Universal Asylum

Chapter 43: Flying Sword

  The role of divine consciousness is like a magnifying glass, so that Wang Sheng can see more carefully and feel more detailed. The difference is that divine consciousness is everywhere like Wang Sheng, all the feelings can be reflected back.

Just like now, the consciousness has not entered the sword body without hindrance. Wang Sheng feels as if he has suddenly come to the depths of the sea, making it difficult for him to breathe. He suddenly opened his eyes and withdrew his consciousness, breathing heavily. It's too uncomfortable.

   "Master Huiming, are you okay? Didn't the little thief hurt the master before?" Lei Ri asked with concern and heard the reaction.

  Wang Shenggan coughed, "Lei Shizhu need not worry, the little monk is fine."

   Lei crack seems a little unbelievable, but seeing Wang Sheng's words is firm, he is not good to say anything.

Thunderclap no longer pays attention, Wang Sheng only feels the palpitation on his chest. The feeling just now is really like drowning, extremely painful, but when I think about it carefully, Wang Sheng feels a little weird, and the chest tightness is difficult to breath. These feelings are all illusions, more like consciousness. Feelings made him feel like he was feeling.

  This is just a burden imposed on the body by the subjective consciousness, not the actual feeling of the body.

Realizing this, Wang Sheng gritted his teeth and closed his eyes again to subdue the consciousness into the sword body. As soon as he did not enter, the feeling of tightness and tightness struck again. Wang Shengqiang endured not to withdraw, he tried to use the consciousness to sense the inside of the sword body, There was darkness in front of him, and there seemed to be crowded but well-arranged sword structures around him. He searched carefully, and finally, when the consciousness was about to faint, he saw a glimmer of light.

  Just like finding a person in a desperate situation of vitality, Wang Sheng's consciousness was instantly transferred there, and when he read the god, the consciousness did not enter the light!

Suddenly, a sense of warmth surrounded the consciousness like a mother's arms, and the consciousness wandered in the light comfortably, but only for a moment, the consciousness seemed to touch something, even sending out a greedy emotion, and then somehow, Wang Sheng felt The consciousness is swallowing something.

   So cool! Wang Sheng wanted to moan out loud, no less than the feeling that he tried his own practice for the first time before, even more!

   After a while, the consciousness was swallowed up. Wang Sheng obviously felt that the luminous point of consciousness seemed to be much stronger, and he could feel more and more detailed, without knowing whether it was an illusion. At this moment he felt that he could control the sword.

  Wang Sheng's eccentric heart, is it possible for the **** to recognize the Lord successfully?

  He tried to drive the consciousness. The next moment he felt the sudden pressure of the endless pressure, let him work hard, the consciousness was only a tremor, and then the outside world also heard a loud and clear sound.

  Wang Sheng woke up and withdrew his consciousness and opened his eyes, just to see the sword in front of him tremble gently and return to calm.

   "Master Huiming, are you really okay." Lei crack also heard the movement and couldn't help asking again.

  Wang Shengqiang rejoiced in his heart and chuckled, "Lei Shizhu don't have to worry, the little monk is just old wounds and healing a little bit. It's not a big deal."


   Once again got rid of the thunder crack attention, Wang Sheng looked at the sword in his heart with joy, is this sword now his flying sword? Just now his consciousness officially entered this sword!

   He did not forget that this sword belonged to Ning Caichen, but it didn't matter, when he withdrew his consciousness and returned it to him.

   The key point is that his consciousness successfully entered the Lord. Although he was instilled in the system before and knew that this step would not disturb him, but if he did, he still could not hide his joy.

   At this time, the footsteps suddenly sounded outside the temple, and then the two figures stepped into the temple one after another. It was Liu Yiyi and Li Kun, who were chasing the'hair thief', and then Hu Lie's figure followed.

   Wang Sheng immediately narrowed his eyes, Hu Lie really came back!

Relying on his sharp consciousness, he had long realized that Hu Lie was just a dummy. Although he didn’t know how they could do it, it’s not surprising that Master Space is so magical. It’s not that Hu Lie looks like He was very injured, except for his pale face, and his breath was slightly short.

