Although the test has not yet been completed, the invigilators are extremely determined

Lin Mo’s first, in the entire seventh, it is impossible for anyone to shake it!

Whether it has already been tested or has not yet begun to be tested, even if you add them all up, they cannot be compared with Lin Mo’s terrifying performance!

Even Jiang Qiansha and Wu Lingfeng, who opened up the extraordinary world, had successfully created bronze-level creatures, which was far from enough!


The entire test lasted until noon.

After the test, all the students of the fourth class returned to the classroom and waited for a long time before finally waiting for the announcement of the ranking.

“Teacher Li, this is the ranking of the results of this test.”

The invigilator in charge of informing the ranking pushed the door in and handed the ranking table to Li Ping, the teacher of the fourth class.

“Hard work Teacher Chen.”

Li Ping took the ranking table and smiled.

“Not hard.”

The invigilator waved his hand, and was about to say a few words to Li Ping, but accidentally glanced at Lin Mo, who was sitting by the window.


The smile on the invigilator’s face instantly became a little stiff, and he opened the door without hesitation and flew away.

“Teacher Chen, what’s wrong?”

Li Ping was a little puzzled, and while talking to himself, he looked down at the roll call table in his hand.

But Li Ping only glanced at it, and the whole person froze!

“Teacher Li! The first place is not me! ”

Someone can’t wait to ask!

“Pull down! The goblins in your world are afraid that they can’t even compare to the big brothers in Tang Yu’s world who have cultivated the Sunflower Treasure Book! ”

“I don’t have an AC number in my heart, do I?”

Someone mercilessly demolished.

“There is no doubt that the first in this test is definitely the goddess ginger!”

“If it weren’t for me eating upside down!”

“Eat it yourself!”

Someone is extremely sure.

“Good fellow, although there is a suspicion of cheating and cheating, I have to say that you and I see the same thing as the heroes!”

“The first place is either Jiang Qiansha or Wu Lingfeng, I can take the third place and I am satisfied!”

Everyone started talking.

And Jiang Qianshao, who was the focus of everyone’s discussion, was sitting on the seat, with a confident look on his face!

Your own rise has just begun!

And that’s just the first step!


There was the sound of students chattering in his ears, and Li Ping finally came to his senses!

He looked at the names on the ranking table over and over again with wide eyes, and finally determined who the first place in this test was!

Li Ping raised his head and glanced at Jiang Qianshian, and finally fell his gaze on Lin Mo with difficulty.

He opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

Li Ping had already predicted that the first place in this test would either be Jiang Qiansha in his own class or Wu Lingfeng in Class 1, and there would never be any accidents!

But what happened in front of him made Li Ping fall into deep doubts!

Lin Mo!

First place… It turned out to be Lin Mo!

But…… How could it be Lin Mo?

What he opened up is obviously just an ordinary world that is not in the flow!

Barren and barren, the environment is harsh, even if life is created, it is by no means comparable to the bronze-level creatures in the world of Jiang Qianshian!

Not to mention that he directly crushed the two and won the first place!

Below Lin Mo’s name on the ranking table, they were Jiang Qiansha who was second, and Wu Lingfeng who was third!

Li Ping felt that his brain was faintly chaotic at this moment!

Could this ranking be a mistake?

One such thought popped up in his mind, but the next moment, Li Ping shook his head repeatedly.

If there is still a possibility that others may make mistakes, but the examiner of this invigilator is Teacher Xu!

As a Perfection-level Creator, Teacher Xu has a vicious vision and is extremely sophisticated, and he is the most senior faculty member in the Seventh Middle School!

He would never have made such a low-level mistake!

Don’t…… Is this true?

At this moment, Li Ping was a little dazed.

“Teacher Li, hurry up and announce the rankings! As long as I can make the top ten, I will be satisfied! ”

“If I can’t get in, let me die!”

Someone in the class couldn’t wait.

Li Ping swallowed his spit, hesitated and slowly spoke:

“The first place in this test-”

Jiang raised his head shallowly, the corners of his mouth gently hooked, ready to meet the teacher’s approval and the worship of the classmates.

“Teacher Li! Don’t say the first place! Anyway, there will be no one else except Jiang Qianshian! ”

“That is, there is no suspense in the ranking, it is recommended to announce it backwards from back to front!”

“Alas! When will I be as good as the ginger goddess! If I can win the first place once, my parents will probably die happy! ”

Everyone looked at Li Ping expectantly while you said a loud word.

“First place-”

Li Ping took a deep breath and gently pronounced two words:

“Lin Mo!”


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