Chapter 101 Scalp numbness! What a monster!!

Moreover, everyone felt a hint of inexplicable meaning from the endless darkness!

Even if they were separated by endless distances, even if this was just a picture on the light curtain, everyone still felt an indescribable aura of danger!

Can make so many big guys on the scene feel… Dangerous?! This is special… Is it true?!

Here are all the official high-level officials of the Southern Hebei Province, and the ones with the lowest strength are all consummation-level creators!

The highest strength has reached the lower god level!

It is not for nothing that these people can feel dangerous, and there are many! But it can’t be in a world where high school seniors have just opened up the world!

The rankings of the third level were all out quickly.

In this level, only six of the previous seventeen players remain.

A full eleven were ruthlessly eliminated in a duel with the Snake Man archers.

And the second, third, and fourth places in this level are still the previous three.

But this time the second place was replaced by Jianghuai.

Ruan Qiu fell from the previous second place to the third place.

Wu Kong is still firmly in the fourth place, and no one can shake it.

But no one paid attention to the trials of the other players at all.

Although Jianghuai’s demon python showed unparalleled combat power in this battle, it took less than two minutes to kill five trial creatures of the same rank!

But it still hasn’t attracted the slightest bit of everyone’s attention! Everyone was shocked by Lin Mo of the thirteenth!

From the first level to the third level, the weird sound waves, magnificent colors, and terrifying cracks

All this made all the Yifang high-level present full of amazement! At the beginning, everyone only thought that Lin Mo was a hidden dark horse! But after seeing that hideous ground crack, everyone could no longer maintain their previous calmness!

So that the lower gods present could not see through… This is already a real demon!……

The fourth level of the trial soon began.

When he saw more than a dozen huge bats pouring out of the container, Jianghuai was completely frozen!

This fourth level of the trial creatures… It turned out to be fifteen nightmare bats!

They are huge, each of them is more than a meter in size, covered with hideous and ugly folds, flapping their tattered flesh wings, and sending out a piercing scream to the whole world!

Of these fifteen nightmare bats, ten are silver second-order bats, and the remaining five… It actually reached the third order of silver!

Silver Third Order! Five!

It was not easy to kill five Silver First-Order Snake Man archers in the previous level! This fourth level… It’s hellish difficulty!

“Even if I exhaust all my hole cards, I am afraid that it will be difficult to successfully pass the fourth level! Thinking so, Jiang Huai did not have the slightest intention of being lost. ”

A smile appeared on his face: “I am far more than the one who can’t successfully clear the level…”

“If my expectations are correct, absolutely no one in this contestant will be able to pass the fourth level!”

“Whether it is Ruan Qiu or Wu Kong, there is not much difference in strength between them and me, since I can’t pass, then they must be the same!”

“As long as I can last the longest and perform the best in the fourth level, even if I fail, the first place will still be mine!”

Thinking of this, Jiang Huai’s handsome face showed a confident look, his heart moved, and the demon pythons entrenched around suddenly opened their blood basins and hissed!

At the same time, the form of the demon python began to change rapidly!

The unicorn on the top of the head becomes thick and strong at a speed visible to the naked eye! Dark golden scales appeared on the tough surface of his body!

The abdomen was even bulging with four faint bulges, and faintly, there were claws in the shape!

The demon python’s body size also began to grow rapidly as if it had been inflated, and after only a moment, it directly skyrocketed to nearly double!

It is entrenched on the ground, layered on top of each other, covering the entire mountain!

This is the skill that Jianghuai prepared in advance for the demon python – atavistic bloodline! The atavistic bloodline is developed by the Tenshin Group and specially developed and created for beast creatures!

After using it, it can stimulate the bloodline power in the spirit body, so that its combat power can be greatly improved in a short time!

And at this moment, the level of the demon python has also been forcibly raised from the first order of silver to the third order of silver!

Although he still can’t escape the fate of defeat, he really has the power of a battle in the face of those hideous and ugly nightmare bats!

Bright World.

