Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1263: An Unexpected Appearance

It was dark inside the cave, with only a faint light shining in from the entrance.

He didn't dare to relax at all, because this was the last hurdle to the fairy grass.

Su Bai, who contained the power of the Suzaku in his body, felt a strong fairy energy. He knew that the further he walked, the closer he would be to the fairy grass.

He suppressed his inner desire for precious rewards and focused on the unknown possibilities hidden ahead.

Su Bai took every step carefully, feeling the ups and downs and subtle vibrations of the ground beneath her feet in the darkness.

Suddenly, a faint but alluring flame lit up in front of his eyes.

After careful identification, Su Bai discovered that this was not a trap, but a rare and precious flame growing on the rock wall.

These 457 flame flowers can give people strength and aura, and are of extraordinary value in practice.

The alluring light of the flame flower attracted other disciples and made them even more eager to snatch it.

They followed Su Bai unwillingly, trying to catch up with him.

However, they walked in too much haste and ran into rocks and traps hidden in the dark.

He once again used the power of the White Tiger to control the metal, leaving a solid grip on the rock wall, and he easily shuttled between the traps.

The other disciples seemed to be Su Bai's shadow, rushing left and right trying to surpass him. Su Bai couldn't help but feel his heart tightening, and suddenly a huge ferocious beast appeared deep in the cave.

Its whole body was covered with hard scales, and it rushed towards Su Bai with its teeth and claws.

The other disciples were frightened by the ferocious beast and took a few steps back, but Su Bai was not afraid.

He dodges the attacks of ferocious beasts with agility and uses his special abilities to fight back against ferocious beasts.

The power of Suzaku flowed through Su Bai's body, and the warm energy wrapped around his injured shoulder.

At that moment, the wound healed as quickly as cracked earth, and Su Bai felt the strength and vitality return to herself.

The other disciples who saw this scene were amazed.

They didn't expect that Su Bai had the power of Suzaku to heal his injuries.

This ability is extremely rare in the world of cultivation, and is usually only possessed by legendary geniuses.

The ferocious beast roared (cicj) and rushed towards Su Bai, but Su Bai calmly avoided every attack.

He carefully observed the movements and weaknesses of the ferocious beast and decided the best time to counterattack.

Xuanwu power flows along Su Bai's body, controlling the surrounding water flow.

The water flowed around Su Bai like a dragon and condensed into a huge water ball in his hands.

A trace of surprise flashed in the beast's eyes, troubled by the sudden water ball.

It struggled hard, trying to break free.

However, it does not know the powerful control power of Xuanwu.

Everyone looked at Su Bai's performance with admiration. The exterior of the underground palace is magnificent. After Ye Rou and other elders were triggered by the wrong mechanism, the huge stone door suddenly opened, and a dark and gloomy passage came into view.

Ye Rou looked at the terrifying scene in front of her in surprise. There was a strong aura of ferocious beasts surrounding her, which made people tremble with fear.

Several ferocious beasts rushed out of the darkness, making deafening roars that shook the entire underground palace.

Their bodies are huge and ugly, and their whole bodies are covered with hard scales, as if they come from the depths of hell.

Ye Rou was panicked when she saw this scene. She immediately realized that this was because they accidentally triggered the sealing mechanism.

The other elders around her looked at each other and took defensive postures to prepare for emergencies. .

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