Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 298 The Publication Of The Announcement Has Inspired The Whole School To Involuntarily, And

Silvermoon University's own official account has always released similar announcements or official campus news.

The financial media department that operates the account has gotten used to the fact that not many people give likes to the things they have worked so hard to create.

But today, the beeping beeping in the background and the rising data are extremely abnormal.

The entire school financial media exploded.

"Oh my god, what did we post today? The data is so good!"

"This school doesn't necessarily have to reward our progress!"

"Hahaha, let me see."

"We seem to have released a piece of news today that the school leaders asked us to publish."

"The content of the news seems to be that a freshman named Su Bai makes an exception and can go to the real battlefield on the border to fight?!"

Now the whole school has become more enthusiastic and active because of Su Bai.

One by one, seeing that Su Bai was able to participate in real battles as a freshman, they worked harder.

The example of Su Bai caused these students in the school to start to roll in crazily one by one.

Not only the trial tower, but also the practice room, and even the battle platform in the center were full during this time.

None of them are empty.

Even during this time, the school teacher felt a little strange.

During the class, this group of students didn't know why, but they became more serious. Even when they checked and summarized every week, they could see that the students' progress was much faster than before. 08 the other side.

Su Bai is still at the border.

Said that a week later, Liu Qingqing would pick him up.

But now, the week is the first day.

A table of people finished their meal and even drank some beer just because they were happy.

The few people slowly wandered back to the border.

"You can stay here tonight."

"I live next door to you, if you need anything, just tell me.

Gong Changming led Su Bai into the room, and briefly explained a few words. Seeing that Su Bai nodded, there was nothing wrong with him, so he yawned and turned away.

Although he came to an unfamiliar environment alone, Su Bai didn't feel uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, these teachers were like friends, "making him feel close.

However, Su Bai didn't sleep at night either.

He arranged it for himself, sat up in a slightly more comfortable position, and his will had already entered the Tianyuan Realm.

Having defeated the zombie world of the sixth-order world before, Su Bai not only obtained a large amount of supplies, but also obtained the energy source of this world.

Even after handing in a part of it as a mission contribution, 70% of it remained in Su Bai's hands.

As for the school's requirement to hand over 30% of the loot.

Su Bai has no opinion.

These dangerous planets are all on the border one by one, and with the strength of the school, these things can be cleaned up.

But in order for the students to have actual combat opportunities, the stability of these planets must be maintained, and the cost is not low.

And if a student is in danger, the teacher has to be responsible for rescue and treatment, which will not charge fees.

Even if the student fails and gets nothing, then the student will not be allowed to hand in anything.

What's more, for someone as successful as Su Bai, he can completely choose what to get out of the 30% of the money.

Compared with those chaebols and groups, they completely regard their creators as tools, give them the most basic remuneration, assign them to do various dangerous tasks, and are not in place in terms of safety guarantees.

Even if you join the army after graduation, the benefits and security are much better.

But there is no way to compare with the treatment that can be obtained in the actual combat trials in the university.

According to the rules, after each battle, whether it is victory or defeat, the student's guide teacher has to analyze the battle situation for the children, point out mistakes [deduce better tactics.

Not everyone has the ability to teach such practical experience.

However, in Su Bai's fight today, the four teachers couldn't fault it.

As far as they are concerned, he has no better way to fight.

Su Bai's consciousness was immersed in the Tian Yuan world.

Start planning how to distribute your harvest this time.

In Tianyuan Realm, the seed of the World Tree has turned into a small sapling.

It seems to be only a dozen centimeters high.

But the majestic energy contained in it cannot be underestimated.

The energy on the World Tree is constantly feeding back to the Tianyuan Realm.

There are waves of rule power permeating it.

Subconsciously, more power zones of laws are contained in the Tianyuan world.

Laws are different from simple materials and spells.

Laws are the foundation of a high-level world, the rules of the way of heaven.

If there are only resources, the world will collapse sooner or later.

A world without rules and structures is like a house without a steel skeleton.

Even the escaping breath has already helped the whole world so much.

If the world tree grows up, I don't know how amazing it will be.

