Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 254 Staying In The Moon Palace, The Challenge From The Exchange Students Of The Kimchi Count

Su Bai went to take a look at the laurel tree and the Chaos Green Lotus, and saw that the growth state of these two was not bad, so he didn't care much.

As for the Devil Fruit Tree, there is a dark fruit, but it should take a while to grow.

Withdrawing his consciousness from the Tianyuan Realm, Su Bai stood up, wiped the water droplets off his body, changed into pajamas, and went directly to the ashram.


It wasn't until the alarm clock went off that Su Bai slowly opened her eyes.

But what he didn't know was that this night, the forum of the academy could be directly called exploded.

One message after another continues to be on the Internet, directly calling Su Bai, a person who has not officially appeared in school, famous.

【School Forum】

"This class of freshmen is really fierce! When I first arrived at school, I was excited to eat, drink and have fun. y

"Upstairs, what happened?"

"Look at the cultivation list on the alumni list, yesterday the freshman freshman just arrived, and there was a fierce man who stayed in the retreat room for fifteen hours! It's only eight o'clock in the morning! Has he been cultivating since five o'clock yesterday afternoon?"


"I'm really convinced, it's ruthless enough to sit in the retreat room for fifteen hours at a time, doesn't this freshman have to sleep?" Wouldn't he have known that there was the first class meeting during the day?"

"I took a look, and the name of the freshman at the top of the list is Su Bai."

"Su Bai, why is this name so familiar?!"

"This is clearly the top student of the 200th college entrance examination!"

Su Bai got up from the ashram in high spirits.

Unlike other creators, long-term cultivation will cause a certain amount of mental drain and it is easy to get tired.

Su Bai felt very energetic after each practice.

Su Bai followed the guidelines already set on the campus card and joined the class group.

Only then did I realize that I was getting up late!

At half past eight, all the new students will arrive at the most central square.

At this time, Bai also realized that it was inconvenient to live in the camp.

The other dormitories are only 15 minutes away from the central square, and it takes 15 minutes by bike.

But the distance from the Moon Palace to that side is more than twice as far.

It's already eight-ten.

Su Bai hurried to the central square.

"Su Bai, why are you only here now." Chi Lansu, who had been looking around anxiously, was finally relieved after seeing Su Bai's figure, and complained a little with some disgust.

She stretched out a pair of slender jade hands, patted Su Bai's shoulder, and whispered: "Let's go, let's go."

"I'm not in a class with you, there is no way to take you over for the time being, you go over there by yourself first."

The departments of Silver Moon University are calculated based on the strengths of each student's world.

For example, Chi Lansu's ice and snow world should belong to the elemental world, and it is an ice and snow element that can be attacked and defended. There are teachers with professional attributes corresponding to such world characteristics.

But as for Su Bai like this, it is a monster cultivation class, and Su Bai mainly attacks, and there are many types of races in the world, which are more mixed. It is placed in the comprehensive department, and there will be teachers who are good at various fields to guide.

As for Mei Wanqing's, students with tendencies such as the Dark Department and the Undead Department will be arranged together.

Everyone has the same direction of great energy in attributes, and there are more commonalities.

Some combat methods are crushing with strong attack strength, some are sensitive attacks or some are good at layout.

As a result, four people came in and were scattered into four different classes.

Su Bai hurried to her class.

"You are Su Bai" ||?"

Standing in front was a woman who looked to be about twenty-six or seventeen years old, with a slim body full of charm, she wore a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, and she was wearing a light green skirt, fluttering with a wind.

With a bit of competence and sharpness in his intellect, this one is very beautiful, but Su Bai's attention falls on the other party's eyes, and Su Bai's heart thinks that this teacher is not simple.

"I am your counselor, Liu Qingqing, and from today onwards, you will be my students. If there is anything you don't understand or if you encounter difficulties in life and study, you can come to me. "

Liu Qingqing briefly introduced.

Then he nodded his chin to Su Bai slightly: "But Su Bai classmate better not be late next time."

"Sorry, teacher, I will definitely pay attention in the future." Su Bai scratched her head ruefully and quickly got into the class.

When the people in the class saw him, they also remembered a whisper.

"This is the national champion Su Bai? Some girls held a face and shouted excitedly.

She tried to contain her voice so that it was not too loud, but Su Bai's keen ears still heard it.

