Chapter 93 Tianke? Let you see the real strength!!

Although it was a decisive battle between the champion candidates, because it was only the preliminary round of Lanjiang City, there was not much grand ceremony.

After a short trimming of thirty minutes, the showdown begins!

As soon as Li Yuan appeared in the boundless battlefield, he did not hesitate to summon his undead world!

“The war of the world has begun, do your best to kill the enemy, there must be no mistake!”

When the words fell, a blue-green transparent whirlwind smashed the world barrier, accompanied by a long horse neighing, and instantly flew towards Lin Mo, thousands of miles away!

The voice of the undead knight came from afar.

“Obey, my great Creator Majesty!”

Without any temptation or hesitation, at the beginning of the battle, Li Yuan directly used his most powerful combat power!

Even if the undead in his own world were enough to form a perfect restraint against Lin Mo’s strange methods, Li Yuan still did not have the slightest intention of underestimating the enemy~!

This is his usual style!

No matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, he will give it his all – all out! This does not stem from respect for the enemy!

It’s a self-confidence that is extremely strong!

The unrivaled charge of the undead knight will destroy everything like a decay!

No matter who you are facing! Wear out its flesh!

Extinguish its hopes! Despair its spirit!

Then take the victory and be crowned king!

“Controlling the suicide of living beings?”

Li Yuan shook his head disdainfully: “I want to see, in front of the undead knight, what can be done with this kind of ghost trick that is difficult to climb the hall of elegance?!” ”

The war horse on which the undead knight rode was inscribed with the attribute of wind under Li Yuan’s careful transformation, and the speed was simply jaw-dropping!

The distance of thousands of kilometers is fleeting!

One person and one horse turned into a fierce wind at this time!

The huge cloak behind the undead knight flew in the wind, and the eagle-like eyes locked on Lin Mo, and his face was full of killing intent that was extremely cold!

A few meters away from Lin Mo, the charging undead war horse suddenly stopped, its thick front legs jumped high, slashed towards Lin Mo’s head and face, and stepped down heavily!

At this time, the undead knight’s land was already half-above the horse!

He raised his spear with both hands, stabbed at the motionless guy, “Ah!! ”

At this moment, there was an exclamation in the venue!

Everyone was deeply shocked by the undead knight’s rapid attack!

Everyone had no doubt that even if he was facing him at this time, it was a bronze eighth-order creature of the same level!

Will also die under this terrifying attack, there is no way to fight back! And the staff has even begun to prepare to forcibly end the battle!

When a matchmaker is about to be fatally threatened, the staff has the right to choose to terminate it in advance!

But the next moment, the volley of war horses and knights stopped abruptly!

Their consciousness seemed to be disturbed and eroded, and the whole person fell into a huge dazedness, and all attacks suddenly stopped at this moment!

Immediately afterwards, the dazed disappeared, and the undead war horse jumped up as if frightened, and slammed the undead knight on his back to the ground!

Raise the iron hoof with a large basin and slam down towards the undead knight!

The strength of this blow was only stronger than when he had just attacked Lin Mo!

It seems that what it is facing is not its comrades and masters who accompany it day and night, but the enemies of life and death who do not share the sky!

But just a second before it was about to be smashed by the undead war horse, a sharp spear tip pierced the huge head of the war horse!

The spear pierced through the neck of the undead war horse, and poked its head out of its copper bell-like eye sockets, flashing with a dark and dead cold!

The undead war horse was killed in an instant!

The undead knight picked out the corpse of the war horse and flew out, with a maniacal smile on his face, he raised his spear upside down and stabbed it into his chest without hesitation!


The majestic body of the undead knight fell to his knees, losing all sound!

The whole process takes place between electric flints and begins with the undead horse attacking the undead knight and ending with the undead knight’s suicide, the whole process lasts only a few seconds

But these short seconds detonated the entire stadium in an instant!

“Shhh——!h Here it comes! He’s finally here!! ”

“Suicide!! Suicide again!! ”

“Even the bronze eighth-order undead knights can’t resist this terrifying means… Lin Mo, is he really going to become a champion? ”

“What do you want! This is the Undead Knight! The kind that can be resurrected! ”

“If you dare to let me commit suicide, I will dare to resurrect you and show you!”

“Look who can’t hold on first!”

Everyone exclaimed…

In the boundless battlefield, Li Yuan’s expression at this time also showed a rare trace of solemnity

At that moment just now, Li Yuan felt extremely clearly that the will and imprint he left on the undead knight were easily erased by an indescribable strange force with an incomparably brutal means!

This is something I have never experienced before!

