Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 286 The Goddess Of Water And The Goddess Of Ice And Snow Join Forces, Gold Commander, S-Clas

Seeing that Zhao Chengqiang's figure was no longer here, Su Bai had a slight smile on his face.

Knowing that Zhao Chengqiang should have understood what he meant.

Now the task of Su Bai and Chi Lansu Shi Qianyan is to clamp all the mice here.

Let Mei Wanqing and Zhao Chengqiang carry out the next step.

the other side.

After being reminded by Su Bai, Mei Wanqing has discovered another wonderful use of her abilities.

She senses the spirits of dead mice.

Soon, the ghosts of the rats they had killed with their own hands were successfully controlled by Mei Wanqing.

One by one, they all got into their dead bodies, and controlled their bodies to start a war against their former partners.

At the same time, some old bones were also summoned by Mei Wanqing.

Here, Mei Wan's liquidation successfully got stuck with a bug.

The corpses of those seniors and sisters who had fallen on Mouse Island were judged by the trial tower to be replicas newly built after they had died.

According to the trial tower, it is for the students to see the consequences of failure with their own eyes.

But in fact, very few students are willing to actively use this function.

However, the reproduced bones retained the strength of those seniors and sisters themselves.

Students who can enter Silver Moon University will definitely not be inferior in talent.

Even the freshmen, many of them have reached the level of the third-order creator.

Even if these students don't practice their own physical fitness, their physical fitness can at least reach the silver level under the feedback of the world.

Some even reach the gold level.

However, the strength of these students' bones will not be restricted by the bug in the trial tower.

A smile appeared on Mei Wanqing's face.

"Seniors and sisters, I'm sorry, I'm going to use your modeling models to fight. I believe the seniors and sisters should have good strength.

Looking at my side, in addition to the continuous increase in the army of undead rats.

In addition, she got more than ten silver and three gold-level battle strengths, and the smile on Mei Wanqing's face couldn't stop.

It's just that the appearance of a young girl smiling at a pair of bones seems a bit out of place.

Immediately afterwards, Mei Wanqing directed the skeletons to attack the mice frantically.

After Zhao Chengqiang had Mei Wan cleared up, the road ahead was smoother.

I don't know where Zhao Chengqiang found a cave.

The cave was about half the height of a person.

Different from the stench outside.

This cave is rather dry.

Zhao Chengqiang held two knives in his hand, surrounded by countless knives as guards, waving them frantically, and was about to go inside.

After passing through a long passage, Zhao Chengqiang finally saw the true face of the guy in the cave.

I saw a figure that was a bit larger than the previous Shu Wang Haiyang lying lazily on the ground, and there were many straw plants around it to build a comfortable nest.

Sufficient food, including bloody meat and various wild fruits, also piled up in front of the big rat.

Zhao Chengqiang perfectly learned the winning formula taught by Su Bai before.

Don't talk too much nonsense before fighting, don't say anything, just do it!

All the knives around Zhao Chengqiang flew towards the big mouse quickly.

One by one, under the master's command, they locked their targets and chopped down towards the big rat.

Now dozens of knives are pointing at that mouse in all directions, even if she wants to hide, she has nowhere to open it.

In a short time, the big mouse died under Zhao Chengqiang's random knife.

There are many pink mice under its belly, waiting to be fed.

Seeing that the mother was dead, the hungry little mice went to eat the blood and flesh of the big mother mouse.

That crazy look is like starving for three days and three nights.

In fact, they just missed a meal.

[One child of the world has died, and the remaining child of the world is still alive. Please make persistent efforts to solve the remaining children of the world together. 】

When the female mouse died, the AI ​​female voice unique to the trial tower issued a reminder.

It seems that there is an induction between the two mice.

Before that, the Mouse King still had a bit of reason and was trying to defeat Su Bai.

But the moment the female mouse died, he became crazy instantly.

A pair of eyes completely turned blood red, not caring about the injury on his body, and attacked Su Bai crazily.

Even knowing that Su Bai is surrounded by Shi Qianyan and Chi Lansu, who can easily freeze Su Bai and greatly reduce his speed, it is still as if he hit the south wall and did not look back, crazy rushed forward.

Shi Qianyan and Chi Lansu simply killed it with icicles.

