Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1255: Entering The City Of Benla

Su Jie's eyes were cold. He stood steadily beside Su Bai and stared at Godot.

"What you do will only accelerate your death." Su Jie said calmly.

Gordo launched a series of flame attacks crazily, but Su Bai and Su Jie faced the difficulties without flinching.

They used their own magical powers to dissolve the flames, and then attacked again.

The incredibly powerful metal gloves hit Gordo's body hard, causing "Four Zero Zero" to feel severe pain every time.

Time passed little by little, and Gordo could no longer hold on.

His body began to gradually become weaker, and he knew that he was getting closer and closer to death.

Despair and fear filled his heart.

"Please...please spare me." Gordo finally begged for mercy desperately, "I know I was wrong."

There was no trace of mercy on Su Bai's face, "What you did is not worthy of forgiveness."

After the last attack, Gordo fell to the ground, unable to resist anymore.

Life gradually disappeared from his body, and his eyes were filled with despair and unwillingness.

Su Bai looked at Godot's body without any sign of mercy. Su Bai and Su Jie stood next to the body of God Ben La. They calmly looked at everything in front of them.

Although they have successfully defeated Gordo, the next more difficult task has just begun.

"What are we going to do now?" Su Jie asked in a low voice.

Su Bai stared ahead firmly, thinking about the next action plan.

"We used Godot's body to disguise ourselves and manipulate his body, thereby deceiving the city gate guards and entering the divine city."

Hearing this plan, Su Jie felt a glimmer of expectation in his heart.

"Shall we start now?"

Su Bai nodded, "Don't worry, we need to observe the guard patrol route first and find the right time."

The two shuttled through the shadows outside the sacred city in the dark night, cautiously approaching the guard's patrol route.

They didn't dare to be careless at all, and they exchanged a tacit look before discussing each other's next move. Su Bai and Su Jie walked quietly through the streets of the divine city. They were always vigilant and carefully avoided the patrolling guards.

The interior of the sacred city is solemn and solemn, filled with sculptures, murals and strange carvings and other decorations, decorating the entire city like a fairyland...

The two communicated secretly, "If we want to find clues about the god Ben-Ra, we must first find his statue or related records."

Su Bai reminded Su Jie.

"I see."

Su Jie nodded and stared at the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a magnificent stone monument.

"Look there!" Su Jie whispered to Su Bai.

The two approached the stone tablet and saw an image of a tall man with a serious face engraved on it - it was Ben Ra.

"This is him!" Su Bai murmured. he

Looking around, I found a group of people gathering nearby.

"Let's go ask them." Su Jie suggested.

As a result, the two blended into the crowd and talked to passers-by in normal tones to maintain their disguised identity of 5.2.

Su Bai walked towards a middle-aged man wearing gorgeous robes, smiled and said: "Hello, sir. Can you tell me something about God Ben-Ra?"

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised, but quickly regained his composure: "God Benla is one of the important patron saints of our city. He is in charge of the power of fire."

"The power of fire?".

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