Chapter 109 Key Fragment! This is Lalaye!!

The eternal mansion Lalaye… What is it? The sleeping Cthulhu… And what is it?

Dagon struggled to get up from the shadows, his weak face writing with dazedness.

These strange words… I’ve never heard of it myself!

Not only had he never heard of it, but even the elders of the oldest grades in the tribe had never talked about it!

Lalaye… Cthulhu…

Is it somewhere in this sea?

Dagon thought stunnedly, and his life force, which was rapidly passing, seemed to slowly stop at this moment.

At this moment, the whisper-like whisper was still ringing in his ears, but Dagon no longer had the miasmatic discomfort he had before.

Standing in the endless shadows of the seabed, he racked his brain to search his memory, trying to find even the slightest bit of information about these two words, but in vain.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the whispered voice also unconsciously appeared some kind of wonderful change

The voice gradually became clearer, and it seemed to carry some kind of underworld guidance, and the moment Dagon heard it, he did not hesitate to turn around and swim to the deepest depths of the darkest seabed!

I don’t know how long it took.

It could be a day, it could be a month, it could be a year.

It could also be ten years.

Dagon shuttles through the vast dark seabed, the boundless darkness covers him, and where he swims, there is no sound, no life, and no light!

It seems that this place is outside the space, has long been forgotten by the whole world, and everything has lost its meaning here!

Any law, definition, law, morality, everything in this world!

Even time!

All are annihilated here silent, deprived of all meaning!

Dagon followed the guidance of the whispered voice and swam tirelessly forward, and as he went deeper and deeper, the whispered voice became faintly clear!

And what surprised Dagon the most was that he was obviously extremely weak, and even on the verge of death!

But along the way, not only did he no longer feel the slightest sense of weakness, but his body was full of indescribably powerful vitality!

That feeling made Dagon almost burst into tears!

At this moment, Dagon was extremely determined, and what made this whisper was definitely a terrifying existence that he couldn’t even imagine!

In this boundless seabed, even time stood still, and I don’t know how long it took, Dagon finally stopped.

In the distance, there seemed to be a faint light ahead.

And there… It seems to be the end of this endless shadow.

It is also a whisper that guides the place he has been chasing all the way!

Dagon suddenly became inexplicably nervous, and his heart beat violently like a drum, as if he was about to smash his chest in the next second!

Dagon took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the light ahead.

He doesn’t know what’s there, he just knows, himself… It seems to belong there!




The webbed toes and claws of the fish stepped on the sludge of the seabed, and the sound spread out on the dark and dead bottom of the sea, far away, and it seemed so harsh.

Dagon was getting closer and closer to the light, and his heartbeat was getting more and more violent, he swallowed his spit with difficulty, and the whole person couldn’t suppress shaking!

At a certain moment, Dagon finally came to the place where light and dark meet!

While involuntarily letting out a heavy gasp, he gritted his teeth fiercely and stepped heavily towards the place where the light came!


There was a faint roar in his ears, and the endless shadows behind him instantly faded like ink, Dagon looked up blankly into the distance, and the moment he raised his head, he froze!

There is no doubt that deep divers are intelligent.

To some extent, they even have living habits that are quite consistent with other creatures!

For hundreds of years, deep divers have not only fought and devoured, but also bred offspring.

They have also built continuous underwater cities in various places on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, in their own tribes.

Those huge cities have been seen from afar.

And deeply amazed.

But after seeing this terrifying scene in front of him, Dagon fell into an unparalleled dazedness

Those things built by deep divers, they really deserve the title of “city”?

If so, then this scene I am seeing now… And what?!

I saw a few hundred meters away from Dagon, a huge city stood impressively!

The city stretched to the deepest part of the boundless seabed, filling all the space in Dagon’s line of sight, and he couldn’t even tell if this was a city or a world!!

Even the most majestic and spectacular building I have ever seen can only be regarded as a tattered dirt bag in front of this underwater ancient city!

Dagon couldn’t even imagine what kind of existence could build such a huge city!

Standing in front of it yourself, looking up, you can’t even see the end! The small one is like an ant!

And not only is it big, but this continuous building is extremely magnificent!

