Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 296 The Five Zombie Kings Join Forces, Five Epic Seniors, Final Showdown

The zombie kings in the four regions of Southwest, Zhengxi, Northwest and Lower Pole have already got the news very soon.

The others didn't suspect at all that the zombie king from Zhengdong's murderous place was telling lies.

As the master of energy that originally existed in this world.

Naturally, one can clearly feel that the yin energy in this world is constantly decreasing.

As the core in this world, they fully- have a clear perception of it.

Immediately afterwards.

This is a direction where the zombie kings unite quickly.

The top ten zombie kings have always been kings.

This time, it was the first time they joined forces.

"This human being... can do this, and it is considered capable."

"Eastern King is really a no-nonsense guy. He occupied the best place for no reason, and his level was not low. In the end, he was made like this by a human being."

"Next, let him see our strength."

"Get ready. This time, instead, we can occupy the rest of the territory.

These big zombie kings gathered together, but laughed.

Even Su Bai has seized the time to let the Celestial Horned Ants, the Dark Clan, the Angel Clan and the Mechanical Clan act together.

But the scope of the sixth-order world is really too big.

Moreover, in every place of murder, there is not only one eye that needs to be destroyed.

In order to achieve the effect of quickly cutting off this evil vitality, all points must be destroyed without missing a single one.

Only one point is destroyed, even if it is a vital door of life, but in such a vast world, the yin energy in other places will quickly replenish there.

However, the zombie kings in Southwest, Zhengxi, Northwest and Lower Pole are already prepared.

It is not so easy for Su Bai to do damage.

There is only one way left!


Soon, the army of millions of zombies is already like a well-trained army, lining up on their own positions.

The Southwest Zombie King was wearing a burly and exquisite battle armor. It seemed that he should have been a general or a marshal before he was alive.

The Zombie King facing west is dressed in a Confucian scholar's attire.

Although they have now turned into zombies, each of them looks terrifying, but the clothes they are wearing do not know what material they are made of.

Even after so many years, it has not seen rot.

The four zombie kings, including Dong Wang who was seriously injured before, now Su Bai has to face five epic-level powerhouses!

Even in the monster world of the seventh-order world before, it was only an epic-level brain demon that had to be faced.

As for other epic-level local monsters, generally strong people of this level have their own territories in a world and will not help each other.

But now, obviously, the zombies in this zombie world are very united.

Perhaps, it's also because Su Bai's actions didn't just destroy their kind.

It also directly cut off their source of life.

Countless army of zombies are guarding the ground.

Uniform pace.

Obviously a well-trained army.

Su Bai summoned Godzilla without hesitation.

Now even here the cloudiness has not dissipated.

But the flames of Godzilla are enough to deal with most of the cannon fodder at once.

Otherwise, when fighting with these zombies, the battle line will be stretched rapidly, and all losses will become more serious.

Moreover, if it is delayed until the later stage, occupation will not be beneficial to oneself.

Su Bai's complexion froze quickly.

After resting just now, Godzilla is now able to continue fighting.

After finally being the main combat force for a while, this made Godzilla very excited.

A large sheet of flames spewed out of Godzilla's mouth quickly.

Not only that, but a lot of flames rose from Godzilla's body.

Visible to the naked eye, Vice's skin also began to turn red.

The surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly.

Even if the yin qi here is so heavy that the whole world is condensed by yin qi, under the burning of the red lotus flame, those low-level zombies will instantly turn into fly ash.

But in the blink of an eye, the army of several million has been reduced by half.

"This brat!"

Immediately, the fiery Northwest King became angry.

The first to attack.

As the zombie king who has reached the epic level, he is fully capable of mobilizing the power between heaven and earth.

But in the blink of an eye, Su Bai clearly felt that the air around him became thinner.

The Yin Qi around him also became more dangerous.

The terrifying head, with a hideous face, even half of the head was missing, the brains inside poured out and flew towards him.

However, Su Bai can't hide!

Heads like this, are there or not.

The illusion of extreme reality is reality.

These phantoms all carry a strong evil spirit.

Although there is no entity, it can cause harm to people.

But if Su Bai moves, he will fall into another trap of this group of zombies.

Immediately afterwards, the other three had already laid out the formation.

It's a net of heaven and earth.