The origin of the world in the zombie world, the origin of the world with a strong yin, Su Bai does not intend to directly invest in the world.

For the rest, the abundant resources in the zombie world have been turned into resource cards one by one.

I didn't see it before and didn't know.

Looking at it now, Su Bai realizes how rich the resources are in this world!

Countless forest resources and coal resources, oil resources.

And there are several spiritual veins.

Although there is a lot of yin in the zombie world.

But in Su Bai's Tianyuan Realm, the dark clan and the zombie clan like this environment very much.

Su Bai directly placed the layout of the zombie world in the place where the zombies stay.

Su Bai thought in his heart that maybe a combination of zombies and zombies could be bred.

But in any case, the environment that can raise zombies should also be beneficial to zombies.

When Su Bai put the original power of the zombie world into it, the naked eye can see that the energy of the whole world has become more condensed.

The scope of the world also began to expand.

The beep of the simulator also sounded.

【Your world has become more vibrant. 】

[Countless new species are being bred. 】

[More new plants are being born. 】

Overnight, Su Bai was constructing the world.

Although Su Bai also likes the idea of ​​natural development of layers.

But the current development in Tianyuan Realm is really a bit chaotic.

He has to do some regional planning.

late at night.

It's almost three o'clock in the morning.

Su Bai's will, which was immersed in the Tianyuan world, suddenly felt a little uneasy.

Looking out from the Tianyuan world.

Start to extend your positioning.

Directly positioned on the border area.

In the shadows of the universe.

In the distance, a squad driving a battleship is "coming here.

The alarm bell in Su Bai's mind rang instantly. Even on his first day here, he knew that this was definitely not his team.

Whether it is a naturally born planet in the universe, a planet built and occupied by gods outside the universe, or a planet created by the creator of mankind.

All turned into stars hanging in the universe.

Even Su Bai's people don't go out.

As long as his consciousness can only understand the creatures in the Tianyuan world, he can also fight.

When Su Bai's consciousness descended, all the creatures in the Tian Yuan Realm felt it, and crawled down to salute Su Bai.

The great Father God is the most awe-inspiring existence in this life.

Su Bai immediately issued instructions to the creatures in the Tian Yuan world.

[Evil Eyes has sent a small team into the universe to investigate. 】

[The evil eyes have detected that the outer gods from the universe are approaching the border of Silver Moon. 】

[Please be careful of their violation of the border. 】

Su Bai's consciousness also descended into the universe, and he saw the evidence of countless stars hanging in the sky in the vast and mighty universe.

The battleship in the distance came towards this side with a very clear goal 680.

as they approached.

The fallen planets near the border have also become ready to move.

Even if it is visible to the naked eye, Su Bai can feel that the energy fluctuations above have become more intense.

The creatures in those worlds even became a little irritable.

I don't know why this team of Outer Gods determined the coordinates here.

【You sent two thousand mechanical clans into the universe. 】

【Two thousand evil eyes are quietly approaching the team. 】

[The Xieyan family is trying to interfere with the mind. 】

[Successful mental interference, the other party's signal has been disturbed. 】

[The other party will not be able to transmit signals over long distances. 】

Seeing that the sneak attack of the Xieyan clan had succeeded, a smile appeared on the corner of the white mouth.

not bad.

Now, you don't have to worry about attracting large troops, you can let go.

Immediately afterwards, more mechanical clans were summoned by Bai.

Tall robots, like the Gundams in the anime, shot directly at the pair of battleships with the light energy rays in their hands.

Started the war with one shot.

Immediately afterwards, a thin and dense light energy seemed to form.

The universe became a bit brighter under the light.

The fallen planet on the side seems to have calmed down a lot.

"It seems that the energy bands and frequencies they radiate can affect the surrounding environment.

Su Bai thought carefully in his heart.

There were a total of twelve warships in that team, the first few were instantly shattered under Su Bai's firepower bombardment.

The appearance of the creature inside was also revealed.

These one by one, seem to be rather strange creatures.

Su Bai even thinks that these things should be called "stones" more appropriately.

The hard skin and sharp texture are like blocks of ore.

But there are strange-shaped runes on it.

It should be some kind of civilized text. .

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