Chapter 80 Blood Harbor Ghost! Welcome back to the abyss!!

“When I come out to eat, someone comes to bring warmth, and this luck is no one.”

Lin Mo sighed softly while eating a late-night snack.

After devouring that guy’s world, the level of creatures in the Inexplicable Realm has once again been raised!

Star Cai has been promoted to the Golden Ninth Order! The siren head has been promoted to the seventh golden rank!

As a platinum-level creature, although the Flower of Annihilation did not improve much, it was only one step away from breaking through to the sixth order of platinum!

Such a harvest is simply a bonus!

After eating a night’s snack, Lin Mo returned home and slept until he woke up naturally.

“The elite battle match seems to be about to begin…”

Entering the Ten University Mansions of the Origin Country is attractive to Lin Mo.

The Unspeakable Realm is unique in the entire Rootless Sea, and everything needs to be explored by oneself.

“But who would have thought that the reward for the first place in the battle match would be a full hundred Divine Sources!”

Thinking of this hundred divine origins, Lin Mo was instantly not sleepy, and without saying a word, he got up and descended directly to the Rootless Realm Sea, and began the matching battle!

【Matching you with the right person——】

【Match successful! 】

After just a few moments, the prompt for successful matching suddenly sounded!

[Match World: Wuxia World! ] 】

[Opponent’s World Level: Ordinary Civilization! ] 】

[Opponent’s Creator Level: Intermediate Creator! ] 】

Lines of information emerge on the panel, and at the same time, a familiar passage quietly condenses in the indescribable realm!

“The Unnameable Realm?”

“What is this pheasant world? I’ve never heard of it, okay! ”

Sun Yang shook his head with disdain, and his certainty of winning this battle was once again much greater!

The world opened up by Sun Yang is a powerful martial arts world that ranks high among ordinary civilizations!

In the Rootless Realm Sea, most of the martial arts world creators will devote themselves to giving birth to a large number of living beings!

These creatures will form one sect after another, and then cultivate disciples through the sect, passing them on from generation to generation, endlessly!

But unlike other martial arts world creators, Sun Yang chose the route of winning with quality!

In his martial arts world, there is no righteous path and demon path and various factions!

Although it has been several years since the opening of the world, the number of creatures in Sun Yang’s world is pitiful, only a mere seven!

But among these seven people, even the lowest level A Qi is the strength of the bronze eighth order03!

And the strongest Ah Da even reached the third order of silver!

Not only are they proficient in all kinds of weapons and exercises, but they have already broken through the second vein of Ren Du and have extremely profound internal strength!

With the ‘Seven Evils’, Sun Yang has repeatedly won in world battles, and the winning rate has reached an astonishing 70%!

And this battle will not be any different from the past in Sun Yang’s opinion!

“Go, Nanachi!”

In the quaint hall, Xiao Yang, who was sitting in the first place, waved his hand casually.


Qi Xie stood up, saluted Sun Yang respectfully, and turned and left the hall!

Passing through the passage of the world, the sound of surging water suddenly sounded in my ears, and a salty and wet sea water smell rushed to my face!

Qi Xie looked up and saw an eyeless ocean.

The plain behind him was barren and dead, and there was no sign of the existence of any living beings.

“Could it be that the creatures in this world are sea tribes?”

Ah Qi looked at the deep sea in front of him and was eager to try.

Although there are also big rivers in his world, it is the first time he has seen such a mighty ocean!

“This world is so dilapidated, I expect that the combat power of the creatures in this sea should be just ordinary!”

Ah Si shook his head, his tone full of disdain: “Obviously, the world battle has begun, but these guys are still hiding in the water, in my opinion, they have long been scared!” ”

“We have just arrived in this world, and we are not familiar with everything here, so it is better not to underestimate the enemy.”

Ah Er glanced at Ah Si and helplessly spoke.

The fourth brother is not old, he has always been untamed, and he does not know the height of the sky, I am afraid that he must suffer a little, so that this arrogant nature can be changed.

“Since they don’t want to come out, let’s get them out.”

Ah Da, the strongest of the Seven Evils, spoke expressionlessly, his gaze swept around, and finally stopped on the dry forest.

“Go cut down some trees and make a boat out.”

Under Ah Er’s instructions, several people did not go deep into the forest, but cut down a few dry trees on the periphery, and they were ready as soon as possible.

Several people boarded the boat and sailed towards the depths of the sea.

Seeing such a vast ocean for the first time, the seven people were obviously a little new.

They stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the beautiful sea and sky while patrolling the traces of life in the sea!


There was a cold sound of water, and everyone couldn’t help but be surprised!

