It wasn’t until he came home from school that Jiang finally accepted the fact that he had lost the first place.

In fact, Jiang Qiansha had already been mentally prepared to win the second place before.

But in her expectation, the first place is Wu Lingfeng, who can only be Class 1!

But now, the first place is not only not Wu Lingfeng, but also a person who makes himself unacceptable no matter what!

This kind of blow made Jiang Qianshian, who has always been smooth, a little unacceptable!

“An ordinary world, why can it surpass my Warcraft civilization and win the first place?!”

“Fake! It must be fake! ”

“It was definitely because there was a problem with the instrument during the test, which caused the invigilator to score a mistake!”

Thinking of this, Jiang Qiansha slowly breathed a sigh of relief, she clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and spoke:

“This kind of first and second test by luck will definitely knock you back to the original form!”

“The first place in the next test must be my ginger shallow!”


If the person who was injured the most in this test, it must be Wu Lingfeng.

As the creator of the powerful fighting world, he was originally full of confidence in the first and was bound to win.

But after the ranking results came out, Wu Lingfeng was completely dumbfounded.



Because of the existence of Jiang Qianshian, a powerful opponent, even Wu Lingfeng who ranked second could accept it, but he really didn’t expect that he was ranked third?!

Where did this Lin Mo, who was in first place, pop out?!

The most important thing is that this guy is just a creator of the ordinary world!

It is enough to be pressed by Jiang’s shallow Warcraft civilization!

But what the hell are you in this ordinary world, big brother?!

Is the ordinary world so raw now?

Let not let people live?

Wu Lingfeng was about to cry.

The only thing that can make him feel a little comforted is that Jiang Qianshao also failed to win the first place.

Thinking of this, Wu Lingfeng felt slightly better in his heart.

After school, Wu Lingfeng returned home without even eating, so he directly entered his vindictive world.

The creature he created has reached the third stage of Dou’s power before, and before the next test, he must be upgraded to the ninth stage!

If you can break the realm and upgrade to become a fighter, it will be even better!

“After seven days, I must shock everyone! Take back the place that belongs to me! ”


After school, Lin Mo left under the complicated and difficult eyes of his classmates, received the two divine sources belonging to the first place, and returned home.

Just as he was about to enter the indescribable realm, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Lin Mo glanced at the caller ID, a smile appeared on his face, and put the phone to his ear:

“Hey, Mom.”


A familiar gentle voice came from the earpiece:

“Xiao Mo, is school over? Did you eat? Is it takeaway again? ”

“Usually eat less takeaway, if you have time, it’s best to make it yourself, clean and hygienic!”

“Is the cost of living enough? If it’s not enough, remember to tell your mother…”

Listening to the chatter in his ears, Lin Mo’s heart surged with warmth.

Although he came from the past, he has lived in this world for more than ten years, and he has long regarded his family here as real relatives.

“Eaten, eaten in the school cafeteria… Not a takeaway! ”

“There are still more living expenses, you don’t have to worry about money, now your son is already a creator, earning money or something, it’s still easy…”

Lin Mo said with a smile.

“Successful in opening up the world?! My son is such a cow! ”

“Oops! Dad, Xiao Mo’s awakening is successful! Already a Creator! ”

Lin Mo’s mother, Qin Yun, shouted at Lin Shan, who was cooking in the kitchen.

“Really fake?!”

Lin Shan came out of the kitchen, wiped his hands, took the mobile phone, and scolded with a smile

“You kid, didn’t lie to me and your mother, did you?”

Lin Mo shook his head helplessly:

“When did I lie to you?”

“But the awakened world is very general, just an ordinary civilization.”

“That’s nice too! Don’t be too ambitious! ”

Lin Shan began to educate Lin Molai:

“The ordinary world is the ordinary world, there is nothing bad!”

“There are billions of people in our country of origin, and there are only so many people who can awaken to become creators every year, and it is not bad to open up an ordinary world!”

“There are still many people who can’t open up if they want to!”

Although Lin Shan kept nagging, Lin Mo heard the ubiquitous comfort in his words.

“I know that.”

Lin Mo replied with a smile.

“By the way, when is school closed?”

“Your sister Zining pestered us all day and asked when you would come home!”

Although Lin Shan also missed Lin Mo very much, as a big man, some words were difficult to say, so he pushed Lin Mo’s sister Lin Zining out.

“Soon, I’ll go back when I’m busy with the college entrance examination, and I can do it in a month at most.”

Lin Mo also missed his parents and sister a lot.

Lin Mo went to school in Lanjiang City, and his hometown was in Haizhou, next door, and he rarely had the opportunity to go back.

“That’s good, that’s good… I’ll go! The dish is burned paste! ”

“Let your mother talk to you!”

Lin Shan quickly handed the mobile phone to Qin Yun and trotted to the kitchen.

“By the way, mom, this girl Zining is about to take the middle school entrance examination, and her academic performance is okay, right?”

“Have you finished writing the dozens of test papers I sent her back last time?”

“If it’s not enough, tell me, I’ll send it again…”


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