Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1556 Stone Forest City

Time passed unconsciously. When Su Bai finished reading the entire book, he put down the book and took a long breath.

At this moment, his heart was filled with endless fighting spirit and enthusiasm.

"Wanjie Tomb, what kind of adventure will be waiting for me?" Su Bai murmured to himself.

He was full of desire and curiosity about the legendary place containing treasure. Su Bai put down the book, raised his eyes and looked around and found that he was already surrounded by a group of practitioners.

They moved closer curiously, their eyes revealing their admiration and curiosity for what Su Bai was learning.

"This kid has great potential. He can actually cultivate to this level!"

Someone praised in a low voice.

"Look, he owns a secret book of spiritual skills! I heard 13 that this is a peerless secret book of martial arts.

A cultivator said excitedly.

"He is a disciple of our White Tiger Sect, right? He is indeed a talent cultivated by our sect.

Another cultivator clicked his tongue in envy.

Everyone was talking about Su Bai's strength and potential, and admired his spiritual practice.

One of the passing cultivators approached Su Bai with great interest: "Forgive me for being presumptuous, what book is the young hero reading? Can you share it with me?"

He looked at Su Bai expectantly.

Upon hearing the inquiry, other cultivators passing by also stopped and gathered around, looking forward to Su Bai's answer.

Su Bai smiled and handed the book in his hand to him: "This is a book on Lingyuan Secret Skills. It introduces various special powers and skills. It is very exciting."

The practitioners who passed by showed excited expressions, quickly opened the pages of the book, and started reading attentively.

Some of them have already heard the name of this secret technique, and now they finally have the opportunity to see it for themselves.

"It is indeed the secret skill of Lingyuan!"

A cultivator praised.

"I have long heard that this book contains all kinds of powerful techniques, and now I can finally see them."

Another practitioner said excitedly.

“Hopefully I can learn something practical from it.

A young cultivator chanted expectantly.

Su Bai looked at the crowd of people around and nodded with satisfaction.

He knew that as a disciple of the White Tiger Sect, he had a special status in the eyes of everyone.

And the secret skills of Lingyuan he learned made him full of confidence and fighting spirit.

"I will practice hard to maximize these powers!" Su Bai secretly made up his mind.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside Stone Forest City.

A group of capable disciples of the White Tiger Sect were patrolling there closely, holding sharp swords and walking in the darkness.

The chief elder stood aside and stared at Su Bai's figure, his heart full of worry.

Since Crow Mountain was breached, the entire Stone Forest City has been on alert.

People are in panic, and everyone feels the breath of danger.

In particular, the chief elder has great expectations for Su Bai. He is eagerly looking forward to the hope that Su Bai can become a sect. Su Bai closed his eyes and sat in the ten abandoned temples with concentration.

He held the Yuanhua Compass in both hands and felt the mysterious atmosphere contained in it.

As his breathing gradually became steady, a powerful spiritual power surged out of his body.

Suddenly, Su Bai felt an invisible force sweeping around him, and he could clearly sense the flow of Yuanwu power around him.

The energy fluctuations emanating from each cultivator were accurately captured in his eyes, allowing him to speculate on the depth of the opponent's strength. .

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