The endless city has a strange style, presenting an architectural style that Dagon has never heard of!

They are splendid and delicate!

The towering pillars are carved with esoteric inscriptions, the majestic halls are magnificently decorated, and the huge stone doors are carved with magnificent reliefs…

Although most of it is in ruins under the sea, even covered in green mud, Hui Dagon can still clearly feel the gorgeous gesture!

They stand in the vast darkness and silence of the endless seabed, shining with brilliance from endless years ago, and the beauty is dazzling!

In a trance, Dagon vaguely saw a huge figure in the most magnificent and gorgeous palace!

That figure was shrouded in endless shadows cast by the majestic city wall, and it seemed that Ping was sleeping!

Although the figure was extremely blurry, it was impossible to see the slightest specific appearance!

But Dagon still clearly felt the endless evil thoughts and evil nature emanating from that figure!

It seems that figure contains the most morbid rhapsody in the entire world, and it is the source of all the abominations in this world!

The whispers in my ears surged again.

The voice said:

In the eternal mansion Lalaye, the sleeping Cthulhu is waiting for you! Lalaye…


It turns out that it is here…

At this moment, Dagon’s soul couldn’t help but tremble, and he knelt down towards the huge city, towards the terrifying figure, his face full of piety! I don’t know how long has passed.

The terrifying vision in front of him slowly faded.

Trembling, Dagon got up from the ground and came under the towering gates of the city.

That city gate is hundreds of kilometers high and magnificent, just one glance makes Dagon’s scalp faintly numb!

The creatures living in such a place, the supreme noble… Cthulhu… What kind of existence is it…

Dagon exhausted all his reason to imagine, but found that he could not even imagine the slightest…

And Dagon soon discovered that his consciousness was rapidly becoming hysterical and confused with his imagination!

It seems that such an existence is a supreme taboo for me now, just thinking about it!

Dagon couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat and quickly stopped imagining.

Dagon craned his neck and looked laboriously at the stone gate that reached the sky.

The stone door was tightly closed, and a viscous green liquid flowed throughout, engraved with strange inscriptions that could not be identified.

And Dagon soon discovered that this majestic city gate was not simply closed, it exuded a taboo-like aura throughout, more like…


So, is it for this reason that the supreme, venerable, and great Cthulhu fell into silence?

Dagon’s eyes widened without eyelids, and he couldn’t help but fantasize about how crazy the whole world would become if the great Cthulhu really woke up from this ancient city?!

Dagon didn’t dare to think about it anymore, because he found that his sanity was again showing signs of going crazy.

It took an unknown amount of time for Dagon to walk from one end of the stone gate to the other, and he didn’t know why.

But there was a voice in his head telling him to go there and take a look

So Dagon came here, and the moment he came here, he was firmly attracted by something!

It was a puzzle-like depression, presented as an irregular circle, deeply set in the corner of the stone door!

In this circular depression, there is a strange fragment, embedded in the pattern of the puzzle!

It seems to be part of the whole puzzle that is broken and presented throughout

A stony gray, simple mottled with fine lines like a star map!

And at this moment, the fragment seemed to feel its own existence, and the moment he noticed it, it slowly lit up!

Those lines emit a faint white shimmer, slowly lit up, slowly dimmed, again lit up, again and again…

The cycle does not stop, it is like breathing!

Dagon stared at the broken fragment, his eyes faintly revealing obsession! In the glimmer of that fragment, he felt an incomparably intoxicating breath that made him intoxicated!

So Dagon walked over lightly and carefully held the fragment in his hand!


The shimmer on that fragment suddenly skyrocketed at this moment, turning into an endless lustrous white light, which firmly wrapped the quality like a tide!

A crisp voice that only Dagon himself could hear followed! At the same time, there seemed to be some shackles in the body shattered at this moment!

The endless white light was guided, turned into a moth to the fire, and rushed into Dagon’s body, melting into every subtle corner of his body, up and down!

Every cell, every pore, every hair, every piece of skin has been infiltrated and evolved!

Under the nourishment of that white light, Dagon’s whole person seemed to be reborn, and began to climb rapidly towards a higher level of life!

