Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 320 Sweeping And Crushing, The Audience Screamed, The Mentality Of The Genius Student Collap

In this mid-term assessment, Su Bai came for the first place.

Whether it is a new student at the same time, or an old student who appeared for various other reasons.

He didn't find it, it was very powerful.

On the one hand, it is because the background of Tian Yuanjie is already strong.

On the other hand, it was because he conquered an abyss.

When most creators fought in the abyss, they were either lost in the abyss or gave up halfway.

Winning an abyss like him is even more like defeating the demon lord.

It can be said that it is a rare existence.

When fighting in the abyss, if you can't completely kill the demon king.

That can only get the benefits of three melons and two dates.

Just a pity, most of the time.

Most of the creators are unable to kill the demon lord, but will be killed by the demon lord instead.

"Your Excellency, Creator, there is a situation!"

After everyone moved forward for a certain distance, No. 0 issued an early warning.

The first to send back the alarm was not number zero, but the angel family.

The angel family has absolute air supremacy in this place.

Carry Mecha Family and Zero's tailor-made probes.

The angels of the angel family can easily find the enemy.

"Is there another creator who wants to compete with me?"

A smile appeared on Su Bai's face. After Xiang Simon, he hadn't met other creators for a long time.

"Your Excellency the Creator!"

"The other party is not one person, but three people."

This time, it is not one creator who targets Su Bai, but three creators.

Knowing how powerful Su Bai is, these creators no longer have the idea of ​​challenging Su Bai single-handedly.

"The whole army obeys orders!"

"Frontal attack!"

Su Bai is not going to use any strategies and tactics.

He directly gave orders to all creatures in the Tianyuan Realm to fight head-on.


Hearing his order, Godzilla was overjoyed.

Frontal attack is exactly what it is good at.


An atomic breath, under the guidance of the angel clan, exploded towards an area.

A large number of enemies in the optical invisible state 053 appeared one after another.


After these creations of the Creator appeared, they couldn't help but let out a scream.

Godzilla's atomic breath is simply not something that the Creator's creations can hold.

Of course, the creators who can come to this place all have two brushes.

Soon there were huge stone titans, which were assembled.

This stone, titan, is entirely composed of cyanite.

There are nine alchemy cores on Shi Titan.


With a roar, Godzilla fought with this stone titan, which was bigger than it.


Godzilla struck out with a claw, and the lapis lazuli titan backed away with a boom, boom, boom.

Every time it takes a step back, it shakes the sky and the earth.

When Godzilla and lapis lazuli were actually singled out, Mothra also joined the battle group.

This lapis lazuli titan is very resistant to beating.

Under the mixed doubles of Godzilla and Mothra, he was constantly repelled and even knocked down.

The entire lapis lazuli titan looks very embarrassed.

But even so, it still hasn't been killed.

Su Bai still can't ignore this lapis lazuli titan.

If he doesn't care about this cyanite titan, the opponent will attack his zombies and machine race.

Just now when the lapis lazuli titan fell, many zombies were turned into patties.

Many mechanical clans turned into discus.

"Catch the thief and capture the king, don't waste your energy with this big guy."

Su Bai gave direct orders to many subordinates.

Number Zero also made the Machine Race begin to search for the exact location of the three creators.

"Actually, under the blessing of the Mechanic Throne."

"My spiritual impact can directly blast the nine alchemy cores of that lapis lazuli titan."

"There is no resistance from that (biec) lapis lazuli titan and several other large alchemical creations."

"Our army in Tianyuan Realm can kill indiscriminately."

Alice looked at the battle situation in front of her and made a suggestion.

"Makes sense."

"Activate the Mechanic Throne."

If the battle can be resolved quickly, Su Bai will not fight back and forth with the opponent.


"Crack, click!"

The mechanical prehistoric crocodile and the mechanical pyramid soon resurfaced.

Sit on the seat of God, so that you can use more amplification devices.

Su Bai left the Mechanic Throne and asked Alice to sit on it.

Alice didn't refuse either, and sat down when she came to the Mechanic Seat.

Around the Mechanic Seat, there are streams of spiritual energy that begin to gather.

More and more mental shock generators, as well as mental shock amplifiers are constantly being activated by Alice.

A devastating mental wave began to brew continuously.

This kind of mental shock quickly rose to a limit.

"Godzilla, Mothra, retreat!"

Su Bai understood and told Godzilla and Mothra to evacuate.

Although Alice locked the attack target.

But Godzilla and Mothra, right now, are beating lapis lazuli titan.

Under Alice's attack, it is easy to be beaten by Alice.

With the blessing of the Mechanic Throne, the current Alice is a supreme god.


Both Godzilla and Mothra spit out atomic breath, forming a huge thrust, allowing them to leave the battlefield in an instant.

