Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1280 Defeat The Man In Black

Another man in black witnessed the powerful strength displayed by Su Bai, with a look of shock in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Su Bai could master such a powerful power, which filled his heart with disbelief.

However, shock was only a momentary emotion.

Immediately afterwards, another man in black gritted his teeth and attacked Su Bai without hesitation.

He held an extremely sharp sword and stabbed Su Bai quickly and violently "one, three, three". Su Bai chuckled lightly, exuding a powerful aura.

He gathered the power of the white tiger, distorting the air like an invisible hand, causing the man in black to lose control of the sword in his hand.

The sword trembled, and the man in black looked at the weapon that he had lost control of in shock.

"How can it be?"

The man in black cursed in a low voice, his eyes shining with disbelief.

He didn't expect that Su Bai had such powerful power and could control metal.

This was a hard truth for him to accept.

Su Bai put away her smile and stared at the man in black sharply. Looking at Su Bai's terrifying power, the two men in black looked at each other and thought of retreating.

They knew that if they continued to fight, they would only lose.

While they were hesitating, Liang Yue and another man in black were still fighting fiercely.

Liang Yue relied on her outstanding strength and agility to put the man in black at a disadvantage.

Su Bai stared coldly at the remaining two men in black.

"Don't underestimate us!"

One of the men in black gritted his teeth and said, "Although we can't compete with you head-on, you will pay the price sooner or later!"

After saying these words, the two men in black and their companions quickly left the scene.

They knew that they had been exposed to Su Bai and Liang Yue and could not compete with them.

Only by leaving can one save one's life.

Su Bai sneered and did not pursue them.

He knew that their words were just threats and had no substantial threatening power.

His strength was enough to hold them captive, but this was not the time to pursue him. Su Bai looked at the weak Liang Yue and hurriedly stepped forward to support her body.

His brows were furrowed, his expression full of concern and anxiety.

"Senior sister, are you okay?" Su Bai asked softly, with worry in her voice.

Liang Yue shook her head slightly and tried to smile: "It's okay, I'm just a little injured..."

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief and put his hand on her injury.

He silently activated the power of Suzaku, and warm energy flowed into Liang Yue's body.

A warm feeling spread throughout her body, and Liang Yue felt that her injuries were recovering quickly.

She closed her eyes quietly and felt the healing.

Su Bai concentrated on controlling the power of Suzaku and stretched it inside Liang Yue's body.

He could feel every cell in her body responding to the healing power.

Time gradually passed, and Su Bai continued to use the power of Suzaku until he was convinced that Yue had fully recovered and became normal.

He slowly let go of his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. Liang Yue slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were filled with gratitude, and her face was full of gratitude to Su Bai.

She gently held Su Bai's hand and felt his warm palm. She said to him in a gentle voice: "Thank you for saving me. I really don't know how to repay you."

Su Bai smiled and nodded, shaking her head slightly: "You're welcome, senior sister. 17

"We are brothers and sisters who have practiced together. We should support each other."


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