Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 269 Meng Kun Was Seriously Injured, Met Chi Lansu In The Boundless Desert

Compared with the huge figure of Meng Kun, the figure of the Feathered Serpent God Pterosaur King no longer looks so huge.

Meng Kun's plump and chubby body appeared in the air.

Compared with the time when he just hatched from the eggshell, Meng Kun's body size has become much larger now.

Looking at the huge figure in front of him.

Even the King of the Feathered Serpent Pterosaur was slightly surprised.

How did such a big guy fly into the sky?

Feathered snake god pterosaur can be like a fish in water in the sky, depends on the wide wings.


Meng Kun made a sound like a baby.

Its body looks very round and cute.

The King of Feathered Serpent Pterosaur raised his neck high and let out a sharp cry.

Use the power of the field.

The wind in the air turned into a series of rotating sharp blades, and even the intensity of the air pressure was greatly increased.

But Mengkun was not affected much, on the contrary, he was still traveling unimpeded in the air very naturally.

Meng Kun's ability to fly in the air is not mastered by the ability to fly.

It's because Mengkun can walk freely between the interlayers of the space.

There was no reaction at all to see Meng Kun.

The Feathered Serpent King of Pterosaurs failed to use his domain ability for the first time, and became more and more flustered.

Meng Kun opened his mouth wide, and walked towards the King of Pterosaurs.

The huge body seems to have only one mouth that can swallow the whole sky.

The battle in front of him became more and more tense.

In just a short while, the distance between Dream Feathered Snake God Pterosaur King was pulled extremely close.

The expression on Su Bai's face also relaxed slightly.

It seems that victory is in sight this time.

Sure enough, Meng Kun is an absolutely powerful killer.

But in the next instant, the smile that was about to rise on Su Bai's face froze instantly.

The Feathered Serpent God Pterosaur King suddenly disappeared!

Does it also have the power of time and space?


The Feathered Serpent Pterosaur has a top-notch understanding of wind and air, but the two angles of time and space involve advanced laws. Judging from the King of the Feathered Serpent Pterosaur, even if he still lives long enough , the level is strong enough, but it is still unable to break the space skill - teleportation.

So, where is the King of Feathered Serpent Pterosaurs?!

When Su Bai raised his head suddenly, he realized that the Feathered Serpent God Pterosaur King was sliding past Meng Kun at an extremely fast speed.

The entire Feathered Serpent Pterosaur clan instantly surrounded Meng Kun.

This piece of sky is completely covered.

Looking at the picture in front of him.

Su Bai's hands that were hanging on the sides of his body gradually clenched into fists.

This time, is it going to lose?

Do not.

Meng Kun suddenly opened his mouth and bit the wings of a Feathered Serpent Pterosaur.


Chewing constantly in the mouth.

Soon, that guy was swallowed by Meng Kun.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Kun turned his head and took another bite, directly swallowing another one.

After a while.

Meng Kun directly dealt with the three Feathered Serpent Pterosaurs.

This made those Feathered Serpent Pterosaurs attack Meng Kun even more violently.

Even with the attitude of "doing nothing at all costs", using the bony spurs growing on his wings, accompanied by high-speed flight, constantly inflicting damage on Meng Kun.

The battle became more and more fierce, but those Feathered Serpent Pterosaurs didn't think about running away even though they watched their companions lose to Meng Kun one by one.

Instead, he didn't know what fear was, and the scarlet in his eyes became stronger and stronger, constantly attacking Meng Kun.

Before, their goal was still a bit on Su Bai.

But now, they want to kill Meng Kun!

If such powerful creatures continue to exist, their offspring will never have the chance to grow up, and can only become food for this vain thing.

In the end, Meng Kun won the battle.

But the price paid was tragic.

Bloodstains had already appeared on Meng Kun's body.

A patch of blood and flesh on its outer shell.

Seeing this scene, Su Bai felt distressed.

For Su Bai, Mengkun is a cub that hasn't broken its shell for a long time, and it is still a baby at all.

Even though this guy's size is very large, in fact, Meng Kun's actual age is only more than two months old.

"Okay, Meng Kun, let's go home."

Su Bai took Meng Kun back to the Tianyuan Realm.

In the Tianyuan world.

Meng Kun let out a deep whimper and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the monster world.

Su Bai judged the direction temporarily, and could only continue to move forward.

The west should be virgin forest, which has already been determined.

Now Su Bai is faced with two choices.

Continue to go west, return to the primeval forest, and harvest all the things there.

