Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 279: Disturbance In The Morning

"We are suspecting you engaging in a terrorist activity! Please follow us for further investigation!"

A black knight that was almost 2 meters tall showed a piece of paper. A kingdom's stamp stamped on the paper, indicating their action was under the Regal Kingdom's authority.

Heero was unfazed in front of the tall knight, "Do you know who I am?"

Never crossed in his mind that one day, he had to use this arrogant sentence. But he had to now. He just did not want to get entangled by this royal family struggle.

"We don't care who you are! The Crown Prince is near, we have to make sure the kingdom is free from danger! I hope you don't resist and follow us for further investigation!"

The trick did not work on the knight.

Heero rubbed his forehead. He wanted to avoid making a ruckus, so he tried to solve everything with words.

"Do you know I am the Crown Prince's guest, right?" He took the invitation made of gold and decorated with diamonds. It was a special invitation from the Crown Prince.

The tall knight's eyes fell to the invitation. He fell silent as the knight recognized the invitation and he was surprised inside.

"Do you know that I am also Chief Instructor of Star City's Hero League, right?"

Heero took another black gold card. It was an ID card specially made for him for identification and his privilege as Chief Instructor. With a quick scan through an app on a smartwatch, he could be identified.

"I… We…" The tall knight lost his confidence.

The invitation was enough to prove Heero was not a terrorist. He was a guest invited by the Crown Prince. Here, he was accusing the Crown Prince's guest as a terrorist.

The Crown Prince's guest, it was not just anybody to be invited by the Crown Prince. The man must have a big background. He was screwed for sure.

After stuttering for a moment, the tall knight opened his mouth again, "Can we do a quick check on it!"

He was pointing toward the invitation card. Despite knowing the possibility of fabricating the special invitation was low, the tall knight needed to do his job.

He himself did not know the Queen's ploy. He was just a subordinate that performed his job. Early this morning above dispatched about the terrorist suspicion hence he was dispatched to catch the "terrorist".

However, now he realized there was no terrorist. He was caught in a conflict between these people. But the job was a job, he at least has to check the invitation.

"Here you are!" Heero gladly handed the invitation. It seemed the trick was doing its magic, the tall knight relented as he took the invitation card and checked it.

"You are Mr. Xing?" The tall knight asked. He was practically asking Heero to show his ID card as well.

Heero handed over the black gold card. Two minutes later, the tall knight handed over the invitation and the black gold card.

"We are very sorry for the disturbance and the misunderstanding. I wish you to enjoy your stay in the kingdom, " The tall knight along with his nine subordinates bowed toward Heero.

Just as the knights were about to leave, a loud voice filled the corridors.

"What are you doing, Kane! Why don't you arrest them?"

The tall knight called Kane turned toward the voice and Heero also looked toward the voice.

A familiar young man had his way toward them. Heero had seen the young man in the airport yesterday, the young butler Allen.

Bai Xin Yue seemed to be annoyed and whispered, "Shall I freeze him during our stay in the kingdom?"

"It's a good idea as long as he does not die!" Hong Yu agreed to the idea.

Allen made his way and stood next to the tall knight.

"I say, Kane! Why don't you arrest them? You have the warrant, aren't you?" The young butler was also annoyed by the tall knight.

"I am sorry, Sir Allen! I have confirmed their identities, they are not terrorists. The warrant has lost its power to arrest them, " Kane replied firmly.

"Moreover, he is invited by the Crown Prince. Without the Crown Prince's consent, we can't arrest them!"

"How do you know the Crown Prince invited these barbarians? Just because of the invitation… You!" Allen tried to seize the invitation from Heero's hand, but Heero would never let the young Allen have his way.

He pointed his finger at Heero, but no word came out from his mouth. After staring at Heero for a while, Allen turned toward the tall knight Allen, "What if he fabricates the invitation to sneak into the wedding? Are you going to be responsible for that, Vincent Kane?"

"I am going to be responsible for that as I am the one who sent the invitation!"