When he saw the fifteen terrifying trial monsters, even though he had already been mentally prepared, Hui Ruan Qiu was still really shocked! Ten Silver Second Order!

Five silver third order!

The difficulty of this trial level… But it is really worthy of the two words of elite! However, Ruan Qiu did not have the slightest intention of retreating!

Instead, she looked at those terrifying creatures from afar, and her eyes showed an unparalleled will to fight!

Your goal is a national battle!

If you are stumped just here, then what qualifications do you have to storm the coveted ten university mansions?!

Weakling…… There is no right to choose!

Thinking of this, Ruan Qiu no longer planned to hide her true strength, her heart moved, and the colossus of light on the side suddenly began to change!

The Colossus of Light was a giant cast by light, and his body was covered with a dazzling golden glow, but at this moment, the blazing light began to dim rapidly!

In an instant, the golden glow of the Colossus of Light disappeared, replaced by a dark dull color!

That blazing golden light turned into an endless black glow at this moment!

That black glow was like a hellfire in hell, waving and exuding an unparalleled aura of forest cold!

The temperature of the entire Light World began to drop rapidly at this moment!

Closer to the Colossus of Light, even a thick frost has formed!

It stood quietly in front of Ruan Qiu, motionless, like a silent guardian!

“Now… It seems like it’s time to call you the Colossus of Darkness~n! ”

A happy smile appeared on Ruan Qiu’s face and gave the order to attack towards the Dark Colossus!

“This is ——!!”

“Is this another form of the Colossus of Light?!”

“Yes! One twin, dark and light coexist! ”

“Only the most gifted Creator can create such a powerful Colossus of Light!”

“Although it seems that he still can’t kill those nightmare bats, Ruan Qiu… Indeed, it is worthy of the word elite! ”

“Worthy of the name!”

In the venue, everyone looked at the incomparable black giant and couldn’t help but marvel!



Wukong stood in the center of the world, and around him, there were dense, like a tide of giant rats!

Although the number is still quite a lot, compared to the beginning, it has sacrificed nearly a third!

The average level of the gold-eating giant rat is not high, and in battle, most of the time it is based on the number of fierce fights of life for life!

Therefore, although he successfully passed the first three levels, the gold-eating mouse has also been greatly damaged!

Especially the snake man archer of the third level, that is a silver first-order trial creature!

In the gold-eating giant rat group, although there are individuals of the same level, the number is scarce, and the strength that can be exerted is far inferior!

If it weren’t for the sacrifice of so many gold-eating giant rats, Wukong would not have been able to successfully pass the third level no matter what!

And now the fourth level is facing ten terrifying monsters of the second order of silver and five third-order of silver!

But Wukong didn’t have any thoughts of retreating! He gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind!

“I originally wanted to wait until the second round of battles to use it…”

“But now it seems that it has to be advanced…”

Wukong muttered, looking far towards the nest of the gold-eating giant rat in front of him.

“Come out, it’s time for you guys to play!”

The words fell, and a sound of embarrassment instantly sounded from the hollow and deep lair!

The sound was chaotic and dense, and it seemed… Something is crawling fast

The next moment, a gold-eating giant rat jumped out from the hole in that nest!

It was followed by another one! Another one! Another one!

In just the blink of an eye, four gold-eating giant rats rushed out of the nest and rushed towards Wukong!

And at the same time as seeing these four gold-eating giant rats, the rest of the gold-eating giant rats that surrounded Wukong instantly became restless!

They hissed restlessly while fleeing wildly in all directions!

“The Silver Third-Order Gold-Eating Giant Rat King… It’s time for you guys to play! ”

A confident look appeared on Wu Kong’s face!

In the past three days of preparation, with the help of the principal, he spent a huge amount of divine source and energy, almost sleeplessly, and finally this morning, he successfully bred four silver third-order gold-eating giant rats!

I wanted to shock everyone when I stayed in actual combat, but now it seems that I have to use it in advance!

Although it still seems that it is still impossible to pass the trial of this fourth level, it must be more than enough to use it to make a splash and win the first place in this fourth level!

