Chapter Seventy-Six Plunder Frenzy! Wuyin Town!!

Although he was so perfunctory, Mu Lingxiu’s curiosity about Lin Mo did not weaken in the slightest!

On the contrary, the desire to inquire is like a flame, becoming more and more intense! She is now in her twenties, and she has never been so interested in a person of the opposite sex

That feeling made Mu Lingxiu feel extremely novel!

It even brought a bit of excitement!

“By the way, the extrajudicial madman Zhang San is a wanted criminal! You can receive his bounty by killing him this time! ”

Mu Lingxiu opened her phone and looked for it.

“Found it! This guy’s bounty is ten divine origins! ”

Mu Lingxiu’s tone was a little regretful: “Although there are not many divine sources, among the interstellar raiders, the intermediate creator is also at this price. ”

Ten divine source equivalent to source national coins is already nearly 10 million, not much? Where did the little rich woman come from~

Lin Mo nodded and said, “Are you one of those hunters who specialize in hunting interstellar raiders for a living?” ”

Mu Lingxiu blinked, nodded and then shook his head: “I’m a hunter, but I don’t live by this behavior!” ”

“There is a little bit of money in the family, and I can barely afford to support me~”

The corner of Lin Mo’s mouth twitched, it turned out to be really a rich woman!

Mu Lingxiu then looked at Lin Mo again and said tentatively: “How about you give me your contact information, and I will bring Zhang San’s reward to you by the way next time?” ”


Mu Lingxiu had a slight panic in her eyes!

Poor God, she has never asked a boy for contact information!

And with such a clumsy excuse!

Mu Lingxiu looked at Lin Mo and pretended to be calm, although he couldn’t see any clues on his pretty face, he was actually already nervous to death!


Lin Mo nodded.

Ten Divine Sources is already a huge amount of money for himself.

After all, I only got fifteen in school!

And ten of them are also sponsored by the principal!

After exchanging contact information with Lin Mo, Mu Lingxiu reluctantly left Lin Mo’s world.

Today’s fright is too much, and her body is inexplicably tired, and she needs to go home and rest.

Although there is some reluctance, but fortunately, the contact information has arrived, come to Japan ~ Fang Changyi

Zhang San’s world was not far from the indescribable realm.

About a few dozen minutes later, Lin Mo descended into this world.

The entire world is quite large, with a diameter of nearly 10,000 square kilometers.

More than 80 percent of them are vast oceans, and the remaining 20 percent are land on shore and archipelagos at sea.

Although the most powerful creatures in this Kraken civilization have all died in Lin Mo’s indescribable realm, there are still many sea tribes in the ocean!

Some of them are low-level Krakens, but more of them are ordinary creatures living in the ocean!

Presumably created to serve as a Kraken food.

Lin Mo’s eyes lit up slightly.

There are almost no creatures in the oceans of your own world except for deep divers!

It’s fitting that these creatures are plundered into the Pacific Ocean and used as food for deep divers!

Just do it, Lin Mo’s heart moved, and the majestic world phantom instantly spread out, rising towards the sky!

Huge waves hundreds of meters high surged up, and the Pacific Ocean roared and covered the entire sky!

The whole sea is hanging upside down in the sky!

At the same time, an incomparably powerful suction force firmly locked the ocean in Zhang San’s world

A squid involuntarily crossed the water, jumped high, cut a straight line in the air, and plopped into the Pacific Ocean covered with the sky!

Immediately afterwards, one sea creature after another jumped out of the water, whether it was a hideous and huge Kraken or an ordinary fish, shrimp and shellfish, all of them soared into the sky!

They were densely packed in the air, and under the action of that terrifying suction, they crashed towards the Pacific Ocean!

The list goes on and on!

All the space between the sea is firmly filled by this endless sea life!

The whole plunder process lasted a full full hour before it finally ended! At this time, in the ocean of Zhang San’s world, there were no more living beings!

This plunder… It’s a bountiful harvest!

Lin Mo nodded in satisfaction, and was about to leave, but suddenly on the other side of this ocean, he felt a trace of life fluctuation!

Lin Mo looked curiously, and then saw a port on the coast… It seems to be a small town.

“Is it a human being in this world?”

Lin Mo said to himself, he saw countless figures gathering on the edge of the port at this time, looking towards the sea with trepidation.

Thinking that it was the shock that had just occurred in the ocean, which frightened these weak creatures, Lin Mo shook his head and was about to leave.

But then he thought that all the creatures in the sea had been plundered by themselves, and these humans who lived on the sea continued to stay here, and it seemed that there was only one way left to die.