Su Bai smiled a little awkwardly.

"This is the guy who came to school and practiced fifteen hours on the first day? I really don't find it strange that such a person takes the first place. ”

Some people couldn't help but sigh when they looked at Su Bai's figure.

"I originally thought that I had worked hard, but on the first day I came to school, I couldn't help but wander around and play, and now compared with Su Bai, my heart is a little uneasy, how can I play at my age!"

"Starting today, I will redouble my efforts. I'll go back to cultivation when the meeting is dispersed later!"

Su Bai never imagined that his habitual cultivation behavior directly set off a wind of involution within Silver Moon University.

Whether it is the senior senior sister or the freshman of this class, they all start to work hard towards his pace.

Even after a period of time, the teachers of the school did not understand how these students had changed their sexes one by one, but they also sighed even more and felt very pleased with the situation of all the staff involvement.

The figure of Silver Moon slowly appeared on the high platform in the center!

"This is Lord Principal!"

"This year's freshman assembly principal will actually attend in person! Tears!"

"We are really lucky this year, I heard that before that, the director of education or the vice president was in charge of the freshman assembly."

The small discussion in the audience was endless, revealing the excitement of the students.

The students who were even more excited and fanatically looked at Silver Moon, such an existence, an absolute strongman, but the goal in everyone's hearts, not to mention, Principal Silver Moon is still a famous beauty!

The signature long silver hair is simply breathtakingly beautiful.

Silver Moon glanced at it casually, and easily captured Su Bai's figure, with a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth.

This kid, just by looking at the breath, has become a lot stronger, and it seems that he has also gained a lot during this summer vacation.

Su Bai returned his gaze slightly.

"Today, I saw the new generation of our Silver Moon University for the first time, and everyone who can come here is Tianjiao. However, there is no end to learning, there will always be stronger people in this world, please do not be complacent, remember your original intention, even after a certain achievement, you must maintain a humble and awe heart. ”

"." Well, not much to say, I hope all students can have their wishes. ”

Silver Moon simply said two words and left.

Although she is a principal, the last thing she likes is long speeches.

If it weren't for the fact that this class happened to be the 200th batch of students, and there were still many excellent seedlings, she would not come here to mention this sentence.

In fact, Silver Moon's words are more to Su Bai.

Su Bai, this child, is really a young genius "rare unendowed."


Then it was the process of previous years.

Towards the end, Su Bai was about to go back when he was stopped in front of him.

"You are Su Bai?"

On the opposite side was a guy who looked white and fat, but a little short.

In this era when boys are generally more than one meter eight, he only looks about one meter seven two one seven four.

Coupled with that round body, it looks a lot more short and fat.

As soon as this fat man opened his mouth, he carried a strong taste of pickles.

Su Bai frowned slightly.

"This classmate, you..."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, the fat man interrupted directly and said very impatiently: "I want to challenge you!"

While speaking, he raised his chin high, it was clear that it was the first time he met Su Bai, but there was a deep disgust for Su Bai in his eyes.

"It's just a freshman, luckily won the college entrance examination championship of this Yan Country, the money) Why do you live in the Moon Palace."

"Today, I want everyone to see your true strength, so that everyone can understand that in fact, you are not as good as me at all!"

The fat man's small green bean-like eyes stared at Su Bai deadly, making people look very disgusted.

Liu Qingqing also frowned slightly and walked towards this side, but did not intervene in the conflict between the two students.

Coming from a special school, this group of students are all creators, and the school's educational philosophy is naturally different from the school that ordinary people attend.

On the contrary, the school is very willing to see students compete with each other, and only by fighting in real life can real progress be achieved.

It's just that what makes Liu Qingqing frown is that this Jin Shizhi classmate is an exchange student in the Kimchi Country, and his status is not low.

He is the yuan who came to exchange and learn on behalf of the country.

If he and Su Bai fight, it is a battle between countries.

The competition between the best young people of two countries is the honor of the country.

"Okay, I'll accept your challenge." The expression on Su Bai's face did not change much, and he only agreed coldly, as if he was saying something insignificant.

This attitude actually made Na Jin Shizhi even more angry in his heart.

Jin Shizhi thought indignantly in his heart, this kid called Su Bai is really as arrogant as Zhao Ming said! .

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