And Ah Da even shot a dart out with a flick of his fingers at the moment when the voice came!


A fish that jumped from the surface of the sea was pierced by a dart hole, plopped, and fell back into the sea.

“It turned out to be a fish.”

Everyone relaxed, and at the same time he couldn’t help but be a little disappointed.

“Are these guys hiding their heads really not going to come out?”

“This sea area is so vast, what year and month we have to find!”

Ah Qi lay on the side of the ship and lamented.

“These guys are so greedy and afraid of death, after finding them, I will definitely let him taste the power of my Xuanxian Divine Palm!”

Ah Si snorted coldly.

Seeing that everyone was talking non-stop, Ah Er on the side frowned faintly.

“Why do you feel like you’re being targeted by something?”

Ah Er muttered to himself and looked around.

But everywhere you look, in addition to seawater, it is still seawater.

There is not the slightest abnormality.

“What’s wrong?”

Ah Da on the side noticed Ah Er’s abnormality, and a rare fluctuation appeared on Ah Er’s face like an iceberg.

The second brother has an extremely powerful perception and an extremely keen sense of smell for danger

Ah Er shook his head.

“It’s nothing, it’s my delusion.”

Then he looked at A Qi lying on the side of the ship: “A Qi, for safety, it’s better to stay away from there.” ”

Ah Qi nodded, obediently came to the middle of the boat, and just sat down, but suddenly frowned: “Have you heard someone calling my name?” ”

“Call your name?”

Everyone was stunned and shook their heads in unison.

There isn’t even a ghost here, and whoever of us will call your name!

Ah Qi was also a little strange, just now he obviously heard the shout of a hoarse voice, and that voice seemed to come from the sea!

But the brothers didn’t hear it at all!

What’s going on?! Ah Qi shook his head, thinking that he might be hallucinating.

The wooden boat continued to move forward in the sea, and before I knew it, it was dark.

The rust-colored moonlight poured down the wine, and the entire sea was a strange rusty red.

“Ah Qi.”

“Ah Qi.”

“Ah Qi!”

An inexplicable call suddenly sounded again in his ears, and Ah Qi, who was sitting on the boat and was sleepy, stood up and looked around in panic: “Who is it!” ”

“Who is it!”

“Who’s calling me!”

Ah Qi exclaimed, but froze in the next moment.

I saw a dark ghost appear on the ship at some point, he had a hateful face, a tall figure, and a blood-dripping harpoon in his hand!

And at his feet, his brothers turned out to be disemboweled, all… He’s dead!

Ah Qi was instantly dazzled! The brothers were all killed. This guy!

This damn guy!!

“I’m going to kill you! I’ll kill you!!! ”

An irrepressible anger rose up, and Ah Qi howled heartbreakingly, drew the long sword at his waist, and stabbed fiercely towards the ghostly shadow!


Although the ghost looked very terrifying, it seemed that he did not react to his attack at all, and the long sword in his hand cleanly pierced the damn guy’s chest!

He looked at himself with wide eyes, his face full of disbelief!

“Give me!!! death”

Ah Qi clenched the hilt of his sword, slammed it on the chest of the ghost, and smashed it in half from top to bottom!


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came, and Ah Qi clenched his fists, his eyes red!

“Brothers, brothers have avenged you!”

Tears burst out like beads of broken threads, blurring Ah Qi’s vision

Ah Qi subconsciously wiped his eyes.

The blurred world in front of me is clear again, but why is it more?

How many faces?

Those bloodstained faces were extremely familiar to themselves, and at this moment, they were standing in front of them, looking at themselves as if they were looking at a mad monster

They are their own older brothers!

But aren’t the brothers already dead?!

Ah Qi was a little confused, inexplicable, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, so he subconsciously looked down

One body was lying on its back on the ground.

The corpse had his own long sword stuck in his chest, and his body had already been soaked with blood, and at this time, he was staring at himself with a pair of dead eyes! The puzzlement, shock, and surprise in that gaze were almost overflowing! That’s his fourth brother!

Did he kill the fourth brother? A Qi’s heart trembled, and then Feng frantically shook his head! How can it be!!

What he just killed is obviously that hateful monster! By the way, aren’t the brothers already dead?

How could they look at me like that? What’s going on?!

Ah Qi only felt that his head was about to burst, and he held his head and squatted down in pain!

At a certain moment, Ah Qi suddenly quieted down.

“Got it, I know.”

“Hallucinations! All this is an illusion! ”

“From the very beginning when I heard someone call my name, I was already cursed and hallucinated!”

Ah Qi cried and laughed, stood up, and pulled out his long sword from the corpse.

