Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 343 Soul Torture, The Devourer Fights The Undead

In the Yinyue University studio, Chen Zheyan and Ling Feifei were full of surprises.

Just now, both of them felt that Su Bai had grasped the opportunity very well.

After Su Bai shot, Lee Joong Ki was dead.

"I never expected that Lee Joong-ki possesses a terrifying vitality after being transformed into a demon.

"Even if he was cut in the waist by classmate Su Bai, Li Zhongji still did not die."

Chen Zheyan's tone was filled with amazement.

Li Zhongji's ability is indeed a bit against the sky.

"But Li Zhongji has been suppressed by Su Bai since he met Su Bai."

"I think even Lee Joong Ki has such amazing resilience.

"But the final winner of this battle is still Junior Su Bai."

Concubine Ling is very optimistic about Su Bai.

Judging from the current situation, as long as there are no major changes.

The final winner should also be Su Ri.

"Indeed, in this kind of competition, Su Bai has a greater chance of winning."

"However, Li Zhongji's weird recovery ability has never been used before."

"No one knows where Lee Joong Ki's limit is.

"If he can recover many times in a short period of time."

"Even if Su Bai can kill Lee Joong Ki, he must be exhausted.

Chen Zheyan made a little joke.

This little joke he said is also a try.

Because on the battlefield, Su Bai had cut Lee Joong Ki in half for the second time.

After he cut Li Zhongji in half for the second time, Li Zhongji recovered without accident.

His recovery ability is indeed quite against the sky.

Many colleges and universities in the country of cherry blossoms and kimchi are also watching the situation in the picture.

On the side of Sakura Country, everyone was silent.

Because neither Su Bai nor Lee Joong Ki are their elites.

Su Bai and Lee Joong Ki 31, no matter who is eliminated.

For Sakura Country, it's all a good thing.

If the two of them died together, it would be double happiness.

Kimchi Country is different, after all, that is their Oppa.

"Although Zhongji Oppa is temporarily at a disadvantage.

"But all of us fans believe in it!"

"A moment later, and he'll be on the offensive!"

"The final victory will surely belong to us Zhongji Oppa!"


Kimchi Nation's commentator cheered Lee Joong Ki on the sidelines.

"That's right!"

"Our big brother will definitely be able to easily crush Su Bai."

All the former Yan Guo players are not enough to see in front of Zhongji Oppa.

"Jongki Ouba must be showing weakness to the enemy now!"

Another commentator of Kimchi Country is also madly supporting Lee Joong Ki.


However, on the battlefield, Yin Bai Hengjian swept away.

Li Zhongji's demonized head flew out at this moment.

If it weren't for Lee Joong Ki's strange recovery ability, he would be dead now!

"As you can see, it took a lot of strength for Su Bai to chop off Joong Ki Oppa's head.

"We, Joong Ki Oppa, have amazing resilience."

"Su Bai's attack on our Joong Ki Oppa is a waste of effort."

At the time of passionate commentary confrontation of commentary of kimchi country.

Su Bai suddenly changed his attack rhythm.

Previously, Su Bai was all about testing and was very cautious.

After learning about Lee Joong Ki's situation, Su Bai began to let go of his hands and feet, and the holy calendar came out of the people.


The sword light in Su Bai's hand suddenly fell like a storm at this moment.

When he continued to shoot, the demonized Li Zhongji.

Constantly suffer from various deadly attacks.

Whether Li Zhongji is strong or not, Su Bai doesn't know.

But now he knows at least one thing, that is, Ji Zhongji is very resistant to beating.

The Xuan Xiao Kong Zhanjian in his hand tortured Li Zhongji to death.

But no matter how many times he makes shots, the opponent is like Xiaoqiang, who will not die at all.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

The light of the sword in Su Bai's hand flickered continuously.

A series of criss-crossing sword qi kept beheading Li Zhongji.

But every time he was fatally injured, Lee Joong Ki could recover quickly.


Su Bai thought for a while, and prepared to let Alice deal with Li Zhongji.

He can easily crush Li Zhongji when he beats him, but it is difficult to completely obliterate Li Zhongji.

The opponent is like brown sugar, I don't know how many times it needs to be killed before it can be completely killed.


At the same time as Alice's voice came out, a black shadow had already rushed towards Li Zhongji.

Of course it wasn't Alice who fought directly with Lee Joong Ki.

Opposite Li Zhongji, the Devourer was already very excited to make a move.

Li Zhongji can't be beaten to death, and swallowing can't be beaten to death either.

Lee Joong Ki can't be killed because he has incredible resurrection ability.

After he was killed, he could be resurrected in a very short time.

The Devourer cannot be killed because the Devourer's physical defense is almost full.

Except for mental attacks, the Devourer has almost no weaknesses!

Under such circumstances, letting the Devourer beat Li Zhongji is obviously the best choice.

Lee Joong Ki was soon sanctioned by the Devourer!

The Devourer couldn't kill him, but he couldn't beat the Devourer at all.

