Universal Asylum

Chapter 744: Sword Palace

"Is this guy a true monarch of the ancestral clan? How long has it been since the ancestral clan has disappeared? It is said that the skeletal ancestors today are inherited from the original ancestral clan. I didn't expect to see a true monarch. , And passed the test to become the Son."

   "The ancestors are one of the three hundred tribes. How can such a race be so easy to perish, some old monsters may still be hiding."

Such a voice appeared in the ear, as if it came through a layer of curtains, and it sounded far and close to the ear. The golden world was instantly away, Wang Sheng opened his eyes, and the eyes were bright, through the blurred two people In the shadow, he saw the mountains hanging in the sky, the celestial palace above the mountain, the rainbow bridge was driving, the fairy shadow was fluttering, the flying crane spread its wings, and sometimes the rainbow outside the sky swept over the mountain and turned into a figure, and stepped on the auspicious cloud to enter the fairy palace There is also the voice of proclaiming the Fa that the avenue came from a distance, the golden bell struck, and Yu Qing was sweet, like the neighboring avenue.

The exuberant heart is at ease, as the inquirer finally arrives in the fairyland, wow, la la, he stands up, and there is also a high mountain floating in the sky, but there is a palace, there is only an open-air golden spring, this golden spring exudes warmth and fragrance You can see the preciousness of Jinquan by looking at the envious or slightly jealous eyes of the two people before you see it.

The two were in a detached manner, dressed in a robe jade crown, a long sword hanging on their waists, foot boots, and a respectful arch to Wang Sheng, "The disciple Sword Palace Attendant has seen Master Son, and the Palace Master invited the Son Lord Sword Palace and his party."

   handed out a jade-colored invitation in their hands.

  Illusion or really brought this mysterious place by that golden mark! Wang Sheng stepped up and walked out of Jinquan. He already knew that it is still in the shape of a black skeleton and has no flesh. Therefore, these two people are considered to be humans of the Zun tribe. He found that all his injuries were healed and the energy consumed was even more After the supplement is completed, it seems that it is all the role of Jinquan, but Wang Sheng did not mean to restore his body. Since he was mistaken for the Miao, it would be natural.

  Wang Sheng looked at the jade-colored invitation calmly, and then looked at the two Taoists. They were indeed two detachments. The two detachments became the so-called waiter disciples, and the so-called sword palace master.

   This may be the civilization that I think has disappeared. Perhaps they still exist, but they disappear in the world of the big territory, otherwise it is difficult to think that they have been brought here by the golden charm. It has nothing to do with the test of the true king of that world.

  Wang Sheng suddenly thought to the other side, there was an arrow on the other side, and the golden scales wrapped with dragon-like background and momentum, and the golden arrow that I had obtained before passed through with him.

"It's worthy of being an adult son. I actually got the legendary Sunburst Arrow. There are a total of nine Sunburst Arrows. Only with the Sunburst Bow can you exert the most power, but the Sunburst Bow has long been hidden. God arrows will appear in a few eras, but nine **** arrows will never appear in the same era at the same time. Lord Son has this **** arrow, which is even more powerful, even among the many sons. "

   One of the detached disciples saw Wang Sheng looking at Jin Jian, and said with a smile, there was closeness in his tone.

"Sir Son, it's not too late. Let's wait for me to go to the sword palace. Newly-arrived Son Son needs to meet the lord of the palace. All doubts can be answered by sitting at the lord of the palace." Seems to see what , This detachment followed, a good reminder.

  Wang Sheng groaned slightly, reaching for the jade-colored invitation, which turned into a jade sword in his hand, and suddenly flew out of his hand and shot away towards the distance.

  The two survivors rose, and one left and the other left with Yu Jian, and the Taoist arched his hands far away.

   "True gentleman, please follow me!"

  Wang Sheng nodded slightly, lifted his feet and stepped into the air, and took one more black robe. After two steps, he came behind the two detached disciples, and the two disciples trailed behind Wang Sheng with a move.

Flying across mountains and over fairy palaces, this fairy palace community seems to have no end. At the top, there is also a rainbow bridge, which spans from the start point to the end point. The waterfall hangs from the sky, but the Hongqiao bridge crosses the waterfall. The waterfall falls from the sky and rotates around the mountain at the foot of the mountain. All the mountains are surrounded and combined into a whole.


   Suddenly there was a light sound in the jade sword in front of him. The jade jade changed suddenly, and the speed soared suddenly. He turned away from everyone's sight and disappeared like this.


   Wang Sheng's heart moved slightly, looking into the distance, a dark shadow covering the sky came from a distance, step by step fell on the land covered by the fairy mist cloud sea, countless steps across the countless fairy palace high mountains.

"It's the Beast Eater, Master Son, please stay away quickly and follow the Jade Sword. Without the protection of the Jade Sword, I will be attacked by the Beast Eater." The two detached shouts in shock, and only two sword lights followed Fly around, turning into a sword rainbow flying towards the huge beast.

"Master Son doesn't need to worry about me, I wait for the sword amulet, and the Beast Eater doesn't dare to attack me. When I wait for time, the Guardian of the Immortal Palace will come back soon, but Master Son, please leave quickly. ~www.ltnovel.com~ This peculiar beast eater has always appeared in groups and pairs, and it must not be caught by this thing."

   Both shouted loudly.

Almost at the same time, Wang Sheng raised his head again, and saw a black shadow hundreds of times larger than the previous bite came from the front, and there was a jade sword trembling in the hand of the bite, seeming to be struggling When he broke away and saw the shadow, Wang Sheng sank in his heart, and his whim came again.

   This so-called Beast Eater actually has the power of a real monarch, and this looks at the size and the fierce breath coming from the face, it is definitely not an ordinary real monarch.

   This black shadow lifted huge claws and fell from the sky flip. Wang Sheng's eyes flashed, his body still moved forward, but he did not shoot, but a golden light flashed through the body, and a palace wrapped in golden film appeared in the air!

   Turning into the sky.

The emergence of the moment was directly divided, and countless golden palaces colluded in the air to form a huge palace, flew over the claws, and then flipped down, severely suppressed on the huge claws, and Wang Sheng’s body was a Blink has passed through countless spaces just past the giant claws of the black shadow. When reappearing, he appeared on the sky seal, and a jade sword flashed in his hand.


   Wang Sheng drank coldly, and his feet were humming, becoming like a giant mountain, inferior to all the mountains in front of him, lifting the flip down and suppressing the shadow on the top of the shadow, bang!

   is like a collision between two mountains, but the sky seal only trembles slightly, and then falls firmly, and the shadow is trapped by the vigorous suppression.

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