Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1274 Looking For Liang Yue

Su Bai smiled and sincerely thanked the two brothers.

He was grateful to them for sharing their stories about the Tianmeng with him. Their descriptions made Su Bai yearn for this alliance even more.

"Thank you for sharing these stories with me. I really admire the achievements of Alliance Leader Zhang Tian and Tianmeng."

Su Bai said, his tone full of respect.

The two brothers responded with smiles. "Brother Su Bai, you also have incredible potential."

"I believe that one day you can become a legend in Tianmeng like Alliance Leader Zhang Tian.

one of them encouraged.

At this time, Su Bai knew that his top priority was to find Liang Yue.

"I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now."

Su Bai said to the two brothers.

The two brothers expressed their understanding to Su Bai.

"Good luck, brother Su Bai! If you need any help, please feel free to contact us.

said one of the brothers.

Su Bai thanked them for their concern and left the place.

He took a deep breath and then embarked on a journey to find Liang Yue. After Su Bai said goodbye to the two brothers, he took firm steps toward the mountains.

The deep looks of the two brothers came from behind, revealing their expectations for him to join the Tianmeng. After half a day of driving, Su Bai finally arrived at the village at the foot of the mountain.

He stood on the hillside and looked at the village from a distance. He saw that the houses in the village were well-proportioned and looked particularly warm in the sunshine.

The small vendors on both sides of the street sell various products, and people come and go, making it very lively.

Su Bai took a deep breath, crossed the hillside, and entered the village.

He felt the curious eyes of strangers cast on him, seeming to be curious about his unfamiliar face.

"Wow! Look at that young man! He's so handsome!"

"Do you know who he is? I heard that he is a cultivator from outside!"

"I really wish I could have magical abilities like him!"

Passers-by talked in low voices, but no one dared to approach Su Bai.

Su Bai smiled slightly in her heart, not wanting to cause too much commotion. Suddenly, a middle-aged villager noticed Su Bai's arrival and came over to greet him.

With a curious and kind smile on his face, he asked: "Brother, are you a practitioner who came down from the mountain?"

"What brings you to our village?"

0-Please give me flowers

Su Bai's eyes flashed and he replied with a smile: "That's right. My name is Su Bai and I am a practitioner."

"I'm looking for my senior sister. She is tall and has long hair shawl."

"Have you ever seen her?"

The middle-aged villager frowned slightly and fell into thinking. Su Bai also frowned slightly, thinking about how to continue looking for Liang Yue.

The villagers noticed Su Bai's confusion. He took a deep breath, as if searching for the answer from the depths of his memory.

Suddenly, a look of remembering something appeared on the villager's face.

"Ah! I remembered."

He patted his forehead excitedly, "Yesterday afternoon, I met a girl at the foot of the mountain. She was very similar to the Liang you described.

Su Bai's eyes flashed with joy, "Is she still in the mountains?"

he asked impatiently.

The villagers nodded, stiffly.

"I saw her walking toward the mountain with her luggage on her back. Maybe she was still nearby."

Su Bai nodded gratefully to the villagers, "Thank you for the clue, I will go up the mountain to find her immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked towards the foot of the mountain.

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