Su Bai replied politely.

The receiving disciple nodded and his smile became more obvious.

"Nice to meet you, Su Bai. Don't worry, we will give you a fair and impartial assessment to join the alliance. At this time, there are four people standing in the assessment place. With Su Bai, a total of five people are participating in the assessment this time.

There was an atmosphere of tension and anticipation in the square.

Su Bai looked around and saw Shen Feng, who was also from the White Tiger Sect, among them.

They were once brothers in the same discipline, but for some reason they had conflicts with each other. When Shen Feng noticed Su Bai, a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

He deliberately walked up to Su Bai and said in a sarcastic voice: "Su Bai, how dare you come to take the Tianmeng assessment?"

"What qualifications do you think you have?"

"Don't forget, you haven't even succeeded in being promoted to the golden body realm."

Su Bai looked at Shen Feng with a calm expression, as if he had not been ridiculed or belittled by Shen Feng.

Shen Feng laughed angrily after hearing this, "Haha, Su Bai, you are just a waste."

"Don't say you passed the test, even a single move from me can knock you to the ground."

These words attracted the attention of people in the field, and everyone looked at the dispute between the two fellow disciples. Su Bai looked at Shen Feng with indifferent eyes, as if he didn't care about his provocation.

At this time, everyone in the field also looked at Shen Feng with ridicule.

Shen Feng felt that he was being laughed at by the crowd, and a burst of anger and shame rose in his heart.

He wanted to struggle, argue, and defend himself, but no sound came out of his mouth.

Su Bai took a step towards Shen Feng, who whispered to Feng Qingfeng.

"Do you think your strength is just based on your quick words?"

Su Bai stared at Shen Feng sharply, "Then let us wait and see."

Everyone looked at the aura emanating from Su Bai's body in shock, as if there was endless energy to destroy everything. Everyone gathered at Tianmeng's assessment venue, and they quietly waited for the arrival of the assessment seniors.

Time passed by minute by second, and when everyone almost began to doubt whether the senior brother would appear, a figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This assessment senior brother is wearing a white robe, elegant and elegant.

He has a handsome face and deep and sharp eyes, which seem to hide endless wisdom and power...

As soon as they saw his appearance, everyone suddenly became quiet and all eyes turned to him.

The assessment brother smiled slightly, and his loud but gentle voice spread throughout the entire venue: "Hello everyone, I am here to conduct an assessment for you today."

Hearing this, bursts of cheers suddenly erupted in the stadium.

Everyone watched the examination with great anticipation, looking forward to the upcoming challenge.

"The first is the first level assessment."

The assessment brother glanced at everyone, "You need to defeat the battle puppet."

"The next step is the second level."

The assessment brother continued, this level is a test of mental strength.

Hearing this, everyone looked confused.

They didn't know exactly what kind of test it was.

However, they were already prepared. After all, they had also accepted challenges from different types of people during their cultivation.

Everyone looked at each other. The mental test might be more difficult, but they did not flinch.

There was a look of excitement on the assessment senior brother's face.

"The last level is the actual battle with the senior brothers!"

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