At this time, everyone in the seats in the stadium also noticed this terrifying scene!

“That was… King Giant Rat! ”

“Four silver-level gold-eating giant rats!”

“Four silver-level creatures?! And still a silver third order?! Am I right? ”

“Boom! Wukong, this little guy… It’s so deeply hidden! ”

“Although the strength of each of these four silver-level gold-eating giant rats is not outstanding, the combat power of the four is superimposed, plus the rest of the gold-eating giant rats…”

“I’m afraid that even the demon python in the Jianghuai world and the dark colossus in the Ruan Qiu world are slightly inferior!”

“This son… What a deep heart! ”

“No wonder you are one of the favourites! All of us… All underestimated him! ”

The unnameable boundary.

Lin Mo watched as the container fell from the sky and fell into the field of annihilation flowers with incomparable accuracy

And then…… There will be no then.

While the rest of the players were still using their hole cards, racking their brains to make a brilliant performance in the fourth level.

Lin Mo once again passed the fourth level of the trial at a speed that made everyone stunned.

He just stood there motionless, as if he had done nothing, as if he had done everything…

[Candidate No. 13, the fourth wave of trials, has passed! ] 】

[Time: 0.01 seconds! ] 】

[Current ranking: No. 1! ] 】


At this point, everyone in the venue was numb.

Hearing the prompt in their ears, everyone nodded subconsciously and gave a thumbs up calmly.

Then turn your head to watch the other contestants’ trials.

It’s not that I’m not interested in Lin Mo’s trial process, it’s really because it’s too boring!

Lightning Deal!

No matter how strong the trial creature is, it is a second kill! The death is not clear, and it can even be called a grievance! No ornamentation!

Where are the other players and trial creatures that you come and go, and there is a sense of back and forth battle?

And after watching it for a long time, these people didn’t even figure out what they were doing!

This is also a failure!

It was so deeply hit by the trial of a high school junior! It’s shameful!

Most of the people in the stadium were thinking similarly.

Except for Qin Ge and Dongfang Che.

The two of them were staring closely at the picture of Lin Mo’s trial from beginning to end, and the rest of the contestants didn’t even look at it!

“That flower field…”

“Compared with that crack just now, it’s not bad at all!”

Qin Ge’s expression was filled with puzzlement and confusion: “Compared to the previous sound waves, rays, and cracks, this flower field is the only thing in this little guy’s world that looks close to normal…”

“But why… I’ve still never seen it?! ”

“Such a strange, blooming scarlet flower, can kill more than a dozen silver-level nightmare bats in an instant…”

“As a lower god, I have seen plant civilizations not to say a hundred or dozens, but I have never heard of such a terrifying creature!”

Dongfang Che on the side also shook his head and smiled bitterly: “It’s not just you…”

“So do I!”

“Since the beginning of the trial, this little guy has been refreshing our cognition and constantly surprising us…”

“Lin Mo, this little guy is not only a dark horse, if my expectations are not bad, our top name in southern Ji… Maybe it’s his! ”

“The gamble between you and me… It looks like it’s going to be a soak! ”

“My Enlightenment Ancient Tea Tree!”

Dongfang Che said, his face full of regret.

“There is still a battle after the trial, and before the assessment is over, everything is possible.”

Qin Ge shook his head and said, “It’s still too early to tell. ”

As a soldier, he knows that anything is possible on the battlefield in a fast-moving manner.

Therefore, it is never easy to draw conclusions.

Hearing this, Dongfang Che’s eyes instantly lit up, and he pretended to be casual: “In that case, then let’s set up another gamble?” ”

“This time I bet on Lin Mo, whatever you want!”

“If you win, I can promise you three demands, and if you lose… It’s still the ancient tea tree! ”


“Three requirements? The East is ruling, this is bloody! ”

Qin Ge glanced at Dongfang Che, and a smile appeared on his face.

“It’s nothing, it’s nothing, just send warmth to Brother Qin!”

Dongfang Che tentatively said, “Then, a word?” ”

“Think beautiful.”

Qin Ge turned his head away and ignored him.

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