Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 277: Not Welcomed

Far ahead southeast to Star City, the famed fort, Desolate Fort was located. Just like its name, it was the furthest forth that affiliated with Star City, in a desolate land.

Even so, the Desolate Fort was many people's destinations, whether it was Hero, Ranker, or even a hunter.

There were so many mutated beasts outside there. One could hunt the beasts in exchange for fortune. Especially, if one could hunt the beast that could not be found in the safe territory, one could strike a huge fortune.

This was the place where people gambled their life for a bright future. That was why the Desolate Fort became many heroes, rankers, and hunters destinations.

"Squad 1 is ready!" Sun Zhou Yi reported through the intercom.

"Squad 2 is ready!" Musashi Hirata's voice resounded through the intercom too.

"This is Squad 3, the south gate is clear!"

"This is Squad 4, the east gate is clear!"

"This is Squad 5, the north gate is clear!"

"This is Squad 6, the west gate is clear!"

A series of reports came in. After that, Sun Zhou Yi peeked through the window. Below was the market street where most people in Desolate Fort gathered to exchange or sell their harvest from hunting.

But who knew that from this bustling street, eighty percent of them were Specters. No, they were human that had been turned into specters.

More than half of the people in the fort had been turned into a specter. As for the culprit, it was the person in charge of the fort, Nehir Kurt, Crown Class Ranker - Rank 51.

"I have entered Kurt's residence! Operation commences now!" Musashi Hirata's voice rang through the intercom.

Sun Zhou Yi closed the window and turned around. SES's task was to take the fort back from the specter's hand and purge the specters out from the fort.

*** ***

Royal Airport, Regal Kingdom

For the first time, Heero stepped into the renowned Regal Kingdom. The only human territory that was not under the Central Government authority.

In fact, not only Heero but this was the first time for others. This was also the first time for Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon.

When they exited the plane, Benjamin was waiting for Heero. Benjamin was accompanied by a young man in a butler outfit while two teams of knights escorted the 2nd Prince of the Regal Kingdom by his side.

"Master! Here! Here!" From afar, Benjamin waved his hand excitedly at the group.

Actually, even if Benjamin did not call him out, Heero would surely notice him. With two rows of a knight escorted him, his disciple had become the center of attention already.

But it seemed the young butler displeased as a frown appeared on his forehead.

"2nd Prince, please watch your manner! We are at a public place, as a prince…"

Before the young butler could finish his words, Benjamin sent the guy his middle finger.

"Don't try to teach me how to behave, Allen!"

The young butler stumped with his words.

Benjamin did not care about the young butler and rushed to his Master. If not for his mother, he would not bring the young butler with him.

The young butler swallowed his words back without any complaints and followed after the 2nd prince.

When Benjamin arrived in front of Heero, he was about to bow to show his respect. However, the young butler meddled again.

Allen stood between Heero and Benjamin. His blue eyes met with Heero's eyes.

Heero did not know the young butler's identity. He smiled and nodded at the young butler as a form of greeting.

There was no change of expression on the young butler's face. Emotionless and flat, his blues eyes scanned the group, from the adult to the children.

Miao Miao, Myung-Hee, Moira, and Lan Lan were hiding behind Heero. They seemed to be intimidated by the knight in the black armor.

Heero furrowed his brows as he noticed the issue.

"Can you get your knights to move a little further? My kids are scared of them, " He politely asked the young butler to get the knight move further away from the kids.

"No! You have to be checked! I can't let the 2nd Prince stay with a group of barbarians without being checked!" The young butler did not comply with the request. He was doing the opposite of what was being requested.

"But we just got checked!" Bai Xin Yue was displeased with the young butler and talked back.

"You have to be checked again! Men! Start with the kids first, they look more suspicious!" Allen replied in a cold tone.

Just as the black knight was about to move, Benjamin's furious voice rang, "You dare!"

The knight immediately halted their steps.

"I am sorry, 2nd Prince! But this is my job to ensure your safety! These barbarians have to be checked! I apologize for my rudeness, but I am doing this for you!"

After that, Allen motioned the knight to check the group.

The knights obeyed the young butler more. The first knight moved toward the kids.

"You really don't know when to stop, Allen!" Benjamin's calm words resounded.

He appeared before the knight, sending a low spinning kick to the knight. The latter fell, but Benjamin did not stop here. He pinned the knight down on the ground and sent his fist to the chest.


The heavy armor dent in, leaving a fist mark behind. It did not stop there, the young Benjamin sent another two punches. Another two fist marks created on the heavy armor.

"Urgh!!!" The knight grunted in pain.

Even with a knight taken down, the second did not stop his movement. He still tried to reach the kids.

There was no need for Heero to take any action. Benjamin already arrived in front of the second night.

The knight's hand that was about to reach the kid transformed into a first.

"You are too naive, 2nd Prince!" Surprisingly, the knight's target was the 2nd Prince from the start.

However, Benjamin merely smiled at the mocking words. He caught the knight's wrist and twisted the wristguard.

"Arghhhh!" The second knight screamed in pain. After Benjamin twisted the arm, he threw the big knight away.


The big knight's body shot at a frightening speed before it came to stop after crushing to a food counter.

After taking down two black-armored knights, Benjamin turned toward the young butler, "Allen! Leave now, or I am going to twist your neck!"

For the first time, the flat expression on Allen's face changed. It looked like he was not expecting Benjamin could take two black knights with ease.

Under Benjamin's threatening words and cold gaze, the young butler turned around. He left the airport with an ugly face.

"You also leave! I don't need weaklings to escort me!" Benjamin ordered the knights to leave as well.

Thanks to the ruckus made by Benjamin and the knights. Heero and his family became the center of attention.

After the knight left, Benjamin approached the owner of the food counter he destroyed. The 2nd Prince apologized and compensated the owner.

"He is good actually!" Han Ying commented after watching the whole ordeal.

Usually, someone with high status like Benjamin would not bother to compensate the owner, let alone apologize. So, what Benjamin did was quite remarkable too.

"Of course, he is Daddy's disciple, after all!" The little Miao Miao followed in suit.

After taking care of the destroyed food counter, Benjamin went back to Heero, "I am sorry for the mess, Master, "

"It seems we are not welcomed," Heero teased the young prince.

Benjamin sighed ruefully, "It must be My Mother Queen. She doesn't like me getting close to you! This must be her ploy, forcing you to attack the knight so the kingdom could arrest you or kick you back to Star City!"

Heero was joking around, but who knew everything was Queen's ploy.

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