If the Devourer had the means to counter-injury, Lee Joong-ki would only suffer even more.

"It's fun to watch them fight."

Beside Su Bai, Alice said with a smile on her pretty face.

"I knew I should let the Devourer take action earlier."

Su Bai sheathed his sword.

In the fight with Li Zhongji just now, he didn't suffer any injuries.

But Li Zhongji's abnormal recovery ability made him very tired.

Su Bai will be able to better grasp the situation of the battle when he comes to the throne of the Mechanic God.

As time passed, the monsters under Li Zhongji's command were almost dead.

Except for Lee Joong Ki, other monsters do not have this terrifying recovery ability.


Lee Joong Ki did not continue to insist.

After all the monsters under his command died, he chose to evacuate voluntarily.

His body turned into a ball of white light and disappeared, and he gave up Bi Zhan directly.

After Li Zhongji disappeared, the Devourer was taken aback.

Obviously, he hasn't reacted yet, the opponent who was evenly matched just now.

Why did it suddenly disappear after opening it?

When the Devourer was curious, Alice had already ordered.

Let it go against some other monsters.

A mindless creature like the Devourer.

After receiving the order, of course I went happily.

"Clean the battlefield and rest the whole army."

Su Bai's voice echoed in the empty space.

In the battle with Lee Joong Ki, Su Bai still had some means that he did not use.

For example, his Mechanic God Throne, and the Dark Obsidian Mecha.

He also didn't use Xuan Xiao's special skill of piercing through the air.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you can win.

The battle between Su Bai and Lee Joong Ki was also beyond everyone's expectations.

In Yinyue University, Chen Zheyan and Ling Feifei began to analyze the battle.

"This battle between Su Bai and Lee Joong Ki is a refreshing experience for us."

"Lee Joong-ki's ability is normally unsolvable."

"Student Su Bai got a Devourer before."

"This devourer is just able to restrain the ability of Li Zhongji's player."

"Except for the tactics used by classmate Su Bai."

"Student Ling Feifei, do you have any other strategies?"

Chen Zheyan asked Concubine Ling at the side.

"I think we can only use sealing methods."

"Since we can't kill Lee Joong Ki, let's seal him up.

"However, Lee Joong-ki's strength is very strong, and the ordinary sealing method."

"For Lee Joong-ki, it shouldn't have much effect."

Concubine Ling gave a strategy to deal with Li Zhongji.

After finishing speaking, Concubine Ling asked Chen Zheyan back.

"Student Chen Zheyan, do you have any other strategies?"

She wanted to know what Chen Zheyan would do if he faced Li Zhongji.

Not only Concubine Ling, but also many students and teachers.

Would also like to know the answer to this question.

Chen Zheyan also represented the school in previous international league games.

"If it were me, I would use transfer tactics, or cannon fodder tactics."

"The transfer tactic is to teleport Lee Joong-ki away so that he cannot be near the battlefield."

"However, not all world masters have such teleportation five.

"Most world masters should only be able to use cannon fodder tactics."

"It is to send out subordinates continuously to consume Li Zhongji."

"Use a large number of low-grade horses to hold back Li Zhongji's four top-ranked lotus horses.

Chen Zheyan gave two effective suggestions.

The suggestions he gave can be used by most world masters when they meet Li Zhongji.

"Then Chen Zheyan, if you meet Su Bai."

"Do you have any effective restraint?"

After Concubine Ling ate a piece of potato chips, she tortured Chen Zheyan's soul.



Chen Zheyan, who has always been eloquent, was rarely stuck this time.

"Before answering this question, let me briefly say a few digressions.

"Generally speaking, there are two types of world masters."

"One is a specialty type, and the other is an all-around type."

"Specialized world masters are good at a certain field.

"For example, monsters, machinery, magic, technology, spirit, etc."

"The omnipotent world master develops in all directions."

"Both these two types of world masters obviously have very obvious advantages and disadvantages.


When Chen Zheyan said this, the topic changed.

Then he went on.

"Student Su Bai is obviously a combination of the omnipotent world master and the specialized world master."

"As far as the world master himself is concerned, student Su Bai has a very terrifying fighting power."

"In terms of giant beasts, Su Bai's Godzilla, Mothra, mechanical prehistoric giant crocodile and other giant beasts don't need to be treated.

"In terms of arms, Su Bai has Angels, Zombies, Dinosaurs, Mechanics, Zerg and so on."

"In a word, Su Bai is an impeccable hexagonal fighter."

"If I meet Su Bai, I will think about it from the perspective of economics.

I will directly abandon the game and leave the battlefield with zero losses!"

Chen Zheyan is worthy of being a top student in the Department of Tactical Analysis.

In a very short time, the optimal solution is given.

Since you can't beat it, then leave.

It's not easy to develop your own world.

Why bother to commit all of your subordinates to the arena for the sake of winning or losing for a while?

Although Chen Zheyan's approach is a bit cowardly.

But after everyone thought about it, they found that this tactic was really useful. .

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