[The two children of the world have been successfully killed by you, the main task has been completed, the power of the world has begun to become weak, and the world will gradually collapse. 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully passed the first-order world, Mouse Island. Your rating grade is S grade. 】

[Then enter the point settlement link. Successfully passed the first-order world, the basic reward is 50 points, and the basic reward is calculated based on the D-level rating. Every time the rating is reported, an additional 10 points will be awarded, and an additional 20 points will be awarded for reaching the S level. The basic customs clearance points are 100 points. 】

[Comprehensive evaluation is being conducted based on everyone's combat performance in this trial...]

[The mvp of this dungeon trial is Mei Wanqing. Extra bonus of twenty points. Shi Qianyan and Chi Lansu jointly killed one of the children of the world, and each was rewarded with an extra ten points. Zhao Chengqiang independently beheaded the Son of the World and gained ten points. Su Bai won the gold medal support, gold medal command, and an extra 40 points. 】

[Final point settlement. Su Bai, one hundred and forty points. Zhao Chengqiang, one hundred and twenty points. Mei Wanqing, one hundred and twenty points. Shi Qianyan, one hundred and ten points. Chi Lansu, one hundred and ten points. 】

[This trial is over, the second floor of the trial tower will be open for you. 】

In an instant, a ray of light flashed in front of several people, and in the next instant, the five of them were teleported to the waiting room of the trial tower.

This is the default teleport return address.

Generally, students who are tired from fighting can take a short rest.

And AI battle analysis can watch, replay the key moments of previous battles, and see the basis for system scoring.

If you have any doubts, you can appeal according to the playback.

When Su Bai and the others opened their eyes, they found themselves sitting on the sofa.

In front of you is a huge electronic screen.

The picture above looks very real and gives people a strong sense of realism.

0. Asking for flowers......

Chi Lansu looked at Mei Wanqing fighting with a long sword in her hand, and sparkling stars appeared in her eyes, and she seemed to admire Mei Wanqing very much.

"Wanqing, look at this is your battle video, it's really handsome!"

"A and Sa, she is simply the heroine in my heart."

While talking, Ji An got together.

"You are also very good, I would like to call you the Ice and Snow Goddess Group!"

Su Bai looked at Chi Lansu with a pair of jealous eyes, and there was a little resentment in his eyes: "Squad leader, don't you just praise them two, and don't praise me at all?"

"Aren't I handsome?"

"Hahahaha, Su Bai, you are jealous."

"Susu, you'd better go and coax him."

Mei Wanqing and Shi Qianyan laughed together.

Said jokingly to Chi Lansu.

"I think Boss Su Bai is really handsome, and he handles these two knives better than myself." Zhao Chengqiang on the side scratched his head foolishly and said with a smile.

Only then did Su Bai notice that Zhao Chengqiang was ignored when he spoke by himself before.

Feeling a little embarrassed in his heart, he also praised Zhao Chengqiang a few words.

[This battle is being played back, and the above is even the basis for scoring. Combat awareness: The team showed reasonable combat awareness, vigilance proofreading, awareness of rotation and tactical allocation awareness when it was assembled and fought for the first time. Teamwork: The teamwork is tacit, and there is an obvious leader and command. The tactical setting is good, and the existence of the second son of Weiwei has been successfully predicted. Personal Combat Cooperation Awareness:...]

[If necessary, you can watch other people's battle records by yourself. 】

Looking at the prompt that popped up, Bai and the others in the dormitory were also curious about what tactics other people used when fighting, and whether it would be easier for them to fight than themselves.

I casually clicked on the record of the last time I challenged the copy of Mouse Island.

The last time I challenged Mouse Island was when the students of class 2076 challenged as freshmen.

Even if it is stuck, no one will be stuck on a first-order copy for a year.

Su Bai and others are now students of class 2077, which is equivalent to observing the works of seniors and sisters.

In the next instant, the battle records of the seniors and sisters were displayed in front of the five of them.

At the very beginning, the other five fell to the ground in embarrassment.

It is a very coincidence that the other party is also a configuration of one woman and two men.

It seems that after the level of the body is restricted, the speed, dexterity, strength and other conveniences of the body are also changed. Those people are not used to it, and they stumble when walking.

In the next moment, a figure of a mouse the size of a cat appeared in front of several people.

The two girls immediately screamed.

The stick in his hand waved wildly for a while, and even accidentally hit his companion.

It took a while to calm down under the shouts of his companions.

At this time, the two male students who were beaten were already a little unhappy.

The two girls apologized repeatedly.

Then several people took out all the summoned beasts in their own world.

After they were restricted, each of them could only take out a hundred bronze-level summoned beasts.

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