Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 347 Zombie Legion Vs Biochemical Man Legion, Black Warrior Squad, Death Storm

"Ho Ho!"

A large army of zombies launched a charge at this moment.

The army of zombies under Su Bai has also changed during this time.

As Su Bai encounters enemies, it becomes increasingly difficult.

Traditional zombies obviously cannot keep up with the pace of development.

So the mechanical elite, and Cornell and Zero.

Join forces to let these zombies also embark on a diversified zombie journey!

The ones rushing to the front of the team are the speedy zombies.

The fast zombie solves the shortcomings of zombies shaking their heads and moving slowly.

The new generation of fast zombies often even because of their speed.

When approaching the target, both the self and the target were killed due to the violent impact.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under the surprise attack of the extremely fast zombies, the biochemical man and biochemical monster on the opposite side were immediately caught off guard.

Although both parties are no longer human.

But in this "two sixty" situation, it is obvious that the zombies are more perverted.

Biochemical people and biochemical monsters are still mortal and have a certain degree of consciousness.

Zombies are different, the most special point is that.

The special gene carried by zombies can infect biochemical humans.

Based on this alone, the zombies suppressed the biochemical man to death.

Of course, there are also cases where biochemical humans are infected with zombies.

However, after being infected by the biochemical man, the ability of the zombies has obviously become stronger.

Li Zhaoxi's army of biochemical humans and biochemical monsters may make a small profit.

But Su Bai's zombie army will never lose money!

"That's okay too?"

Behind the army, all the people in Tiaoxi looked dumbfounded.

His army of cyborgs, and his army of cyborgs.

The biggest trump card is the army that can continuously infect places.

As long as you infect an enemy soldier, your side can increase a combat unit.

Repeatedly, it means that one's own advantage has increased by "two"!

However, Li Zhaoxi was very dumbfounded at the moment.

His biochemical army, as well as biochemical monster army, were infected by zombies instead

"Mechanical troops!"

"Go out!"

Li Zhaoxi did not hesitate, and immediately dispatched the mechanical troops.

Of course, the mechanical troops under his command are also very powerful.

All kinds of cyberpunk technology, and many technologies that look very weird.

They all appeared in Li Zhaoxi's mechanical troops.

To a great extent, he made creatures and machines form a combination.

In his army, there are even many strange-looking mechanical creatures.

These creatures have mechanical organs, but also have mostly flesh and blood.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A more intense confrontation is unfolding at this moment.

There are overwhelming shells and various large-caliber bullets.

All kinds of flames, all kinds of bombs, even missiles, and all kinds of laser weapons.

At this time, the terrifying power began to erupt continuously.

The battlefield where Su Bai and Li Zhaoxi fought, at this moment, directly turned into a sea of ​​flames!

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

During this process, many figures in black martial arts uniforms began to charge towards Su Bai.

"Your Excellency, the Creator, there is an army raiding in that direction."

Under the Mechanic God Throne, Number Zero pointed in one direction.

There, many machine races have already fought with the warriors in black.

These black-clothed warriors have a powerful airflow lingering around them.

With every gesture, they can dismantle all kinds of machinery.

After this group of black-robed warriors entered the battlefield, they quickly approached Su Bai directly.

Obviously, these black-robed warriors are also Li Zhaoxi's trump card.

"Your Excellency, Creator, let me play with them.

Cornell opened his mouth eagerly.

His fighting ability and his scientific research ability go hand in hand.


Su Bai nodded and asked Cornell to fight these black-clothed warriors.


While many warriors in black were still running, Cornell's figure appeared in front of them.


Cornell pulled out two Tang knives from behind.

Instead of using a laser sword, he used a cold weapon.

It would be too boring to use laser swords to deal with these warriors in black.


Among the black-clothed warriors, the leader raised his hand to signal the other black-clothed warriors to stop.

"Is your excellency a warrior too?"

Jin Junjiu looked at Cornell not far away, and asked coldly.

If you are a warrior, you should defeat the opponent in the way of a warrior.

"You can think so."

"Let's do it."

The two Tang knives in Cornell's hands formed a beautiful knives.

"very good!"

"Roriss, you go and beat him!"

Jin Junjiu didn't make a move himself, but asked a warrior under his command to step forward...

Luo Lishi is a burly man like an iron tower.

On his arms, the muscles undulate like horned dragons.

The muscles in every part of his body are like armor, covering everywhere!


Luo Lishi was still far away, just kicking the air.

While beating the air violently, he approached Cornell.

He used the down kick first, then the side kick, and then the up side kick.

Then comes the inward swing leg, and the outward swing leg.

Then there is the backspin kick, the backspin kick in the air.

If air had life, now air is dead.

This scene made many people who watched the battle feel very embarrassed.

Some people are even more embarrassingly digging out three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom with their toes.


Fortunately, Luo Lishi has come to Cornell.

The battle between him and Cornell also broke out suddenly at this time.

Luo Lishi suddenly shot through the air, this leg was as terrifying as a steel whip.


But before he could continue to attack, the Tang Dao in Cornell's hand had already finished him off.


After seeing Cornell's knife, Jin Junjiu is not ready to continue to fight Cornell.

He has already seen that Cornell is not a show.

Since Cornell is not a showman, you can't talk about martial arts with Cornell.

Many black-clothed warriors rushed forward, and they also took out all kinds of weird weapons.

Instead of standing still and waiting, Cornell scored 1.0 and is going.

After a gust of wind swept away the fallen leaves, Cornell walked back towards Su Bai.

When he came to Su Bai's side, the figures of Jin Junjiu and others fell down one after another.

"This way of dying is too ugly."

Su Bai glanced at the figure in the distance, constantly falling, and couldn't help shaking his head.

It turned out that it was killed by a gust of wind sweeping fallen leaves in Cornell.

Those black-robed warriors were all in disarray.

If you don't have the ID card in your mouth, you may not know who is who after the fact.


Failure to succeed in three consecutive attacks did not make Li Zhaoxi feel frustrated.

In the direction where Li Zhaoxi was, a huge titan appeared.

This titan is a bit like the titan of Sakura Country, but not exactly the same.

After the gigantic titan appeared, it charged towards Su Bai directly. .

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