Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 317 Yan Country, Sakura Country, Kimchi Country, International League Preparations

In the realm of chaos, Su Bai was surrounded by several seniors and sisters.

The Silver Moon Mysterious Society is very special. No matter how unfathomable a freshman is, it is difficult to join the Silver Moon Mysterious Society.

After some conversation, several people confirmed the identity of Su Bai as a freshman.

"Young people are terrifying."

Lu Chen said with emotion.

They are all members of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society.

All of them are naturally very clear about how high the threshold of the Silver Moon Mysterious Society is.

"I feel like I'm witnessing a new star rise."

Su Yin still had a paralyzed face.

He said it without emotion, but what he said was kind.

"Come on, Junior Su Bai."

"In the near future, Silvermoon University may start your era."

Lu Chen laughed and said.

His words were not compliments.

Su Bai was able to enter the Silver Moon Mystery Society when he was a freshman.

His talent and luck must be unbelievably high.

This time Su Bai entered the realm of chaos, because he met Lu Chen and his group, so he didn't reveal too much.

In the next few days, when he came to Chaos Realm again, he didn't meet Lu Chen and the others.

When Su Bai had almost explored the safety zone of the Chaos Realm and was about to enter the battlefield to have a look.

However, the school sent the notice of the mid-term test "150".

In the Moon Palace, Su Bai was a little stunned.

"If it's just an ordinary mid-term test, it doesn't seem to matter if you don't take it.

"However, the purpose of this mid-term test is to select members to participate in the international league."

"Since this is the case, it is necessary to participate."

Su Bai carefully read the notice sent by the school.

The international league this time is the international league between Yan Country, Sakura Country, and Kimchi Country.

The mid-term test in the school will select a part of the seed players for the competition.

On the side of Sakura Country and Kimchi Country, freshmen like them also participated.

After reading the school announcement, Su Bai returned to the classroom.

When many students looked at him, there was inevitably a bit of admiration in their eyes.

These students don't know anything about the Silver Moon Mysterious Society.

However, many of his classmates knew about his feat at the border.

"Students, everyone should have received the notification."

Liu Qingqing's voice sounded in the classroom.

After Liu Qingqing spoke, everyone looked in her direction.

"This mid-term test will select some outstanding students to participate in the international league."

"This international league is joined by Yan Country, Sakura Country, and Kimchi Country.

"The International League will be held in the world copy of the Tower of Babylon."

"It's a dangerous place, but it's also full of opportunities."

"Everyone prepare well and strive to get a place to participate in the exhibition.

After Teacher Liu Qingqing finished speaking, many students were a little surprised.

After they received the school's notice, they didn't check it carefully, but ran over immediately.

Now everyone knows what the content of the notification is.

"The mid-term exam is coming so soon."

Some students spoke bitterly.

Time flies too fast, and it will be mid-term in a blink of an eye.

"This kind of world copy of the international league must be full of resources."

"This time we must win the entry spot!"

There are also students who are looking forward to the next international league.

As long as you can get a place and enter the world copy of the international league, maybe you can get rich!

"Forget it."

"Those who can participate in the international league must be the best group of freshmen."

"That group of people are basically monsters like Su Bai!"

"Facing them, what chance do we have of winning?"

After a student opened his mouth like this, many students in the class immediately gave up.

"Sure enough, good things don't happen to us."

Many eager students smiled wryly.

When the students were talking about it, Yin Bai was very calm.

This time, if it wasn't for bashing those friends in Sakura Country who were living a good life.

And another group of jumping clowns, by the way, to win glory for the country.

He will always be in the abyss to accumulate wealth, or he will be the senior and senior sister of the Heyin and Mysterious Society.

Let's explore the realm of chaos together.

"About the mid-term assessment and the international league, do you have any questions?"

Teacher Liu Qingqing explained the relevant matters to everyone in great detail and then asked.

"there is none left."

"This international league, why can't the threshold be lowered and all members participate?"

The question asked by this student is obviously not something that Liu Qingqing can answer.

"I don't know the answer to this question."

"The competition system of the international league is like this, and I can't control it."

"I want to participate in the international joint exhibition of Yan Country, Cherry Blossom Country and Kimchi Country.

"Everyone will be in the mid-term assessment, perform well."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

Hearing her words, some students secretly made up their minds to go all out.

After more students thought of Su Bai's defying the sky, they only felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

An international league between Yan Country, Cherry Blossom Country, and Kimchi Country.

