Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 306 Goblin Family Barrels, Products From The Abyss Must Be Waste Products

"this is……………"

"Goblin Family Barrel?"

After entering this small space, Su Bai was slightly taken aback.

The small space in this place is larger than all the previous small spaces combined!

Here, - appeared various goblins.

There are regular goblins, which are little-monsters with green skin.

There are also stone-throwing goblins. The muscles of these goblins are like the undulating horned dragons.

This part of the Goblin is very powerful.

The stones they threw were also enchanted.

An extremely fast stone hit, and a mechanical warrior was killed directly.


Without hesitation, Su Bai immediately ordered many machine clan warriors to open fire.

While letting these machine clan fighters fire, he summoned more machine clans from Tianyuanwei.

This place has a lot of space and can accommodate more soldiers.

"Da da da da!"

"Bang bang bang!"

All kinds of firearms, all kinds of laser weapons, constantly spit out flames.

The goblins in the distance were constantly being killed.

"call out----"

A group of bright red lights also drew a beautiful parabola, attacking the machine clan.

"What is this?"

Su Bai was a little surprised, he didn't know what it was.

But he felt that there was a terrifying high temperature on this thing.

Sure enough, the armor on a machine clan was melted by the spindle-like crystal red gemstone.

It seems to be a special attack released by alchemy technology combined with magic means.

The effect and power of that thing is a bit like a hot melt bomb.

"Priority kills the red goblins."

Su Bai continued to give orders to the Machina in an orderly manner.

Those goblins with fiery red skin failed to launch a second attack and were beaten into a hornet's nest.

The combat power of the mechanical race is very strong, and these goblins belong to a race with crooked skill trees.

After a while, the battle ended again.

After the battle ended, a box with mysterious runes appeared in this space.

"Take a key, is it used to open this box?"

Su Bai was a little puzzled.

But after he got closer, he no longer doubted.

Because after he got close, the box that flashed the magic runes opened by itself.

Inside this magical rune-glittering chest, are three orbs.

[Enchanting Orb: After using it on a weapon, it can make the weapon produce special effects. 】

When Su Bai saw the three orbs, the simulator also gave a brief introduction.

"I see."

Su Bai picked up an enchanted orb and began to check the effect.

[Snowflake Enchanting Orb: After using it on a weapon, when the weapon attacks, it will produce a snowflake light and shadow special effect. 】


"So bloody?"

Su Bai was a little dumbfounded.

I thought there was some powerful effect, but it turned out to be a special effect.

This thing, some girls should like it.

Which little fairy can refuse, her own attack comes with snowflake light and shadow special effects?

Su Bai casually collected the first enchanted orb into the Tianyuan world.

He planned to give this thing away or trade it after returning to school.

"I hope the second enchanted orb won't be so bloody."

While Su Bai was speaking, he began to look at the second enchanted orb.

[Flame Enchanted Orb: After using it on a weapon, when the weapon attacks, it will produce a special effect of flame light and shadow. 】

Su Bai only felt that he was about to split apart.

He is not conquering those Tier 1 and Tier 2 small worlds.

He is now challenging the abyss, brother!

It's fine if it doesn't come out, but after finally shipping it, two special effect orbs were arranged for him.

Su Bai no longer had any expectations for the last enchanted orb.

As it turned out, no miracles happened.

The third enchanted orb is still an enchanted orb with special effects.

[Golden Dragon Enchanted Orb: It can be used directly! After using it, every move you make will carry the golden dragon special effect. 】

After seeing the special effects of this enchanted orb, Su Bai decisively used it.

He also experienced being the leader of Qiao Gang, although his attacks only have special effects, not special effects.


Su Bai punched through the air, and a lifelike golden dragon rushed out of his fist.

This light and shadow special effect, the effect is very good.

Although the golden sky dragon roared past, not a single leaf was knocked off.

But it's still fun to watch.

It's just a pity that this thing has a cooling time.

After releasing eighteen special effects, it will take a day of cooling before it can be used again.


Su Bai slashed out a palm this time, and another five-clawed golden dragon came out from his palm.

This golden dragon special effect looks very cool.

If special effects are added, it will be that Joe's leader is in the abyss.

Su Bai played for a while, but he didn't forget the upright weight.

In this place, there is only one magic light gate, which is the one that returns to the space of the mutated cat demon.

Su Bai returned to the small space where the mutant cat demon was, and then walked into the light door on the left.

"Cyberpunk Goblin?"

Coming to this small space, Su Bai found a large number of cyberpunk goblins.

