They immediately stopped, their eyes shining with greed.

For a time, a tense and intense atmosphere filled the air.

The two started a fierce battle in the mountains.

Su Bai watched the fight between the two quietly and did not choose to take action.

He knew that this was a fight between them, and it was inconvenient for him to get involved.

The two of them used various tricks to strike first.

They tried their best and kept flashing and blooming brilliant and dangerous light next to the elixir. Not long after, Su Zhong and Liang Yong walked towards a dense forest in the mountains.

The adjacent dense forest is full of rich aura, with towering trees and flourishing flowers and plants.

The sunlight shines through the gaps between the branches and leaves, forming mottled light spots.

The two of them walked along the mountain road. They moved forward silently, their eyes focused and alert.

The surrounding environment changes slightly as they move.

The small animals hiding in the valley felt the breath they released when they approached and immediately ran away.

Soon after, Liang Yue suddenly signaled Su Bai to stop. Su Bai stopped and looked at the distance where Liang Yue was pointing, and saw a tree standing there.

This tree is tall and straight, like a bridge connecting heaven and earth.

The bark is dark brown, with clear and ancient lines, and its presence makes the entire forest seem untouchable.

Liang Yue took a gentle breath and explained: "This giant tree is called Cangtian Wood, and it is one of the most precious spiritual trees.

"It is said that it grows in places with extremely strong spiritual energy and has extraordinary power and mysterious properties."

Su Bai stared at Cangtianmu closely, with strong curiosity emerging in his heart.

He knows that everything here is extraordinary, and there is nothing in the world that he cannot grasp and understand.

Seeing Su Bai staring at the giant tree so intently, Liang Yue continued to explain: "Can you feel the rich aura it exudes? This is the magic of the Cangtian tree."

Su Bai nodded slightly. He could feel that the air around him seemed to have condensed, and spiritual energy permeated the surroundings.

He knew that this was emitted by the Cangtian Wood.

He said to Liang Yue: "Let's go over and have a look."

Liang Yue smiled and nodded, and the two of them walked towards Cangtian Wood.

As they got closer, the sky became taller and more spectacular.

The top of the giant tree has lush branches and leaves, and the crown of the tree is like a huge cover covering many small trees.

Sunlight shines through the gaps between the tree crowns, forming mottled light and shadow on the ground. Su Bai and Liang Yue came to the vicinity of Cangtian Mu and began to look for Qingling grass around.

This kind of grass has extremely high spirituality and is a treasure in the hearts of alchemists.

Su Bai's eyes were focused on searching the surrounding plants, while giving full play to the power of the blue dragon that he had mastered.

He could feel the subtle connections between the trees.

Liang Yue followed behind Su Bai, scanning the surroundings with quick eyes.

She knows the growth environment of Cangtianmu very well, so she became Su Bai's most important assistant when searching for Qingling grass.

Suddenly, Liang Yue stopped (Zhao Nuo Zhao) and found a breath of fresh air in a rock crevice. Su Bai walked forward in the direction of the rock gap.

In front of his eyes, a small clear pond appeared in the dense woods.

In the center of the pond, there is a green plant growing.

**"This is Qingling grass!"

Liang Yue shouted excitedly.

Su Bai leaned over and stared at the Qingling grass, and saw that its leaves were as clear as jasper, and its flowers were as delicate as a drop of gold. .

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