So Lin Mo casually relocated the entire town to his own world and placed it on the coast on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

It was a long way from the indescribable conditions they had created, and it was quite safe for them.

Lin Mo did not do this purely to save these weak creatures.

What he wants to see more is in such an indescribable world, in what direction will these human beings develop and evolve?

Although it was just a whim, Lin Mo was extremely curious!

As one of the top groups in the source country, the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has the most developed intelligence network.

As the young president of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, Mu Lingxiu had already obtained all the information about Lin Mo not long after leaving the Boundless Realm Sea

Although only one name is known, for the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, it is obviously not difficult to investigate a person based on the name.

[Lin Mo, age eighteen, senior student in Lanjiang City…]

As soon as he saw the first line of words on the document, Mu Lingxiu instantly exclaimed: “Eighteen years old?!! ”


Mu Lingxiu’s whole person was numb!

Such a small grade, such a terrifying strength… What kind of monster is this!


Thinking that he was actually seen by a young boy who had just come of age, Mu Lingxiu had a strange illusion that his old cow was eating tender grass…


Mu Lingxiu, who was a little embarrassed, continued to look down with a red face.

[Ordinary world, primary creator…]

“Is this intelligence serious?”

“Lin Mo’s world is more terrifying than the most powerful transcendent world I’ve ever seen.”

“Looking back now, I can’t even help but break out in a cold sweat!”

“How can it be just an ordinary world!”

Mu Lingxiu patted his chest in fear and turned the next page.

[Father: Lin Shan…]

[Mother: Han Yun…]

[Sister: Lin Zining…]

The next few pages were intelligence information about Lin Mo’s family, and when he saw Lin Mo’s parents’ work unit, Mu Lingxiu’s eyes widened instantly!

“Where Linmer’s mom and dad work… It turned out to be the branch of the Deep Blue Merchant in Haizhou? ”

“And such a coincidence?!”

Mu Lingxiu thought for a while, and then directly asked the person in charge of the local branch to contact the person in charge.

“Major President! You look for me! ”

Haizhou City, Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce Branch, General Manager’s Office.

A middle-aged man with a big belly held a microphone in his hand, and his enthusiastic voice was full of respect.

The Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has branches all over the source country, and the branch leaders of small cities in the third and fourth tier cities like him can be directly contacted by the number two figures in the Chamber of Commerce such as the young president, which is the first time in the world!

“Lin Shan and Qin Yun… Is it an employee of the Haizhou branch? ”

Mu Lingxiu asked directly.

“Lin Shan, Qin Yun…”

The general manager thought for a while, and nodded repeatedly: “Yes, young president, they are all old employees on this side of the branch!” ”

“Technical backbone!”

“Technical backbone…”

Mu Lingxiu frowned slightly:

“Although the salary of this position is good, it is generally more tiring…”

The general manager is also a personal essence, a little stunned, he immediately heard the meaning of the young president’s words, and quickly spoke: “There are several other vacancies on the branch side, the work is not so busy, and the salary is higher, do you see if it is…”

This guy isn’t stupid!

Mu Lingxiu smiled slightly: “Then this matter will be left to you, no problem, right?” ”

“No problem! No problem! ”

The general manager did not hesitate to pack the ticket, and the chest shot shocked!

Being able to help the young president do things, this kind of opportunity to show his face, that is not everyone can have one

If it is remembered by the young president, he may ascend to the sky in one step and soar!

“Young President, can you take the liberty of asking, you and them… What is the relationship? ”

The general manager suddenly spoke cautiously.

The relationship between Lin Shan and the young president was determined, and only by doing things could we better grasp the degree.


Mu Lingxiu didn’t know what he thought, his pretty face was slightly red, and he coughed.

“It’s my distant uncle and aunt.”

Ooh! Boy!

The general manager was instantly excited!

He thought it was just some ordinary friends and the like, but he didn’t expect it to be a kiss

This can’t help but be sloppy!

When the young president hung up the phone, the general manager finally breathed a sigh!

“Good guys… I didn’t expect that in a branch of mine, there were even relatives of the president’s family! ”

“If this can be done beautifully, it will satisfy the young president… If I don’t get it, I really could be transferred to the headquarters! ”

Thinking of this, the general manager hurriedly rushed out the door and said, “Xiao Zhang!” ”

The secretary Xiao Zhang pushed the door in, but before he could speak, he saw the general manager shaking his head again: “The relatives of the president’s family can’t be neglected… Or I’ll go and invite it myself! ”

After saying that, he got up and hurriedly left the office, leaving Xiao Zhang standing in place, confused.

