Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 335 The Top Student In The Tactical Analysis Department, The Ocean-Like Shikigami, What Kind


"Student Ling Feifei thinks that Kishimoto Genichi will respond to all changes without change?"

Chen Zheyan asked with a smile.

"I think it should be, does student Chen Zheyan have any other opinions?

Concubine Ling and Chen Zheyan are partners for the first time.

But both of them are elites in the Department of Tactical Analysis.

Even if they are partners for the first time, the two cooperate very well.

"Look, everyone!"

"In the world of Tower of Babylon, there is a reaction!"

"Student Su Bai, choose to walk in front of the Tianyuan Realm army!"

"What is he going to do?"

"What the hell is he going to do?"

"Why would he give up the advantages of the Tianyuan Realm's arms and the Mechanic Throne?"

"Is this another new obfuscation tactic?"

Chen Zheyan looked polite.

But after he started to explain, the whole person seemed like a violent lunatic, full of passion!

Audiences in other places, how do you feel watching this game.

Nobody knows.

But the teachers and students of Silvermoon University felt that what they watched at Silvermoon University was really fun.


"Student Chen Zheyan, please calm down."

"I feel like you're going to eat the microphone."

Concubine Ling's voice was soft, and she made a little joke.

In front of the big screens in Silver Moon University, many students were amused by Sister Ling Feifei.

A fierce and cute girl, cute and humorous, who can resist this?

Chen Zheyan can stand it!

Because he is still explaining passionately.

The fierce and cute girl next to him didn't seem to exist at all.

This is professionalism!

Su Bai's confusing behavior on the battlefield of the Tower of Babylon.

Kishimoto Moto, who was directly opposite him, was stunned.

"Crack! Crack!"

Kishimoto Motoichi slapped himself twice, trying to make sure he had been tricked.

It is possible that Su Bai used some kind of spiritual attack on him.

Let hallucinations appear in front of his eyes?

You know, he has prepared at least three hundred plans to force Su Bai to leave the Mechanic Throne.

I never thought that he has not used any of the solutions yet.

Su Bai had already left from the Mechanic Throne.

Su Bai not only left the Mechanic God's Throne, but also appeared in front of the Tianyuan Realm's army.

As a result, Kun Yuanyi became more and more afraid to act rashly.

When things happen, there must be demons!

From the scene in front of me, it is obvious that something is wrong!

Kishimoto Genichi is the elite of Sakura Country.

The tactics he adopted were exactly the same as what Ling Feifei said.

Faced with this situation, he chose to wait and see.

He is ready to respond to all changes with the same, let's see what Su Bai will do!

"You can let the horse come here."

In front of the Tianyuanjie army, Su Bai stood proudly in the void.

He looked in the direction of Genichi Kishimoto and waved.

Signal the other party to let the horse come over.

Seeing Su Bai's provocation, Kishimoto Motoichi decided to test it out.


With a wave of his hand, there were immediately many shikigami charging towards Su Bai.

When these shikigami charged towards them, Su Bai was unmoved at all.

In Yinyue University, Chen Zheyan and Ling Feifei immediately began to explain.

"Faced with the provocation from Su Bai, Genichi Kishimoto chose to try!"

"Would the price of this temptation be too high?"

Chen Zheyan asked Concubine Ling.

"I think it's just right."

"If there are too few shikigami sent, it will be impossible to test the true level of Junior Su Bai.

"It should be very appropriate to send about a hundred shikigami with good strength."

"Another point is that the cost of Kishimoto Genichi summoning Shikigami is very small."

"Even these shikigami were all killed by Su Bai."

"He only needs to spend a very small price to summon more shikigami to participate in the battle."

After Concubine Ling explained, everyone also understood the intention and rationality of Kishimoto Motoichi's move.

In the world of Tower of Babylon, face many shikigami rushing towards you.

In Su Bai's hand, a sword was drawn.


"Student Su Bai didn't use the dark obsidian mech he showed before."

"Basically our latest intelligence."

"Su Bai's dark obsidian mecha is a technology derived from star cluster civilization."

"If he uses the Obsidian Mecha, he will have no problem dealing with these shikigami.

"The problem now is that Junior Su Bai didn't use the Dark Yao machine!

"Yes, he has no idea of ​​using the Obsidian Mech at all!"

Chen Zheyan's passionate commentary started again.

Seeing this scene, Concubine Ling rubbed her temples with a headache.

On Su Bai's side, the Xuan Xiao Zhankong Sword in his hand was unsheathed at this moment.


A frosty white sword aura, after he drew the sword.

The entire battlefield against the background is frosty white.

This sword swept out, and the sharp sword light was in a state of destruction.

In an instant, the slashes of many shikigami were shattered into slag!

One hundred shikigami used by Genichi Kishimoto to test Su Bai.

Even under Su Bai's sword, he instantly killed them all!

"My goodness!"

"Brother Su Bai killed hundreds of Shikigami in Kishimoto Motoichi with one strike!"