It is a stage for those who are proud of the sky like Su Bai to show their skills.

After receiving the school's notice, all the students began to prepare for the battle intensively.

Compared to other students, Su Bai is very relaxed.

In the past few days, he did not enter the abyss, but went to the chaotic realm several times.

With his current strength, the matters of the international league don't need to be the top priority.

As time goes by, the mid-term assessment will soon come as scheduled.

This mid-term assessment was conducted in a huge war room.

"Students, please find your own seats and sit down."

A gray-haired teacher appeared in front of many students.

Hearing his words, everyone began to look for their seats.

Every glass compartment has their names and photos.

Not long after Su Bai entered the spacious war room, he found his seat.

After many students entered the safety cabin one after another, the voice of the male teacher came out again.

"This mid-term assessment, the assessment system and the school's teachers will score everyone's performance in the assessment."

"The battle mode used in the assessment is the hunting mode."

"Every student can bring all the combat units in their own world into the mock examination room."

"Everything that happens in the examination room is virtual, but there will be a great degree of real feeling."

"There are still fifteen minutes before the exam starts, everyone is ready."

The male teacher's voice came to Su Bai's ears.

Hearing his words, everyone made serious preparations.

The consciousness of many students communicated with their own world one after another.

Not long after, each world was connected to the huge world of the examination room.

After the students successfully connect to the world of the examination room, the indicator lights beside them will turn green.

After Su Bai's consciousness entered the Tianyuan Realm, he began to issue orders.

"Godzilla, Mothra, Alice, Angel Race, Machine Race, Abyssal Agents......

"All enter the examination room world, ready to fight..."

Su Bai's voice, like a mighty voice from the sky, reverberated in the entire Tian Yuan world.

As soon as his words fell, many creatures in the Tianyuan Realm also began to move in an orderly manner.


Godzilla roared, and then entered the light gate.

After Godzilla, Mothra also entered the gate.

Many angel races, many insect races, zombies, and machine races all lined up and entered the world of the examination room in an orderly manner.

He has a lot of hole cards, and his strength is also improving very quickly.

In this assessment, Bai almost came to a general mobilization of Tianyuanwei.

After many subordinates entered the world of the examination room, Su Bai's figure also condensed in the world of the examination room.

"Great Creator, please ascend to the throne."

Zero came to Su Bai, knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully.

"what is this?"

Su Bai smiled a little, he saw a very huge big guy.

"Your Excellency, Creator, this is one of the projects of the Abyss Special Forces, the Mechanic Throne.

"Under the mechanical seat is a mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile."

"This mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile is equipped with many weapons."

"All the elites of the abyss special team can fight on this mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile.

"But so far, this mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile has not yet given birth to wisdom."

"It is still a mechanical creation, not an omnipotent life."

Zero was very detailed and introduced the giant crocodile equipped with the Mechanic Throne to Su Bai.

"it is good."

"The whole army is assembled and ready for action."

Su Bai nodded, and came to the back of the mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile.

Here, there is a huge throne like a pyramid.

Su Bai sat down on the mechanical throne, feeling very comfortable.

In this place, he is almost as tall as Godzilla.

Sitting on the Mechanic Throne, he can overlook most of the creatures in the Tianyuan Realm.

Many angel races spread their wings, flying and circling around the Mechanic Throne.

Hundreds of elite members of the Abyss Special Forces all appeared around the Mechanic Throne in full readiness. 4.9

"Why don't you give me a seat, bad review!"

Alice put her arms around her body, looked at Cornell and No. 0 and complained.

"Miss Alice, the mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile is still in the experimental stage.

"We didn't expect that it would be used on the battlefield so soon."

Cornell resentfully said that Alice's status as a saint in Tianyuan Realm is clear.

"There is another important reason."

"Installing seats other than the mechanical seat will affect the appearance."

The voice of number zero came out bluntly.

Although Zero has extremely high intelligence, he obviously doesn't understand the world as well as Cornell.

"I do not care!"

"Next time I want a seat too!"

Alice looked at Su Bai on the Mechanic Throne, pouted and said.

"No. Zero, prepare a seat for Alice next time."

Su Bai didn't argue with Alice on such a trivial matter.

"Obey, Shimao!"

"I have an alternative plan for a floating seat."

"Miss Alice and other members of the Abyss Agent Team."

"Surrounding the Mechanic Throne like stars and the moon, they will sit on their respective floating seats.

Zero spoke of alternatives.

In this alternative, everyone in Alice also has seats. .

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