Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1277 Defeating The Shadow Leopard

He felt severe pain coming over him, but he showed no intention of flinching.

Su Bai gritted his teeth and waved his weapon, fighting fiercely with the Shadow Leopard.

The sound of impact from fist to flesh kept resounding, and at this moment he felt the power of the White Tiger surge out of his body.

However, after a miss, Su Bai was scratched again by the shadow and took a few steps back.

He instantly focused on his surroundings, trying to prevent another sudden attack from the Shadow Leopard.

"You think you can defeat me easily?"

Su Bai shouted at the top of his lungs, "I will not fall down easily! Suddenly, Su Bai noticed that the surrounding trees began to shake.

He immediately realized that this was Shadow Leopard trying to hide his size.

Su Bai quickly used the power of the blue dragon, and the surrounding trees were knocked down by a powerful wave of air.

The entire area became extremely empty, and the Shadow Leopard had nowhere to hide and was forced to appear.

Su Bai seized this opportunity and quickly launched an attack with the power of Qilin.

The flames condensed into a ball in his hand, dazzling like the scorching sun. He threw it at the Shadow Leopard without hesitation.

"Accept my flame~々!"

Su Bai shouted.

The flame suddenly burst out, releasing dazzling light and hot energy.

Violent explosions reverberated in the air, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in flames.

Su Bai stared at the trajectory of the flames, waiting for the outcome of the battle.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the figure of the Shadow Leopard gradually emerged.

It had been burned by the flames, and its fur had been singed.

It growled, showing an expression of pain and anger.

Immediately, Su Bai used the power of Qilin to attack again.

Flames spurted out from his hands, forming an ocean-like sea of ​​fire on the Shadow Leopard.

The Shadow Leopard struggled violently, but soon could no longer resist this destructive force.

Finally, in a dazzling light, the Shadow Leopard let out one last scream and fell to the ground completely.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief, feeling all the fatigue in his body well up in his heart.

He successfully killed the Shadow Leopard, but also paid a huge price. Su Bai took a deep breath and felt the power of the Suzaku flowing in her chest gradually calm down.

He felt that the injuries on his body were not serious, just minor injuries.

After all, he has the power of Suzaku and can heal his injuries.

Looking around, Su Bai couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the body of the Shadow Leopard lying on the ground.

Looking at the corpse of the Shadow Leopard, Su Bai couldn't help but recall the scene of the fierce battle with it.

Su Bai could feel the ruthless and cold gaze of that cunning and ferocious beast when it was hiding in the trees and peeking.

"`"The Shadow Leopard is indeed a formidable enemy. "

Su Bai said softly, "But I can't back down. Only by constantly challenging can I become stronger."

At this moment, the venue is still filled with residual smoke and the heat of the flames.

Su Bai looked around and saw only a few remaining branches still burning, emitting a faint light toward the sky. Su Bai's face was solemn, and her heart was full of worry and uneasiness.

He clearly realized that this mountain range was not as peaceful and peaceful as it seemed on the surface, and contained endless dangers and unknowns.

He couldn't let Liang Yue be in danger, so he decided to speed up and move on.

Su Bai, who was highly motivated, took a deep breath and embarked on a long journey deep into the mountains.

He walked through dense woods, past cliffs, and along winding paths. .

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