The second choice is to choose a direction at random and try your luck.

Su Bai pondered for a moment, and chose to go to the primeval forest to the west.

The battle just now has made Su Bai need to recuperate.

Moreover, the dragon knights directly lost a thousand amount here.

Although after the simulation is over, they can return to Tianyuan Realm again.

But the method of killing the Pterosaur King of the Feathered Serpent God, for them, the psychological pressure is undoubtedly huge.

Su Bai summoned Godzilla, just hoping that he won't encounter any big troubles that are difficult to solve later.

Going west from the undead volcanoes, there is a desert in the middle.

Because of the high heat from the volcanic group and the occasional volcanic eruptions, even though the land here is rich in trace elements, there are still not many plants that can grow in such a place that is so hot and lacks water.

In the monster world, almost every region has very obvious landforms and vegetation with unique characteristics.

When Su Bai and Godzilla walked westward for a while, they found that they had gradually entered the desert.

There are endless sand dunes in front of you.

The yellow sand all over the sky is swept by the wind and dust, but it can fascinate people's eyes in an instant.

In the boundless desert, there are sand dunes.

Looking at these sand dunes from a distance, they all look the same.

If you accidentally get lost in this area, it means death.

Ordinary people will die of thirst if they do not drink water for seven days.

Even if the Creator's health is slightly better, he can last for ten days at most.

And the temperature difference between day and night in the desert...

Considering these conditions, the danger level of this desert is not much lower than that of the undead volcanoes.

Su Bai couldn't help but smile wryly.

How far was the storm that swept me away last time?

Could it be that it directly spanned the entire desert?

Or is it because my seven points are different this time, so my final foothold is also different?

"Let's go?" Su Bai simply gave Godzilla the right to choose.

Godzilla tilted his head slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he carried Su Bai on his back and ran into the desert with a pair of thick legs.

But just after running not far, Godzilla's movements were stopped by Su Bai.

"Don't run around!"

Su Bai was a little dumbfounded, if he got lost, it would be even more difficult later on.

Ants are natural signal soldiers.

No matter how complicated the geographical environment is, they will never get lost.

Su Bai summoned the Celestial Horned Ant Clan.

Just waited for a moment, and the ground in front of Su Bai was already covered with dense ants.

Tens of thousands of ants are like a well-trained army, arranged in a square formation in front of Su Bai.

If ordinary people see this kind of spectacle, they will be amazed that it is a miracle.

There are not many world masters who can cultivate a large number of subordinates, but like Su Bai, there are very few world masters who can make them line up well.

【You start to give orders to the Celestial Horned God Ant and the God Ant Clan. 】

【Skyhorned God Ant is guaranteed to complete your task!】

【The ants start running in all directions!】

[All ants will become an independent signal point, and eventually their signals will be transmitted to the Skyhorned God Ant through the special communication method between the ants. 】

"Father God, please wait for a while.

The Tianjiao Ant's temperament has been smoothed out a lot.

After he sent out his ants, he stood by Su Bai's side.

But half an hour's work.

The Celestial Horned Ant has already determined the appropriate direction to move forward.

"Father God, please go this way."

The Celestial Horned Ant was crawling in front, and he looked back at Godzilla with some envy.

Father God actually chose this big guy as his car, he is really lucky.

The road led by Tianjiao Shenyi is quite good, although Su Bai (Zhao Hao) has seen him turn a few times, but the final direction is still turned back.

Gradually, the night began to become more and more intense.

The temperature in the desert began to drop.

Even now Su Bai is not afraid of the cold, but he still symbolically asked Godzilla to adjust the temperature of his body and play the role of a heater.

In Yeye's darkness, Godzilla's glowing red skin is particularly obvious.

far away.

Where Su Bai did not see, Chi Lansu had already seen the huge figure of Godzilla.

Chi Lansu hurriedly ran towards Su Bai, shouting his name constantly.

"Strange, why do I feel that someone is calling me?" Su Bai turned around with some doubts, but found that there was no one at all.

"Su Bai! I'm here!"

Seeing Su Bai looking around, Chi Lansu almost laughed angrily.

"You stand so high, where can you see me around you?! Look down!!!"

Su Bai looked down quickly, only to see that Chi Lansu was already standing in front of Godzilla.

As for the big guy Godzilla, after so many fires fell in Chi Lansu's ice and snow world, seeing her, he would not attack at all.

Instead, he turned his head and signaled to the master sitting on him that there was a little guy below.

Only then did Su Bai see Chi Lansu, and quickly got off Godzilla. .

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