Bronze level! Silver! Gold! Platinum First Order! Platinum 3rd Order! Platinum Ninth Order!

That soaring aura didn’t stop until the platinum level!

The bronze fifth-order Dagon was actually promoted to the platinum ninth-order in an instant, and he was only one step away from becoming a diamond-level creature!

And at this moment, Lin Mo, who had been watching Dagon with interest, finally showed a surprised smile!

“Another key fragment that summons the stars to return home!”

“And compared to the last gold-level Blood Port Ghost, this time the deep diver Dagon actually jumped directly to the platinum level!”

“And it’s still the ninth order of platinum!”

“It is worthy of being a taboo thing that can lift the seal and make Cthulhu return to earth.”

For the terrifying effect of the key fragment, Lin Mo once again had a further understanding!

At the same time, the panel in front of him flickered slightly.

[Respected Creator Lin Mo, there are already creatures in your world who have independently broken through to the platinum level! ] Please click on the panel to view details! 】

Lin Mo raised his hand and clicked away.

【Creature Name: Deep Diver Dagon】

[Creature attributes: unnameable! ] 】

[Life Level: Platinum Ninth Order! ] 】

[World: The Unnameable Realm! ] 】

[PS: This creature is a special unit that can be continuously upgraded as the level of the creator increases! ] And there is no upper limit! 】

“What a Dagon!”

Lin Mo slid the panel and looked at Dagon’s skill introduction: [Skill 1: Dagon’s body! ] 】

[Dagon’s Body: Deep diver Dagon is blessed by the taboo of the Unspeakable Creator and the sleeping god Cthulhu, and his body is strengthened to have the current level +1 defense and destructive power! ] 】

[Skill 2: The Power of Deep Divers! ] 】

[The Power of the Deep Diver: Dagon, the deep diver, was blessed by the taboo of the unspeakable creator and sleeping god Cthulhu, and his life level was evolved to become the most powerful deep diver ever! ] 】

[Therefore, when facing other deep divers, regardless of group or individual, Dagon can indiscriminately cause 100,000% bloodline suppression and 100,000% ignorance of defense! ] 100,000% attack enhancement! 】

[Skill 3: Dagon Esoteric Teaching! 】

[Dagon Esoteric Sect: Dagon can mind control and seduce any creature who steps into the ocean range and has a level no higher than his own! ] Make it the most devout believer in Cthulhu, the unspeakable creator and sleeping god! 】

[Once the target is eroded by the Dagon Esoteric Sect, the loyalty will be immediately full and can never be dropped, and the skill effect will not be erased by any existence 3.9 method! ] 】。

“It is worthy of being a platinum ninth-order diver!”

After reading the three skills of the deep diver Dagon, Lin Mo was hooked! Skill 1, Body of Dagon!

Gives Dagon strength and defense that is always higher than its current level!

The current Dagon is a platinum ninth-order, and if calculated according to the terrifying effect of this skill, the current Dagon at least has the terrifying power of the ninth order of diamonds!

And the effect of this skill will become more and more terrifying as Dagon’s level continues to increase!

The higher the level of the creature itself, the more difficult it will be to upgrade, and for Dagon, the innate level of +1 is simply like opening and hanging!

Skill 2, the power of the diver!

As the most powerful individual diver ever, Dagon has unparalleled terrifying coercion over other deep divers!

100,000% bloodline suppression! 100000% defensive! 100,000% attack enhancement!

Such a terrifying skill effect is simply the undoubted leader of the deep diver, and what surprised Lin Mo the most was skill 3, the quality of the secret teaching!

Dagon can exercise mind control over any creature within the ocean range that does not exceed his two ranks!

Make it your own Creator and Cthulhu’s most devout believer!

And skill effects can’t be erased by any existence!

This is simply a proper brainwashing master, a veritable Pacific butler!

“Although the light is about combat effectiveness, Dagon may not be able to compare with other indescribable figures of the same level!”

“But if it is functional and terrifying mind control, it is unique in the entire unspeakable world, and no one can match it!”

“Such a terrifying ability will play an unimaginable role in the subsequent battles!”

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