As long as Su Bai moves a step without authorization, he will fall into their trap and control.

The location of the door of life and the door of death is only known to these zombie kings themselves.

"It's really troublesome." Su Bai muttered in a low voice, and the cold sentence came out, with a bit of prestige and pressure from ancient times in his eyes.

Four pages of the book came out in unison.

The fetal membrane of heaven and earth is a treasure between heaven and earth.

It has a very strong suppressive effect on these evil spirits.

As soon as the four-page book appeared in Su Bai's palm, Su Bai felt his hand suddenly sink.

However, the illusion in front of him disappeared immediately.

It was only in the blink of an eye, and the cold evil spirit just now also receded a lot.

"Meng Kun, come out to work."

Because now Meng Kun has grown a lot from the state of infancy, and he doesn't look like a baby anymore.

Meng Kun felt much more at ease when Su Bai used it now. Besides, even a cub had to earn money for milk powder.

Meng Kun ate too much.

cough cough.

Saying this though, would hurt the little cub's heart a bit.

"It's just an epic level senior."

The zombie kings didn't care when they saw Meng Kun's figure.

All four of them are epic level advanced.

Four against this one, will they still lose?

However, immediately after, Su Bai will Gaita, Rose, Alice, Michael, Lord of the World...

These guys were all summoned by Su Bai.

Adding up such battles is not so easy to deal with.

0………seeking flowers…………

What's more, whether it is the heaven and earth membrane or the book from the ground in Su Bai's current hand, they can just restrain them.

"Okay, okay."

"I really didn't expect that this kid still has some strength at such a young age."

But looking at the subordinates released by Su Bai, none of the zombies were afraid.

Everyone's interest in fighting became even higher.

The sky that was still bright just now suddenly darkened.

Countless yin qi turned into clusters of dark clouds and hung above the sky.

When the rain condensed by Yin Qi falls, it can instantly burn a person's skin.

The raindrops formed by the condensed Yin Qi will immediately drill into the bone marrow.

Not only that, pores and eyes,...

These yin qi have reached the point of pervasiveness.

Even if Godzilla was unprepared for a moment, he fell into this trick.

The flame that had originally risen was gradually extinguished under the drenching of the torrential rain.

Godzilla's body was injured and suppressed.

The flames around here also naturally became smaller.

Su Bai's face gradually became serious, but his heart didn't become chaotic because of this.

Combat is about discipline.

However, it also pays attention to strength.

These guys can't restrain Meng Kun.

In the blink of an eye, Meng Kun had already transformed into an Immortal Kun.

The devil fruit tree was also taken out by Su Bai.

Thinking that he obviously still has a devil fruit tree, Su Bai felt a little annoyed, why didn't he think of this thing before.

This thing can absorb no matter what kind of energy it is, and then transform it into its own power.

The gigantic figure of the devil fruit tree appeared above this world. Immediately afterwards, his countless thick roots stretched out and penetrated deeply into this world.

The Yin Qi and original power in this world are continuously sucked in.

Immediately afterwards, Su Bai's strength began to grow.

The devil fruit tree is completely capable of transforming the opponent's power into the power in the Tian Yuan world, and then feeding back the creatures in the Tian Yuan world.

In this battle, Yin Bai had already gained the upper hand.

Even if the fifth-order world is against the sixth-order world.

With wisdom and absolute strength, Su Bai is destined to win.

On the other side, the teachers who watched Su Bai's operation were all dumbfounded.

Especially Gong Changming, who was even more excited, felt that he had picked up a good seed this time!

You know, all schools in Japan have such an unspoken rule.

The counselor in the school is the first teacher of the students.

But on the border of the real battlefield.

Students will also be guided by teachers.

And this teacher will also be a very important second teacher for students.

"Hahahaha, Su Bai really didn't disappoint me. Such a strength is simply a genius rarely seen in a hundred years."

Gong Changming laughed out of joy.

"Chang Ming, now is the time for you to be proud."

"Liu Qingqing is really kind to you, and sent you such a good student specially.

"Why don't Teacher Liu find such a good seedling for us? Next time we see Teacher Liu, we should give her some advice.

"If you raise your opinion with Mr. Liu, Chang Ming might be unhappy."

Everyone was joking one after another. .

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