Those terrifying existences didn’t kill Yang Shun!

But after witnessing the indescribable terrifying monster devouring all the creatures of his entire world, Yang Shun’s whole person fell into an extremely strange emotion.

Shock, fear, dazedness, confusion, heartache, regret…

Countless negative emotions mixed together, crazy drowned him!

Under the flood of these crazy emotions, Yang Shun went crazy!

He wanders in a world that has long been reduced to ruins, crying and laughing, unable to help himself!


For Yang Shun’s experience, Lin Mo did not have any sympathy.

“With this bit of psychological quality, how dare you send me an invitation to fight?”

Lin Mo shook his head speechlessly, with the same expression on his face full of the question mark face of the old man of the subway.

I didn’t even have time to make a move on him, and I was scared into this ghostly appearance, which is really heavyweight!

“Although there is no divine source reward for this invitation battle, the siren head and star color have undergone earth-shaking changes in their own strength levels after a feast-like devouring!”

“The siren head is already a golden fifth order, and the color of the star has reached the golden seventh order!”

“The harvest is not unrich!”

Lin Mo nodded slightly, extremely satisfied with the result of this battle!

“After staying in the Boundless Sea for so long this time, it seems that it is almost time for the third assessment.”

“Let’s go out and get ready.”

Lin Mo muttered to himself, withdrew from the Boundless Sea, and returned to the real world.


The next day is the day of the assessment.

In the morning, Lin Mo got up from bed under the urging of the alarm clock, washed simply, changed his clothes, and had breakfast downstairs again, before starting to leave for the seventh middle school.

“That’s the benefit of living close to the school.”

“While others were still commuting on the road, I had just gotten up and was about to go~”

Lin Mo was thinking boredly, but there was a sudden sound of brakes behind him.

“Classmate Lin Mo! Lin Mo! ”

A somewhat familiar voice was calling out to himself.

Lin Mo turned around and saw a petite girl wearing a short skirt waving her hand while trotting towards her.

It was a classmate in the class, Tang Yu.

“Morning! Lin Mo! ”

Tang Yu came to Lin Mo and wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, looking very happy.


Lin Mo nodded and looked at the black car that Tang Yu had come down from.

In the driving position, a middle-aged man was looking at himself with a guarded face.

It seems to be… Tang Yu’s father?

Lin Mo was a little helpless.

What are you doing looking at me like this, I won’t eat your daughter….

Thinking so, Lin Mo smiled at the middle-aged man from a distance.

The middle-aged man’s face softened and he nodded at Lin Mo.

“Dad, let’s go~”

“Remember to be careful when you drive on the road!”

Tang Yu waved at the middle-aged man and shouted.

Hearing his daughter’s words, the corner of Tang Zhao’s mouth twitched fiercely.

Dad, let’s go….

Why does this sound so awkward?

How come my baby girl has become ‘us’ with other stinky boys….

As his father, he was like an outsider….


Although he has imagined this day countless times since the birth of his daughter, he thinks he has long been prepared!

But when this moment really came, Tang Zhao still fell into deep contemplation!


Lin Mo’s impression of Tang Yu was not bad, so he did not refuse to go with her.

Compared to Jiang Asasha, a girl who grew up in a honeypot and is full of superiority, he still prefers to get along with this cute and loving soft girl.

Tang Yu also followed Lin Mo step by step, looking at Lin Mo intently while taking small steps.

A pair of big eyes full of spiritual energy reflected Lin Mo’s figure.

“She looks at her brother like this, is it…”

Lin Moran thought of the creatures in Tang Yu’s world who had cultivated such peerless skills as the Evil Warding Sword Spectrum, and his heart jumped, and his whole person was not good in an instant.

“Ahem! What happened to the creatures in your world? ”

Lin Mo asked curiously.

“…… The mood is still very stable! ”

Hearing Lin Mo speak, Tang Yu came back to his senses, and his little face was full of excitement:

“This test should not be at the bottom like before!”

“Oh? Has the level of living beings increased? ”

Lin Mo was very concerned about the condition of that benevolent brother.


Tang Yu nodded:

“Last time I listened to the advice of the invigilator, and after I went back, I bought the skill card of the Sunflower Treasure Book~!”

“Now it is very comfortable with its new identity!”

“Except for the fact that I like to wear women’s clothes, I talk with my throat pinched, and my orientation is a little abnormal, everything else is good!”

“And I gave him a very majestic new name!”

“What name?”

At this time, Lin Mo was already scorched inside and outside of Lei!

Tang Yu waved his small hand and said arrogantly:

“The East is undefeated!”


PS: Ask for data support! The data is motionless! The little author’s heart is going to break! Woohoo!

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