   "How about that hairy thief." Lei crack said busy.

  Liu Yiyi still did not speak indifferently, Li Kun shook his head helplessly said: "Brother, there is no way, the hair thief is extraordinary, we can still hang him at first, but then he ran away."

  Lei crack is a little unbelievable, "Is it difficult to keep up with your body style?"

  Liu one by one nodded slightly.

Lei cracked his face dignifiedly and turned to look at Wang Sheng, "Master Huiming, you have dealt with him before, but you have felt more information about this person, this person's skill is so good, if you don't find him now, I am afraid his injury may not be intact. Will not come to seek revenge."

   Wang Sheng chuckled in his heart and smiled indifferently on his face, "Why does Lord Lei have to pay for the serious injury to that person, and it is the monk who hurt him, and then he will come if he comes."

Lei crack frowned, "What is Master Huiming's words at this moment, if the hair thief dares to come, we must help the enemy, so we will not leave tomorrow, we must confirm Master Huiming's safety before we can continue to leave . "He still did not give up to continue to win over Wang Sheng.

  Wang Sheng shook his head, "Master Lei Shi is indeed justified, but I'm afraid it will delay your journey."

   "Master Huiming rest assured, one day's work is no problem." Lei cracked with a smile.

   At this time, Liu one by one suddenly said, "I think the task is important, and I should not continue to be with them."

   This is the first time she has said so much, Lei Cha frowned slightly, "One by one, the identity of this monk is definitely not simple. If we can get him, our task this time will be much simpler."

  Liu didn't reply any more, stepped towards the fire and sat down, took out the silver gun from his arms and began to wipe.

After   , everyone was unwilling to sleep, they all sat around the fire and roasted the fire, chatting about one or two from time to time.

After a moment, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly came out of the tent again. She blushed and looked at Wang Shengdao: "Concubine, concubine body is a bit," the voice is getting lower and lower, it seems very embarrassed.

  Wang Sheng understood this time, Nie Xiaoqian had to use internal anxiety as an excuse, but now he is looking back.

   Thinking of him standing up, he said: "It is better to let the little monk accompany the girl to go out and ventilate."

  Nie Xiaoqian nodded shyly~www.ltnovel.com~ Then lowered her head and stepped outside the temple, Wang Sheng hurried to keep up.

  Looking at them leaving, the crowd didn't say anything, only Li roller couldn't help but sigh a few words, "This son's charm is not as good as a monk."

   "You're a fart son!" Lei Chae glared at him, when he saw Liu one by one suddenly stood up, he immediately frowned, "Are you going to monitor them, don't you say there is no problem."

   "I am also inconvenient." Liu Yiyi replied faintly.

   Lei crack was choked, and could only watch Liu Yiyi go out, leaving only the Li brothers to laugh there.


   Still the previous action, Nie Xiaoqian tightly grabbed Wang Sheng to change into the Tsing Yi as soon as he left the temple gate, and Wang Sheng did not accidentally feel the golden hairpin appearing in his hand again.

   "Bald donkey, grandma changed her mind. I can tell you what you want, but you have to do me a favor."

   Wang Sheng was very happy, still pretending to be calm: "I don't know why Nie girl suddenly changed her mind."

   "It's nothing, but you're still pretty eye-catching compared to others." Nie Xiaoqian snorted, which is also true, but more because Wang Sheng's sword spirit was noticed when she repelled Hu Lie.

She is a person who has seen Jianqi in person, and naturally she will not treat it as true energy like Hu Lie, and seeing the power of the sword energy, she can't help but feel shocked at the same time and thought, if Wang Sheng fought before When she showed her sword spirit, she couldn't cope even if she had baby hairpins in her hands.

And she secretly shone in her heart, if this monk has this strength, that thing will be much easier to handle~www.ltnovel.com~Welcome the majority of book friends to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~www.ltnovel.com~ Please read it for mobile phone users.

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