Su Bai looked at Su Jie, with a bright and delighted light in his eyes.

He couldn't help but walked to Su Jie's side and held his shoulder. The two looked at each other in silence at this moment, and they were connected with each other.

"Congratulations on successfully cultivating Xuanwu divine power." Su Bai said with a smile, "From now on, you will be my right-hand man."

Su Jie felt the pressure and expectations on him.

He knew that he was no longer an ordinary boy, but one of the strongest fighters against the insect gods.

"Thank you for your trust." Su Jie lowered his head, his tone full of respect.

Next, under the leadership of Su Bai, Su Zhu and him embarked on a journey to the city where the Kabbalah Temple is located.

This city is a large and busy metropolis with abundant resources and many practitioners.

In the valleys and forests along the way, exotic flowers and plants are competing for beauty.

Su Bai and Su Jie walked through it, feeling the tranquility and vitality of nature Su Bai and Su Jie traveled through valleys and forests, the wind blowing their hair, accompanied by crisp birdsong.

The green leaves sway with the breeze, exuding a fresh breath.

While strolling, Su Jie suddenly stopped and looked ahead.

He pointed to a cave not far away and said: "Su Bai, I know a magical place.

Su Bai frowned slightly, he was always full of curiosity about magical places.

He turned his head and looked at Su Jie.

"Tell me more details." Su Bai said expectantly. Su Bai tried to calm down his mood. He knew that Su Jie must have some special place that he wanted to take him to, otherwise he wouldn't be so excited.

The two walked along the path for a while, and the terrain under their feet gradually became steeper.

The fine stones were crushed, making a crisp sound. Finally, they came to a cliff.

Su Bai looked up and saw that the cliffs were towering into the clouds, as if they reached the sky.

And below the cliff, there is a vast ocean. The waves were rolling, setting off layers of waves, like giant beasts roaring.

This magnificent scenery made Su Bai feel palpitated and full of anticipation.

He could feel the endless power surging in the void, as if calling him. Su Bai stood on the edge of the cliff, staring closely at the ocean below.

He could feel the vast power emanating from the waves, as if calling him.

…Please give me flowers…

Although he was full of expectations, he was still at a loss as to what would happen next.

Su Jie took Su Bai's hand without hesitation and jumped off the cliff.

The moment they were flying in the air, a golden light suddenly appeared around them.

The golden light expanded rapidly, forming a gorgeous halo around the two people.



Various scenery flashed by, like a dream.

Su Bai felt as if he was in the void, and his body almost lost weight.

And at this moment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his injuries began to recover quickly.

The two hugged each other tightly, supporting and encouraging each other during the fall.

This golden halo seems to withstand the strong pressure around them, giving them stability and security. Su Bai and Su Jie fell slower and slower, and they finally stopped in a strange space.

In front of you is a colorful world, shining with mysterious and alluring light.

There are countless blooming plants floating in the space, and there is a lake in the distance, which emits a colorful brilliance. .

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