“My brothers have already been killed, and everything that appears in front of me at this moment is fake!”

“They transformed into my brother’s appearance, and they still tried to deceive me with illusions, making me mistakenly think that I killed my brother by mistake!”

“They want me to kill myself!!”

Thinking of this, A Qi’s breath suddenly turned into ice, and he raised his long sword without hesitation and swept towards the illusion in front of him!

But just before Ah Qi raised his long sword, a dart came instantly, screaming through his eyebrows!


The long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and Ah Qi also fell with a bang!

The other five people stood on the boat, looking at the two corpses on the ground, they were already unable to speak!

The face of each of them

Shangdu exudes an indescribable look!

There was confusion, grief, dazedness, shock…

Although at this moment, two people had died, everyone still couldn’t understand what had just happened!

They only saw Ah Qi suddenly screaming and standing up, killing the caught off guard Ah Si in an extremely cruel way, and then crying and laughing, raising his long sword and swinging it at his people again!

Ah Da had to strike first and kill the seventh brother, who was already crazy! What the hell is going on here?!

Everyone suddenly felt a chill on their bodies, and an unspeakable atmosphere spread out, drowning the entire ship to death!

“It must be, it must be something in this sea.”

Ah Er trembled irrepressibly, and he recalled the feeling as if he was being stared at by something!

At this time, he finally realized that it was not his illusion at all! But really!

“The horror of the creatures in this world has long been far beyond our imagination!”

“We have to leave! Immediately! Right away!! ”

Ah Er’s face turned pale and roared!


So several people chose to turn around without hesitation, driving the wooden boat to the shore at high speed, and the wooden boat was getting closer and closer to the coast!

But the feeling of being stared at by something is getting stronger and stronger

It was as if something was coming with him, following and hiding around him!

Ah Er became more and more frightened, and he dared to look around, but he still did not find the slightest abnormality

Is it underwater?

A thought suddenly came to mind, Ah Er’s heart jumped, and he looked sharply towards the water under the boat!

Then he saw a scene that he will never forget!

A silhouette floated motionless in the water, his hideous face that seemed to have been corroded by strong acid, across the dark water, showed a strange smile at himself!

The next moment, that figure suddenly disintegrated!

He dispersed into endless droplets and bubbles, turned from a person into a cloud of fog, and dissipated out of thin air in the ripples of the wooden boat!


Ah Er was instantly frightened, and subconsciously wanted to let out a terrified exclamation, but before the voice came, it stopped abruptly!

A sharp harpoon pierced his throat and pulled it into the sea to kill!

“Ah two!”

“Second brother!”

The other four were dumbfounded, but they could only watch Ah Er sink into the dark bottom of the sea and disappear!

Several people performed their most powerful skills, wielding swords and dark weapons in their hands, and slashed madly into the surrounding seawater, but it was only in vain!

Fear was like an endless flood that completely drowned out everyone

Fortunately, the boat on which he was riding at this time was extremely close to the coast, and there was a light of hope in everyone’s eyes!

As long as you go ashore and leave this sea, you will definitely survive!

Thinking so, the strength of the four-person rowing has already exerted all the strength!

But the next moment, the hideous harpoon came silently again, piercing through Ah Wu’s body and dragging it into the boundless bottom of the sea!

That terrifying monster in the water is here again!!

The other three were on the verge of collapse at this time, shouting hysterically while paddling the ship furiously!

At this moment, it doesn’t matter what world battles and what kind of brotherly feelings are! They just want to survive!

But what was expected did not happen.

Ah Liu and Ah San were also penetrated by the harpoon and fell into the deep sea where the sky was missing

At this time, the wooden boat under him finally docked on the shore!

Ah Dalian climbed down from the boat, and at this time, his internal strength had been exhausted, and he couldn’t use light work at all!

But driven by that terrifying will to survive, the speed of his escape was not much worse than that of light skill!

Ah Da stepped on the beach, screaming unconsciously while flying forward!

But no matter how fast he ran, he still couldn’t pass the tarsal sister-like ghost figure quickly!


It seemed that something had passed through his body and poked out in his chest.

Ah Da’s eyes showed dazedness, and he subconsciously looked down.

A rusty harpoon comes into view.

Ah Da froze.


After all, you still can’t escape

Ah Da slowly opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say a word.

He could only spit out blood, kneel weakly on the ground, drag a long trail on the beach under the pull of that terrifying force, and return to the deep sea like hell!

The icy and piercing sea water rushed wildly, drowning everything in front of Ah Da’s eyes, and in a trance, he seemed to hear a low voice ringing indifferently in his ears.

“Welcome back to the Abyss!”

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