Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1290 The Powerful Ye Lanyi

"Su Bai can actually display such powerful fire power. His strength is far beyond imagination."

Ye Lanyi secretly praised it in his heart. Su Bai faced the powerful attack of the battle puppet without any panic.

He took a deep breath, turned his whole body into a stream of light, and attacked the battle puppet heavily.

The flames caused by the power of Qilin are as beautiful and hot as the sounds of nature.

It surrounded Su Bai, forming a huge fire storm "Eight Two Seven".

There is a strange vitality in the flames, which restores Su Bai's injuries while flying.

The battle puppet was shocked by the power of Qilin released by Su Bai, and it was unprepared to be swept into the flames by this powerful force.

The huge force tore through the air, as if to tear the entire venue into pieces.

With a loud noise, the battle puppet was defeated by the extremely hot flames.

Su Bai walked out of the sea of ​​fire, his eyes shining with confidence.

Everyone stared at Su Bai's performance in stunned silence. For a moment, the court was silent.

Then, there was applause, and everyone looked at Su Bai with admiration.

"That's amazing! Su Bai's strength is beyond imagination!"

Ye Lanyi clapped her hands and cheered excitedly.

Shen Feng's face was solemn. He was originally just a tough talker, but he had to admire the powerful strength in front of him.

A trace of jealousy could not help but arise in my heart.

Su Bai looked at the shocked eyes around him and smiled slightly.

Although he didn't want to show off his abilities, he couldn't avoid showing off his powerful strength at this moment.

The assessment official came forward and bowed to Su Bai: "Congratulations on successfully passing the first level of assessment!"

Su Bai nodded slightly, remaining calm and humble.

He knew that this was just the beginning, and there would be more difficult tests waiting for him next. Although Su Bai had just defeated the battle puppet and successfully passed the first level assessment, he was not happy about it.

He understood that the next test would be more severe, so he did not stay in the joy of victory.

Everyone screamed, feeling that Su Bai's strength was beyond imagination.

However, behind all this, the corner of Shen Feng's mouth twitched.

Looking at Su Bai with a livid face, he felt an unconcealable frustration in his heart.

As a person who thinks very highly of himself, Shen Feng simply cannot accept the fact that Su Bai is stronger than him...

Amid the laughter of everyone, Shen Feng sadly left the battlefield.

Although he had been a bit stubborn about looking down on Su Bai and questioned whether he was really capable of passing the exam, reality gave him a heavy blow and left him with nowhere to hide.

After Shen Feng left, the scene returned to silence again. In the next assessment, it was Ye Lanyi's turn.

She has a slender figure and her sword skills are as smooth as running water. Holding a long sword, she danced on the battlefield, the sword shining like a rainbow.

Every move she made was a perfect way to break the battle puppet's attack, which was dizzying.

Everyone watching the battle was amazed and praised Ye Lanyi's superb swordsmanship.

What they saw was a living swordsmanship master who defeated the enemy with his skillful and quick 1.9 movements.

Everyone looked at her with admiration and had endless admiration for her in their hearts.

Ye Lanyi, on the other hand, just smiled faintly.

She knew that this was just a small test, and the strength shown in the battle before her was not enough to represent everything.

However, she also hopes to pass this assessment and make achievements in the White Tiger Sect.

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