On the big screen, Chen Zheyan jumped at the table.

If he was wearing leather shoes, no one doubted that he would be like Xiaofu.

Excitedly slapping the table with leather shoes!


Sister Ling Feifei's soft and waxy voice also came out at this moment!

The scene in front of him seemed unbelievable to anyone.

Su Bai has also demonstrated swordplay before.

But at that time, Su Bai's swordsmanship was obviously not as powerful as it is now!

Su Bai's sword just now was definitely a sword that could destroy the world.

"What's happening here?"

"Student Su Bai, unexpectedly hid such a powerful hole card!

"In everyone's opinion, Su Bai sitting on the Mechanic Throne."

"It's time for the invincible Su Bai."

"Student Su Bai proved it to everyone with practical actions."

"Student Su Bai who leaves the Mechanic Throne will become even more invincible!"

"It's an unassailable hexagon fighter.

"Su Bai, equal to boring!"

Chen Zheyan's passionate commentary made everyone in Silver Moon University watch it heartily.

(cfbc) Many students and teachers interacted with Chen Zheyan.

"Senior Chen Zheyan, this year's spring is not too late or there will be a party early, and I will definitely not care about you.

After a student sent a floating screen, other students followed up one after another.

It's just this sentence floating on the screen, which made everyone stare blankly.

Of course, everyone's attention quickly returned to the battlefield.

"Look, everyone!"

"Student Su Bai is on!"

"The sword in Su Bai's hand, I didn't find it in the database.

"But one thing is for sure, this is definitely an extraordinary legendary thing!"

"Student Su Bai not only holds a divine sword, but his sword skills are incredible!"

"Student Su Bai hides too deeply!"

"He actually hid his amazing sword skills, and he didn't show it until today!"

While Chen Zheyan was explaining, everyone was also watching Su Bai's battle.

Concubine Ling rolled her eyes and started eating potato chips.

Because when Chen Zheyan explained, he was full of passion.

She wanted to speak several times, but had no chance.

The only time she spoke was when Chen Zheyan wanted to know her opinion.

At the same time, the battlefield became Su Bai's solo show.

The power given by more than one hundred legendary sword masters is definitely not a joke.

Every time he slashed with his sword, it was more than opening the Tianmen with the sword, destroying the Tianmen directly from the quark level.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

Su Bai continued to unleash his swords, and many Onmyojis in the world of Onmyojis were beheaded by him!


Kishimoto Motoichi snorted coldly, and many shikigami began to integrate into his body.

His appearance also became transparent and strange at this moment.

He has already seen that Bai's strength is too strong.

Just relying on the advantage of quantity, Su Bai can't be defeated at all.

In this case, then integrate the power of Shikigami and have a touch with Su Bai!

"Teachers, students!"

"The peak duel is about to begin!"

"Everyone knows!"

"The stronger the world is, the more blessed the world master will be!"

"However, any world master has certain priorities.

"Some world masters focus on the development of the world itself.

"Some world masters focus on the development of life in the world."

"Some world masters focus on the development of their own strength."

"Of course, most world masters may choose to go hand in hand to a certain extent."

"But without a doubt!"

"Student Su Bai and Kishimoto Genichi are both players with very strong personal strength!"

"What kind of shocking confrontation will they have next?"

After Chen Zheyan spoke passionately.

Everyone's attention was also turned towards Su Bai's direction.

Su Bai and Kishimoto Motoichi are the two world leaders.

Under the circumstances that many other world masters don't quite understand, choose to fight alone!

In fact, Kishimoto Motoichi was planning to beat up Su Bai at the very beginning.

But the shikigami summoned by many onmyojis in the world of onmyojis.

The difference in strength between them and Su Bai is really too big.

In their confrontation with Su Bai, they were directly killed by Su Bai every time.

In this case, we can only integrate the power of all shikigami and fight against Su Bai at the peak!


In Su Bai's hand, a terrifying sword energy swept out.


Kishimoto Motoichi is the top elite in Sakura Country.

He also has goods.

The weapons used by Genichi Kishimoto are very weird.

It is a black metal rod.

This black metal rod has very high toughness and strength.

Not only that, but it can change shape as you like.

When Su Bai saw this weapon, he was very interested in Kishimoto's weapon.


"Clang clang clang!"

Su Bai kept attacking, Kishimoto Genichi kept resisting, and at the same time came out to fight back.

The two world masters are very powerful in battle!

Kishimoto Genichi himself is a world lord who tends to strengthen himself.

So his own fighting power is very strong.

A combat method like this is also his trump card!

Moto Kishimoto faces Su Bai, whose strength comes from accumulation and adventure.

The Tian Yuan world has developed all the way up to now, and has accumulated an incredible background.

With the blessing of the treasure of the All Saints Stone, these foundations will immediately explode exponentially!




In mid-air, Xuan Xiao's Zhan Kong Sword in Su Bai's hand directly slashed three times in a row this time!

The three sword qi that tore through the sky also disappeared in an instant!.

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