Some of these goblins are wearing mechanical exoskeletons.

Some are mechanized to a certain extent.

For example, having a mechanical arm, or having a mechanical eye.

Or, like Dr. Octopus, mechanical tentacles appeared behind him.


Su Bai decisively issued a combat order to the machine clan.

The Machina and these cyberpunk goblins started a confrontation.

The machine clan has many technological weapons, and the goblins on the opposite side have all kinds of weird goblin technologies.

Su Bai even saw some black technology weapons, and a goblin threw a grenade into the mechs.

The grenade exploded, like a goddess scattering flowers, and thirty-six miniature grenades appeared.

These miniature grenades are all gravity generators.

"call out----

In an instant, a large number of mechanical families were pulled by the gravity generator, and all gathered together.

"I go!"

"This stuff is nice."

Seeing this scene, Su Bai praised Goblin's scientific research level.

[Gravity grenade: mother-child grenade design, in a high-explosive grenade, thirty-six miniature hand weights. 】

[Each miniature grenade is a miniature gravitational generator, which can instantly gather everything around it. 】


While Su Bai praised Goblin's technology.

His eyes went dark again, and then he appeared at the entrance of the abyss.

【The simulation is over! You have been killed by the Shadow Hunter!】

Familiar formula, familiar taste.

In that space just now, there was actually a shadow hunter.

"How to pass through that space?"

Su Bai was lost in thought, the place was too small.

In Tianyuan Realm, many powerful combat units are unable to enter that small space to fight.

"Creator, we analyzed the technology of those goblins."

"We can mimic a gravitational grenade."

In Tianyuan Realm, the machine clan who had participated in the battle before passed this message to Su Bai.

...asking for flowers...

"Copy it."

Su Bai Yile, the goblin's technology is very good, but it's his in the end.

The machine clan has a strong ability to invent, create and learn to imitate.

Not long after, the black technology possessed by the group of cyberpunk goblins was imitated by the machine clan.

"Simulation again!"

Without any suspense, Su Bai easily entered the small space where the cyberpunk goblin was.

"Use a gravitational grenade."

This time without waiting for these goblins to show their skills, Su Bai gave the order decisively.

Then these cyberpunk goblins were dumbfounded.

They saw weapons that were almost identical to the gravitational grenades they produced fly by!

"call out--"

Many goblins were gathered together, and even the shadow hunters hiding in the dark were pulled by the gravity generator.



Su Bai commanded Ruo Ding to give orders.

All kinds of weapons of the many machine clans are also firing at this moment.

In a short while, all the goblins in this place were wiped out.

A box with flashing magic runes appeared not far away.

"What's the matter this time?"

"I hope it's not too bloody."

While Su Bai was speaking, he had already come to the box with the flashing magic words.

In this box, there is a card.

[Alchemy Card: In this alchemy card, there is a puppet sealed, and you can summon this puppet to fight for you. 】


Su Bai didn't keep it and summoned the puppet.



The appearance of this doll is a woman wearing brown cloth armor.

After she appeared, she output a meal to the air.

"A product from the abyss, must it be a waste product?"

Su Bai rubbed his temples with some headaches.

The puppet he summoned was still facing the air at this moment, outputting crazily.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the result was all air positive.

"Let's go."

Su Bai has no hope for this abyss.

Returning again to the small space where the mutated cat demon exists, he only has the last magic light door left.

No hesitation, just jump right in.

Su Bai went in, Su Bai was second!

[The simulation is over! You have been sniped by a star hunter. 】

This time Su Bai didn't even see the monster, so he was instantly killed.

"This abyss is meaningless."

Su Bai found that the abyss was boring.

The things produced in the abyss are all waste products so far.

The monsters in the abyss are fierce!

A shadow hunter with incredible stealth ability.

Also on the Shadow Hunter, it fell twice.

He couldn't even see the monster called Star Hunter just now.

"These young goblins don't talk about martial arts!"

"Come and attack me, the old Creator!"

In Su Bai's heart, he severely condemned the group of goblins, and then started another simulation.

He felt that the abyss might be the place with the highest death rate.

It is too easy to die here, if there is no simulator, he would have been completely cold.

Other creators enter the abyss, and it is easy to give in vain!

Su Bai didn't know that his abyss was so difficult, and it was abyss who discovered that he was special.

If the difficulty of other creators entering the abyss is 1 to 5, his difficulty is 5 to 10.

In the judgment of the will of the abyss, his growth rate is too fast, and he needs to be killed in the cradle.

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