“Being able to participate in elite battle matches as an ordinary world creator…”

“This Lin Mo… It does have its own uniqueness! ”

Li Yuan nodded slightly.

At the same time, in the center of the undead world behind Li Yuan, a tomb trembled coldly!

The tombstone in front of the grave shook violently, and the earth at the head of the grave fell! It was as if the whole world had turned upside down!

The shaking grew louder and louder, until the entire tomb was torn to the sides!

The loud neighing of the horse suddenly sounded, and the next moment, a person and a horse jumped out of the dark tomb!

The undead knight and the undead war horse have been resurrected again!

Although they died once, they still retain their previous memories!

After realizing that the opponent this time possessed a terrifying means that could erode consciousness, the undead knight did not hesitate to launch a skill ghost charge!

In the state of ghost charge, the undead knight and the undead war horse can turn into a real ghost state!

Hide in any environment around you and lose all traces completely!

Only those targets whose level is higher than their own can see through their whereabouts

This is the most powerful hole card that Li Yuan has prepared for the undead knight, and it is the first time it has been used so far!

For this championship, he gave his best! No surprises can be allowed!

“If I can force me to use the ghost charge, this Lin will… It is enough to call the word elite! ”

Li Yuan muttered, the corners of his mouth slowly hooked: “It’s just that compared to me, it’s still far behind…”

When the words fell, the undead knight and the undead war horse disappeared in an instant!

The turquoise whirlwind turned transparent, hidden in the air, and there was no trace of it!

“Boom!! This Li Yuan actually has such a powerful skill!! ”

“After stealth, Lin Mo can’t lock onto the target! His so-called suicide method is also equivalent to scrapping! ”

“This… It’s a real heavenly thing! ”

“Danger! This championship battle, Lin Mo is in danger! ”

“But Li Yuan, who can be forced, uses the hole card, and this little guy is also unbeatable!”

“Lin Mo… It is simply the strongest dark horse in this battle competition, the name of the runner-up, he deserves it! ”

At the seat, everyone exclaimed one after another!

“Congratulations to Principal Lu, it seems that the first place this time is already none other than your second middle school!”

“Title, you two live up to the name!”

“Congratulations Congratulations!”

Congratulations from other principals came from the side, and the principal of the second middle school smiled with a reserved smile on his face, nodding frequently to everyone who looked at him: “Same joy and congratulations!” ”

“Deserve it! Deserve it! ”

“Hahahaha, drink together after the preliminary round, I’ll treat you!”


At this time, Lin Mo was in the boundless battlefield, and naturally did not know that someone in the venue had already celebrated in advance.

Lin Mo looked at the undead knight who was charging towards him in the distance, and spread his hands helplessly: “Being able to hide his figure and launch a surprise and sharp charge towards the target…”

“Is this your strongest hole card?”

“But you don’t know what a terrifying guy standing in front of you…”

For Lin Mo, he is now an intermediate creator, and the Xia Gai worm that is controlled is a platinum-level creature!

Whether it is the level of the creator or the level of the living being, for Li Yuan and the undead knight, there is no doubt that it is completely crushed!

The ghost charge that made Li Yuan feel confident was even unable to play even the slightest role in Lin Mo’s eyes!

Be seen clearly and unobstructedly! Lin Mo still sent out Xia Gai worm!

The reason why he has been controlling the Xia Gai worm in the battle is that he doesn’t want to expose too much of his strength in the preliminary stage!

The more important reason was that Lin Mo wanted to make Xia Gai Worm constantly enrich his combat experience and hone his skill proficiency through this battle after battle!

After all, this is the current highest-level creature in his own world, and he can be called the façade of the indescribable realm, so he naturally has to cultivate it well!

And at this moment, even in the face of undead beings who were enough to form a strong restraint against Xia Gai insects in the eyes of others, Lin Mo still did not plan to change to other inexplicable forms!

Not a head iron, but.

“If you think that the Shagai worm only has these abilities, then you are very wrong…”

A bright smile appeared on Lin Mo’s face!

As soon as his mind moved, two Xia Gai insects passed through the world barrier and instantly appeared in front of Lin Mo!

These two Xia Gai insects surrounded Lin Mo, their transparent and hard wings vibrated rapidly at an extremely fast frequency, and their dull pupils exuded unparalleled fanaticism!

Lin Mo did not deliberately hide the figure of the Xia Gai worm, so everyone in the venue finally saw this strange creature for the first time!

They look quite similar in appearance to insects, but they are much larger than ordinary insects, the size of pigeons!

And not only the difference in body size, compared to ordinary insects, their appearance is even more terrifying!

These terrifying, large insects have no eyelids and ten sharp legs underneath!

