Universal Asylum

Chapter 720: Ancient levels

  Wang Sheng's eyes watched, the fairy in white was respected and calm, and he was indifferent, not afraid of his majesty.

   "You know the ancient ancestor very much, but you are not the people of the ancient tribe. There is no trace of your existence in this universe. You are not everyone in the universe." Wang Sheng suddenly said to himself.

In his observations, the white fairy was fearless, and she had no trace of any connection with the universe. Wang Sheng was extremely sensitive in his heart, but this, plus seemed to know the ancient people very well, he immediately concluded that this person not simple.

   Related to the outer world or the world of the Nine Netherworlds!

This is an unfounded judgment for others, but Wang Sheng almost immediately had such an idea to determine the speculation. His whim, at the present point, has evolved into a prediction, specifically as long as there is something about him When major events happened, he could almost know some clues, and when he saw this white fairy, he felt this way.

But when I saw this fairy in white before, I didn't have this feeling, but now I see you again. It can only show that there are signs of things that will affect myself just now, and the most likely thing is that the mentality of this fairy in white. Changes, and what happened just now can make this fairy change.

   He forcibly left the ancient spear artifact extermination spear!

   The cold eyes of White Fairy Immortal suddenly became faint, and the temperament of the whole body also changed a lot, from the firm ice at the beginning to the weak and weak, it seemed that the wind willow and the wind swayed in the wind.

   "Mist has seen a true monarch, and there are many offenders before. Hope that the true monarch is not to blame." Xianzun Baiyi's voice is soft and gentle, and can move your heart.

   Wang Sheng is no longer in this column, but he is also closely watching this Wuxianzun, true monarch! He heard the name of the true monarch again, and this woman really had something to do with the outer world!

   "It's okay, you can't do anything before, Wang is not to blame, but Wang is a little puzzled and wants to ask the fairy, and hopes the fairy can answer." Wang Sheng said lightly.

  Wu Xianzun sighed sorrowfully, "I'm afraid that Wu Zhen wouldn't agree, and the true monarch would not stop.

   Every move she showed the most beautiful place of the woman, the natural flirtatious launch, the soft bowel nine turns, direct education can not resist.

   Wang Sheng also raised his eyebrows, ", the change can be described as dramatic, and it can be related to the cultivation method you are practicing, or it is your natural talent."

Wu Xianzun smiled and shook his head bitterly, "True wise eyes, this is indeed related to Wu Gong's cultivation method, which gradually makes Wu become a two-person character, both of which are the fog itself, but with the fine gold of the practice This kind of personality is gradually becoming more and more differentiated, and it seems that it has become two consciousnesses. The former self-confident character may cause disrespect to the true monarch, so the fog appears to communicate with the true monarch. It is one, and the mind is also one, there is not much difference."

Wang Sheng nodded recklessly, then turned to look at the ancient god's flesh. At this time, the condition of the ancient god's flesh was terrible. Most of the broken blood flesh was missing, and there was a huge hole in the chest, like a claw. He pulled out a big hole, and the body of an ancient god's flesh was strong, so it was obvious that the attack was fierce.

In addition to eating, the skeleton of the ancient god's flesh is also broken everywhere, and the most important thing is that the back spine is bent, so that the body constantly tingles, so it has been unable to straighten up, even the movement is very difficult, before those people Under the chase, it is already at the limit. If Wang Sheng is a few minutes later, the ancient god's flesh will die.

   These are physical injuries, and the eyebrows of the ancient god's flesh, the purple star crack, almost degenerates into the ancient god, and it will be degraded just after returning to the ancient realm. This is the most serious situation and crisis.

You should know that the reason why the ancient **** flesh can insist on the arrival of Wang Sheng under the attack of the quasi-imperial emperor, and then snatched the **** spear in the hands of the ancient emperor, relying on the pure ancient **** breath provided after returning to ancient times, and eyebrows The original purple blood was born in my heart.

If the ancient **** relied on the ancient god's breath before returning to ancient times, the body's evolution began after returning to ancient times. This purple ancient god's blood is the most important and the most original thing. An ancient **** appeared after returning to ancient times. The ancient **** Zixue determined the realm this ancient **** could break through.

The ancient times are divided into three levels, one to three drops of purple blood is general, four to six drops of purple blood is medium, and the last seven to nine drops of purple blood are the peak. In ancient history, most people who returned to ancient times are At the intermediate level, the general is only a few. After all, it can prove that the ancient **** is excellent and is the most outstanding person in the contemporary era. After entering the army, these people have achieved an intermediate level after returning to ancient times.

The general level is a level established for Naxi's Dao Tiancaibao, people with chance and coincidence. Their return to ancient times in Xingtai is actually not perfect, because the birth of purple blood is not enough to talk about complete changes in the body, and the strength is relatively poor. Very far away, and after returning to ancient times, it will basically be finalized, there will be no breakthrough ~www.ltnovel.com~ because the potential has been exhausted, but even this way, we cannot see the level of ancient return, because it can return ancient The premise is that within the ancient clan, the blood of the whole body has been purified, and the ancient **** of the royal family has been achieved. The outstanding strength is already the combat power of the emperor level!

   Who can underestimate such characters! ?

The most ancient level of return to ancient times is a legend in the history of the ancient people. Not to mention the nine drops of purple blood, even seven drops is difficult and difficult. In fact, six drops of purple blood is already the limit that the ancient body can reach This is the limitation of body and consciousness. If the amount is broken, it can be called another race, no longer the ancient race.

Specific examples such as Wang Sheng are no longer humans or celestial beings. After becoming an emperor and physical evolution, he has become a unique race in the universe. Even he does not know that there is no second kin people.

   can only be said that his current body has some special features of humans and heavens and humans, which can be said to be an evolutionary direction of humans and heavens and humans. ,

The same is true of the ancient clan of seven drops of purple blood. It is an ancient clan that has completely reached a limit. It has lost most of its characteristics as an ancient clan and has evolved into another race. It is only a legend in the history of the ancient clan. Wang Sheng did not know if anyone had reached this point.

But in his faint perception, this kind of figure seems to exist. It should exist in the birthplace of the mysterious ancient clan. Wang Sheng suddenly remembered the Yuan ancestor in the ancient battlefield. It was seven drops of purple blood, and Wang Sheng was not surprised. The man was too powerful in his induction. Even he, he did not dare to say that he would be able to overcome or even remain undefeated.

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