Alice's mental impact has been increased by about six thousand times this time.

A mental shock that distorted the space slightly directly blasted the lapis lazuli titan's head.

Many huge alchemy creations, as well as deep sea monsters.

Also at this time, do not crack.

Even the three creators hidden in the ground were bombarded and killed on the spot, turning into white light and disappearing.

【Notice from the examination room: "Su Bai" eliminated "Zhou Yuming"!】

【Notice from the examination room: "Su Bai" eliminated "Lu Sixie"!】

【Notice from the examination room: "Su Bai" eliminated "Chu Yu"!】

Three announcements from the examination room came out one after another.

This time Su Bai's tough record caused even more sensation!

Because Zhou Yuming, Lu Sixie, and Chu Yu are not ordinary students.

The situation of these three people is similar to that of Xiang Simon, but not exactly the same.

The three of them are also seed players!

On the square outside the examination building, and in the analysis hall, it was seething and erupting again.

The word "Niubi" can no longer be used on Su Bai.

Even the words "Niupi Klass" cannot be used on Su Bai.

These adjectives are not suitable for Su Bai at all.

To use Niubi to describe Su Bai is simply the biggest insult and slander to Su Bai.

Many people have seen the battle between Su Bai and the three silver moon seed players.

Although the lapis lazuli titan, there are still many huge alchemy creations, deep sea monsters.

It has a certain influence on Su Bai.

But as long as Su Bai is willing, Su You can instantly kill the creators and their creations!

Under Su Bai's command, that being named Alice in the Tianyuan Realm.

Under the strengthening of the Mechanic God Throne, a mental shock that distorts the space erupts!

Such a mental shock is almost unsolvable.

The only thing that can limit Su Bai is the energy consumption of the Mechanic Throne.

As long as there is sufficient energy, the creators of the same level or even adjacent levels will be in front of Su Bai.

Almost all instant kills, absolutely ruthless instant kills.

Su Bai on the Mechanic Throne is the existence that instantly kills all creators of the same rank!

Now everyone wants to know more and more about the source of Su Bai's Mechanic Throne.

What everyone didn't know was that Su Bai also had a set of mechs crystallized from star cluster-level civilization technology, which he didn't use.


"Zhou Yuming and the three of them were instantly killed by Su Bai!"

"This Mechanic Throne is so invincible?"

"This is too awesome!"

"I would like to call Junior Su Bai the strongest!"

Outside the examination room building, many seniors and sisters kept exclaiming.

There are also some seniors who are inclined to the technology side, screaming even more.

Although the technology side has always been very good.

However, the creators on the technology side have not achieved Su Bai's current dominance at any stage.

Although Su Bai relied on a girl from the Tianyuan Realm named Alice to exert the power of the Mechanic Throne.

But in the eyes of many seniors who prefer the mechanical side and the technological side.

This is the triumph of machinery, and this is something to be crazy about!

Zhou Yuming and the others are the same as Xiang Simon at the moment.

They all want to know, who am I? What am I doing? Where am I going?

The reason why they chose to have a touch with Su Bai was that they had made full preparations.

Who would have thought that all their preparations would be in vain.

After seeing their lapis lazuli titan, many giant alchemy creations.

When fighting with Su Bai's Godzilla and Moss.

Zhou Yuming and the others felt that they had seen the dawn of victory.

However, they were soon completely dumbfounded!

That shock of mental power that made space disorder.

It simply refreshed their understanding of the impact of mental power.

Because the world of the examination room is not the real world.

The firmness of the examination room world is a set of data.

Since it is data, of course it is full.

If it is in the real world.

That spiritual shock wave can definitely create a terrifying crack in the space!

The three of Zhou Yuming soon saw Xiang Simon, who was also a brother in distress.

Sitting opposite the four of them was not someone else, but the head of the department.

"You three, and you.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, don't be hit by it."

"Student Su Bai's Mechanic Throne is a very special item.

"Simply put, this is a small probability event."

"Under normal circumstances, the enemies you have to face will not have such items."

"According to the school's data, Su Bai's mechanical seat is not unsolvable."

"However, you are all elites of Silvermoon University, so don't think about tactics against Su Bai all day long.

"The four of you are all seed players for the next international league."

"When it comes to the battlefield of the international league, you all have to fight side by side with Su Bai."

"The next time, you have to make good use of it, successively.

"One or two failures mean nothing."

"do you understand?"

The head of the department looked at Xiang Sinan and the others with great earnestness.

If these four people lose to Su Bai, he doesn't have to encourage these four people.

But there is no way, Alice under Su Bai's command is under the blessing of the Mechanic Throne.

He actually killed these four unlucky ones one after another!

In this way, of course he has to enlighten these four students. .

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