For Mu Lingxiu, of course, this is not just to befriend Lin Mo.

More importantly, it is to show gratitude.

If Lin Mo hadn’t woken himself up in time, he would probably have died in that boundless deep sea like Zhang San, an extrajudicial madman!

Although he couldn’t remember what he saw, Mu Lingxiu still had palpitations!

It was as if what he was seeing was a taboo thing that should not exist in this world, and even if he was a powerful high-level creator, he still couldn’t look at it directly!

Mu Lingxiu’s mind appeared Lin Mo’s appearance, his clean and handsome face seemed to have strange magic, but just remembered it, he couldn’t help but thump his heart.

This feeling… It made Mu Lingxiu feel strange, and some made her happy.

Lin Mo…

Mu Lingxiu muttered in a low voice, looking at Lin Mo’s information on the table in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

Lin Mo completely plundered Zhang San’s world, and only then returned to the indescribable realm.

“In addition to deep divers in the Pacific Ocean now, there are hundreds of thousands of Krakens!”

“Although these Krakens are not strong in combat power, and the highest level is only bronze level, the victory is in the huge number!”

“Survive and evolve in the sleeping Pacific Ocean of Cthulhu, and you must be able to quickly promote and even mutate!”

“Become a force to be reckoned with!”

“As for those plundered ordinary sea creatures, they should be the rations of deep divers and sirens.”

“And that seaside town…”

“What kind of surprise will these human beings bring me in this dangerous world?”

Lin Mo’s face showed an interested look, and his mind moved, adjusting the speed of time flow in the Indescribable Realm…

The name of the town, called Wuyin.

Although it has been more than a year since he came to this new world, the residents of the town still can’t forget the terrifying scene a year ago!

A big hand tore through the clouds and overwhelmed the sky, uprooting the entire town!

What a terrifying power that must be?! Nobody knows.

But everyone in Wuyin Town was extremely sure… That must be the legendary god!

Only the gods can hang the sea upside down, and can bring the endless sea tribes and small towns to this new world!

For the residents of Wuyin Town, this world is obviously much worse than the previous world!

Resources are barren, desolate and dead, lifeless!

Even the sun in the sky exudes a gloomy cold that penetrates deep into the marrow! But fortunately alive!

After such a terrifying experience, it is already a great blessing not to lose even a small life!

The inhabitants of Wuyin Town have lived by the sea since their birth and live by the sea.

Therefore, at least a third of the thousands of people in the town are fishing sailors!

They go out to sea with fishing nets to catch fish and shrimp, and the work is dirty and tiring, extremely intense, but the pay is pitiful.

But in the town of Wuyin, not all sailors are like this!

There are also a small number of sailors, who not only work intensively, they will only go to sea once in ten days and a half a month, but also the gold coins they get each time are worth the salary of ordinary sailors for several months!

Although the treatment is very different, no one feels unfair! Because the object of these sailors is not fish, but… Kraken! They are called – sea hunters!

Compared to ordinary sea creatures, Kraken is full of treasures! Not only are they scarce in number, they are extremely difficult to find!

More importantly, each of them has extremely powerful combat power! Therefore, compared to ordinary sailors, the danger factor of the profession of sea hunter is a hundred times higher!

Although the sea hunters in the town are glamorous, everyone knows how terrifying and dangerous it is behind this brilliance!

It is not an exaggeration to say that half a foot has already stepped into the ghost gate!

For sea hunters, although they have wealth far beyond ordinary people, every time they go to sea, it is like a farewell to them and their relatives at home!

Because no one knows if they will ever come back again!

Therefore, in Wuyin Town, few people will envy these sea hunters.

But among these people, Awu is not included.

Awu is an orphan.

His parents died early, and he lived on the streets since he was a child, relying on the handouts of the town’s well-wishers to survive to his current nephew.

And in Wuyin Town, there are many, many such people.

Most of them are descendants of sea hunters, their father and brother buried in the belly of the Kraken, and their mother either remarried, went crazy, or was martyred.

Like most other orphans, Awu is a slaughterer at the slaughterhouse in Wuyin Town, specializing in handling Kraken’s corpses.

Every day, those sea hunters will transport the caught Kraken to the slaughtering dock, send them to the slaughterhouse, and then hand them over to slaughterers like Ah Wu!

After dismantling, it will be bought by the merchants in the town at a large price according to different parts and at different high prices!

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