Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1187: Entering The Temple

Looking at his confident and radiant face, Su Bai couldn't help showing a satisfied smile. Su Bai looked at the brand-new water element controller in front of him, and his heart was full of pride and worry.

He is well aware of the dangerous journey he is about to embark on, but this is in order to protect his own world, he must face it.

In order to ensure Su Jie's safety, he decided to place him in a relatively safe place.

Su Bai withdrew his eyes, looked at Su Jie with a smile and said: "Jie'er, you have cultivated very well. Now that you have mastered the power of Xuanwu, you should be able to protect yourself well.

He deliberately emphasized "protection" to let Su Jie understand his trust in him.

"Thank you, master!" Su Jie replied gratefully, "I will definitely act carefully and not cause you any trouble."

Su Bai nodded, with worry and reluctance on his face.

"Remember, you must keep a low profile and be cautious at all times. Don't expose your strength at will. If you are in danger, run away immediately. I will complete the task as soon as possible and come back to you.~.

He told Su Jie firmly and decisively.

"I understand." Su Jie responded with firm eyes.

Su Bai took a deep breath, waved his arms, and a golden light enveloped Su Jie.

This is the divine power of the white tiger that he has just mastered, which can form an indestructible shield.

This will be Su Jie's last line of defense when he is not around.

"As long as you wear this shield, no one can hurt you."

Su Bai's tone was full of concern and worry, "I will come back as soon as possible to protect you."

Su Jie felt his brother's deep affection and kindness, and smiled and nodded to express his understanding.

"Master, please rest assured. I will protect myself and wait for your return.

The two looked at each other quietly, conveying their deep feelings and trust between each other silently.

In order to heal his injuries, Su Bai planned to go to the Kabbalah Temple.

He knew that the Kabbalah Temple was a dangerous place, but he had no other choice but to take a risk. Su Bai took a deep breath, and after making sure that no one else noticed his presence, he gently pushed open a huge car door studded with rubies.

He quickly entered the interior of the Kabbalah Temple and looked around.

The interior of the temple is full of mysterious atmosphere, with various crystal sculptures and decorations dotted on the walls and ceiling.

Lights came down from the bell tower and illuminated the entire temple.

Su Bai carefully avoided the patrolling enemies and tried to find a safe place to rest.

He gritted his teeth tightly and tried not to make any more noise.

His eyes showed alertness and nervousness, and his body was always in top condition.

At the same time, he carefully observed the surrounding environment and looked for the best hiding place.

Suddenly, the sound of Rizhen footsteps came.

Su Bai quickly hid in a dark corner and pretended to be immersed in viewing the mysterious crystal sculpture.

Several people in fancy dress stopped to say hello as they passed him.

"Hello, are you a believer coming to visit the Kabbalah Temple?" asked a man in black.

Su Bai raised his head and replied with a smile: "Yes, I happened to be passing by here. I heard that this temple is very spectacular, so I decided to come in and have a look."

"What a coincidence." The man raised his eyebrows slightly, "We are also here to visit. Could it be that you are also here to pursue the power of water?"

Su Bai's heart was tight, but he tried to suppress his nervousness. .

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