Jin-Soo had his head down in shame while Wu Shen Lei looked more composed.

Heero was the only one at ease. All Emperor Class Heroes in the city attended the trial. So, he was looking at the Emperor Class Heroes seat, looking for the number 1.

"He does not come?" He was asking the Emperor Class Hero - Rank 1.

"Actually, he has not come back to the city three years ago. His whereabouts are unknown," Bai Xin Yue replied in a whisper.

"Please refrain yourself from chatting during the trial!" A representative from The Elder reprimanded Heero.

Heero smiled at the elder and nodded apologetically. He did not recognize The Elder.

Kang Seo-Yeon wanted to tell Heero but did not do so because The Elder glared at her sharply.

When the two accused arrived at the center, a middle-aged man read the accused's offense.

Basically, the two were accused of betraying the Hero League by meeting with the traitors without informing the league. After reading the accusations, everyone's attention focused on Wu Shitian.

Wu Shen Lei was Wu's scion. Getting involved in such a scandal, it would harm the Wu Family's credibility.

"Let me say my verdict, just send them home! We don't have evidence whether they are working together or not, they are innocent!" Heero was the first one to speak up.

But his words caused his two wives to laugh. That was not how the trial was working. The Judges should question the accused first and read through the evidence before finally, the judges had a session for discussion amongst themselves before deciding the verdict.

As for why Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon were laughing, it was because they knew Heero was ignorant of how the trial worked. It was as if Heero was a kid who messed around in the trial.

Sure enough, everyone sent a strange gaze toward him.

"Objection!" A middle-aged man raised his hand.

Heero looked at the middle-aged. From the look of his face, the middle-aged man was either Korean or Chinese.

"Who is he?"

"Park Hyun-Shik, the Park Family head!" Bai Xin Yue whispered to Heero.

"We indeed don't have evidence that they were working together with the two traitors, but the fact they met with the traitors secretly already violated the ethics as Emperor Class Hero!" Park Hyun-Shik voiced his objection.

Heero looked at the middle-aged man. Dressed in a formal suit with neat black hair, the middle-aged gave off the vibe of a gentleman's appearance.

His expression was earnest and righteous, telling the people he was doing something right. But it was weird as he Park Jin-Soo was part of the Park Family. It was as if they gave up on Park Jin-Soo.

The essential part was, why did they give up on Park Jin-Soo? He was someone who represented the Park Family, the face of the Park Family as the only Emperor Class Hero.

"Then a small penalty will do! Such as taking back their privilege as Emperor Class Hero, " Heero replied casually.

"Objection!" Park Hyun-Shik objected again.

"The punishment is too light! Demotion is the right punishment for them! Please consider it, Judge!"

Everyone was startled when Park Hyun-Shik said that out. Demotion to Emperor Class Hero was the same as a humiliation to the involved.

"Mnn… I have considered it and your proposal is rejected. I don't agree with the demotion penalty!" Heero nodded and instantly gave his answer.

Clearly, he never considered the middle-aged man's words.

Heero rejected the notion, but what about the other judges. Everyone's attention fell to the other judges.

"Then it's decided, the verdict for the accused is at fault. The penalty is taking back their privilege and wage for five years!" Kim Jung-Mun read the verdict.

"The trial is over!"

Everyone was surprised by the verdict. Usually, it would take a very long time to come up with the verdict. There would be a second and third trial before the verdict.

But now, the trial was over in a few minutes. It was as if the judges unanimously agreed with the verdict even before the trial started.

"I can't accept this! I beg the Judges to reconsider the verdict! They have violated the ethics of heroes, the world should know their deeds!" Park Hyun-Shik raised an objection despite the final verdict.

"I am sorry, Mr. Park Hyun-Shik! But the final verdict could not be changed!" Bai Xian Ming replied.

When the middle-aged man heard that, he knew no matter what he did, it would not change the final verdict. He was upset with the result as he immediately left the trial hall.

Looking at Park Hyun-Shik's back, Bai Xian Ming let out a regretful sigh.

"What's wrong?" Heero was still clueless with all of this.

However, Bai Xian Ming praised him instead of answering him.

"Good job!" He tapped his in-law's shoulder with a wide smile.

"So it was not you!" Wu Shitian appeared next to Bai Xian Ming's seat as he looked at Heero.

"What?" Heero was confused. He did not understand the Old Man Wu talked about.

But the latter did not answer him. He left together with another judge from The Elder instead.

"I thought this whole thing was your idea!" Kim Jung-Mun said to Heero.

"Why would I? I want to do reform, not to ruin the Hero League's image in public! Even if I want to, there's no need for me to use the Park Family!" Heero rolled his eyes at the accusation.

Yes, Emperor Class Hero was the image of the Hero League. If such a scandal went to the public, they would lose popular support.

"What's wrong with all of this?"

"You did well for your first time to be the judge!" Kim Jung-Mun praised him.

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