Those feet and limbs folded on the pale belly, covered tightly by countless tentacles!

Those tentacles are densely packed and emit an ominous black light, performing high-frequency trembling in a strange rhythm, and just one glance will make people fall into the ultimate vertigo!

Their nearly round hard wings are covered with sharp scales, and their heads are covered with three hideous mouthparts!

Those mouthparts that are wet open together from time to time, making a strange sound that makes the scalp numb!


These creatures are so strange and terrifying that they do not exist in any records, far beyond everyone’s knowledge!

Just a glance will make people tremble!

“This!! Is this the creature in Lin Mo’s world?! ”

“What kind of creation is this… Just by looking at it, my hairs stood up! ”

“It’s this kind of creature… Interfered with the consciousness of those creatures, forcibly controlled them, chose suicide?! ”

“As a demigod, I have seen many creatures, but this kind of creature… But never seen it! ”

“I haven’t even heard of it!!!”

“And such a terrifying creature, there are actually two in Lin Mo’s world!”

“It’s terrible!”

“But… Even so, I am afraid that it will not be able to deal with the undead who have long been invisible. ”

What threat does the knight pose –

Someone frowned and spoke, but before the words were finished, their eyes instantly widened!

Because those two monster-like insects suddenly lost all traces in front of everyone’s eyes!

Is that…… Stealth!……

The two Xia Gai insects entered a hidden state under Lin Mo’s instructions, and their figures disappeared in an instant!

As a creature composed of unknown rules, Xia Gai worm has no entity, not only will it not suffer any physical and mental damage, but even the speed is amazingly fast!

With a slight flapping of their transparent semi-circular wings, they penetrated the void in an instant, and in a brutal posture, they crashed into the consciousness space of the undead knight and the undead war horse!

Although they are undead creatures, they are also conscious!

The countless tentacles on the ten legs of the Xia Gai worm flashed with the black glow of Sen Han, and while trembling at high speed, they turned into sharp spikes, and stabbed into the consciousness center of the undead knight and the undead war horse!

Almost instantly, all the memories of these two undead since they were conceived were instantly absorbed by the Xia Gai worm!

The next moment, the Shagai worms did not hesitate to activate that skill that had not been used once so far!

Shadow of Shuttle!

[Shuttling Shadow: As an avid believer and follower of the Unnameable Creator, the Shagai Zerg are blessed by the supreme taboo and can ignore the law of time and travel freely in the river of time! ] 】

Although there is a limit of a hundred years for the shuttle time, it is enough for these undead!

Xia Gai worm began to quickly trace back along the memory of the undead knight, and only suddenly stopped until the time node when the undead knight was first conceived by Li Yuan!

At that time, the undead knight had not yet been fully created, he was buried deep in the deepest part of the tomb of the undead world, while absorbing the endless breath of death, while slowly transforming in the gestation!

The undead knight at this moment is not even a black iron-level creature!

The powerful combat power that made people despair in the subsequent elite battle matches, and the terrifying characteristics of coming back from the dead, have still not been fully mastered!

This is the most vulnerable moment for the Undead Knight!

He lay motionless on his back, unable to move even a finger!

But the next moment, the undead knight sat up sharply!

The dazedness in his eyes flashed away, reaching out and groping in the darkness of the tomb, and soon, he groped for something hard and cold!

Is that…… A long gun!

A weird smile appeared on the undead knight’s face, and he raised his spear high and stabbed it down again!


The undead knight smashed heavily on the ground, splashing a field of dust!……

At the same time, the boundless battlefield.

The undead knight riding the war horse was already close to Lin Mo at this time——

Like an invisible ghost, he brandished a sharp spear and stabbed towards Lin Mo’s head!

But at the moment before the tip of the spear flashing with glow was about to pierce Lin Mo’s body, all the movements of the undead knight suddenly stopped!

He was half-standing on his war horse, in the position of the attack!

This was obviously a vibrant killing posture, but at this moment, the undead knight was completely frozen as if he had turned into a statue!

An unparalleled terrifying rule seemed to come through endless time and space, and the figure of the undead knight suddenly fluctuated!

He turned from the invisible ghost state into a transparent turquoise again, but that turquoise also seemed to have fallen into some unstable strange state, and while it began to tremble violently, it quickly became dim!

Everything about the undead knight seems to have entered a strange unstable state at this moment!

Seem…… He shouldn’t have been here! This state did not last long.

Just a moment later, the figure of the undead knight suddenly lost all color!

He swayed and fell from the back of his war horse, falling into countless transparent particles! Those particles slowly rise up and melt into the air until they completely turn into nothingness

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