A clear voice rang right after Allen finished his words. Everyone looked toward the voice.

The Crown Prince, Gerard William Kingsman accompanied by his fiance Alexa made their way to them. There were also two knights in red armor escorting the couple.

The Crown Prince's forehead creased as his eyes turned sharp the moment his eyes met with Allen's.

Alexa also seemed unhappy with the young butler.

The ten black knights immediately bowed and called out, "Greeting the Crown Prince!"

"Greeting the Crown Prince!" Allen followed, but his voice was much lower. Clearly, he was afraid of the Crown Prince, not expecting the prince would come when the wedding was a day away.

"Mnn!" Gerard hummed at the greeting and walked toward the tall knight.

"What's this all about, Kane?"

Despite wearing a helmet, the Crown Prince recognized the tall knight.

"We… I…" Kane looked toward Allen before he looked at Heero and his family. He was hesitating.

"Tell me what you know! Everything!"

Kane sighed and told everything that he knew.

Gerard took a deep breath when he heard the full story. He did not expect such a thing would happen when it was he who invited Heero to come to the kingdom.

Then, he looked toward Allen and his gaze was frighteningly sharp. Allen flinched and subconsciously took one step back.

"We will talk later, Allen! Now you can go! This Prince would use his name to guarantee Sir Heero and his family! Do you understand!?"

Gerard's voice was calm and his tone was flat. But it gave off an oppressive feeling to the receiver, Allen.

"Yes, Prince!" Allen nodded.

"Good, you can leave now!"

After that, Allen turned around and left. Only after that, Gerard and Alexa faced Heero and his wives.

"I apologize for the inconvenience! This is just a misunderstanding of my Mother! As her son, I apologize for her, " Gerard bowed his head to Heero and Alexa followed in suit.

"Nah, it's okay! As long as the misunderstanding is resolved, it's good," Heero smiled in return.

"Hah…" The Crown Prince let out a long sigh and shook his head, "I am ashamed, as someone who invited you and as a host, I am ashamed to let such a thing happen to you, "

Gerard William Kingsman showed it on his face, how he felt sorry for everything.

"I should have welcomed you instead of sending my brother, " The Crown Prince added ruefully.

"As an apology, how about I treat you and your family to a breakfast course in my residence? As someone who loves food, you should taste our Royal Chef's cooking, "

Heero and his family were invited by the Crown Prince.

"Sure! But…" Heero showed his outfit to the royal couple. He was still wearing his pajamas.

"Your knights come too early in the morning, I need some time to get dressed, " He joked around.

But the tall knight, Vincent Kane took it seriously, thinking he was being satirized.

"We are sorry for the inconvenience…" He bowed his head once again.

"Nah, I am just joking… Oh, but I am serious with needing some time to get myself dressed, "

"Very well, then we will meet again at my residence, " Gerard smiled and nodded.

He turned toward Kane and said, "Kane! You stay and make sure to guide him to our residence!"

"Yes, Prince!"

After that, the Crown Prince bid his farewell and left.

Heero was having his smiley face until he closed the door and his smiley face disappeared. It was replaced by a sigh.

"Hah… Should not have come here…" He said it regretfully.

"Hoho… Do you think the Crown Prince is behind all of this, but not the Queen?" Bai Xin Yue asked with a chuckle.

"What? The kind and handsome prince is the culprit?" Hong Yu was startled when she heard the conversation.

*** ***

Desolate Fort

With the person who controlled the hollow Level 6 Specter was gone. Musashi Hirata and Sun Zhou Yi easily lured the specter away from the fort.

They rushed toward a big open field, a place where they could fight freely without being worried about harming the innocent.

"This open field is a good place!" Sun Zhou Yi commented.

"Mnn, let's fight it here then!" Musashi Hirata nodded.

They halted their steps and turned around. The fifteen meters goat-headed creature was still running after them.

"Let's start!" Musashi Hirata muttered as he placed his right hand on his sword's handle.

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