Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 350 One Person Kills Through The Monster Army! Another Node! The Man Who Killed The Demon Lo


"Single-handedly killed through the monster army!"

"What kind of terrifying power is this?

"It's really terrifying!"

The current views of the teachers and students of Silver Moon University and all colleges and universities are basically the same.

Su Bai is ostensibly a well-rounded world lord.

In fact, he may be a world master who focuses on strengthening himself.

Of course, this is just a little joke.

After all Su Bai's Godzilla, Mothra, Alice.

There are also mechanical gods, angels, machines, etc., all of which are very powerful and terrifying.

If we say, Su Bai's world has a certain focus.

That is to focus on "comprehensive and powerful"!

This is a rare overall strong hexagonal world master.

He has almost no weakness, and he is incredibly powerful.

"Your Excellency, Creator, all monsters have been killed."

On the battlefield, the figure of Zero came not far from Su Bai.

"Clean up the battlefield and move on."

Su Bai jumped up and came to the Mechanic Throne.

He gave a concise order to the army of Tianyuan Realm.

"Obey, Your Excellency the Creator!"

The army of Tianyuanjie immediately began to clean up the battlefield.

Fortunately, most of these monsters belonged to the Tower of Babylon.

If these monsters, most of them are Meiri Kujiro's subordinates.

So at this time, Umehijiujiro definitely has no place to cry. 900

On the other side, although Meiri Jiujiro was not looking for the control center.

But he is also concerned about the battle situation here.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"This Su Bai, why is it like this?"

"The strength he is showing now is completely different from the intelligence."

"Those guys from the intelligence department went to the custom shop to investigate the information?"

As Meiri Jiujiro walked forward, he cursed at the same time.

The genealogy of everyone in the intelligence department has been greeted several times by him.

But with regards to the family tree of the Ministry of Intelligence, it obviously doesn't work.

What he has to do right now is hide and seek with Su Bai.

He wants to find the control center of the Tower of Babylon before Su Bai finds him.

He is now fighting Su Bai with all his strength, at most four or six.

He has a 40% chance of winning, Su Bai has a 60% chance, or even more than 60% chance of winning.


After walking on the battlefield for a while, Meiri Jiujiro's eyes suddenly brightened.


The next moment, he used all his strength and slammed into a barrier.

"Damn it!"

"Another node!"

Meiri Jiujiro slammed into the barrier, which at first glance was an act of death (acda).

This is not much different from hitting a tank with your head.

Generally speaking, the head of a normal carbon-based creature is not as hard as the armor of a tank.

However, Mei Rijiujiro slammed into each other, and his head was broken and bloody.

He appeared in a brand new control node.

These control nodes can control monsters in a part of the area.

"Forget it."

"I'll add some ingredients to you!"

Meiri Jiujiro was not reluctant to part with these monsters.

What are these monsters not used to consume Su Bai?

On the battlefield, overwhelming monsters reappeared.

The army of Tianyuan Realm was not far away, and they charged because of the monsters.

"Army attack!"

Facing so many monsters, Su Bai is not timid at all.

After killing these monsters, all of them can be recycled and become the nourishment of Tianyuan Realm.


This time Godzilla rushed forward immediately.

Godzilla swept invincibly all the way, and many monsters were blasted to pieces by him.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

One mouthful after another of atomic breath began to scrub the ground crazily at this moment.

Many monsters around were constantly being blasted to pieces.

"call out!"

A series of laser cannons are also fired at this moment.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The machine clan took out various weapons that were still in the experimental stage, and equipped them for the army of the Tianyuan Realm.

Take this opportunity to test the weapon.

A large number of actual combat data of weapons on the battlefield are constantly collected by the machine clan.

The engine oil of many machine races is about to erupt.

This is the first time they have encountered such a good thing.

On the battlefield, the army of the Tianyuan Realm continued to move forward.

Off the court, all parties are analyzing the situation on the battlefield.

"Judging from the current situation [Suyou player still has a huge advantage."

"However, it is not impossible for Meiri Jiujiro to win."

"Under the data model of our kimchi country."

"The possibility of Meiri Jiujiro winning is zero percent!

Kimchi country sometimes wears a pair of pants with Sakura country.

Sometimes, he snatches the pants from Sakura Country and wears them himself.

Neither side is a good bird.

This time, Meiri Jiujiro of Sakura Country eliminated Kim Seong Ki.

Of course, the country of Kimchi will launch an offensive in all aspects against the country of cherry blossoms.

To be eliminated in the international league, how much psychological harm should this be to Jin Shengji!

On the side of Silver Moon University, many teachers and students are watching the game seriously.

"There is something about Umehijiro, but not much."

Some students said half-jokingly.

"Actually, Mei Rijiujiro still has two tricks, and not only has two tricks."

"Look, many of the world lord's elite monsters have been controlled by him.

"One of his abilities is to forcibly control the subordinates of other world masters."

"I just don't know if his ability is useful to Godzilla and Mothra.

"If he can even control creatures of the level of Godzilla and Mothra."

"Then his innate ability is too heaven-defying."

While everyone was discussing, they also discovered a lot of cards of Su Bai and Mei Rijiujiro.

For example, many sharp-eyed students discovered Su Bai's harvest in the abyss.

"Case solved!"

"Case solved!"

"Student Su Bai absolutely leveled an abyss!"

"Many people in the Tianyuan Realm's army have the same badge of the demon lord on their equipment!"

After the student opened his mouth, the campus channel of Silver Moon University, as well as everywhere in Silver Moon University.

At this time, it was completely boiling to the extreme.

There are many people who can challenge the abyss.

There are not many world masters who challenge the abyss and come out alive.

For a long time, it was a fixed group of people who challenged the abyss.

There are even fewer world masters who can challenge the abyss and kill the demon king.

When many world lords challenge the demon lord, they always go to add food to the demon lord.

"too strong!"

"Su Bai actually swept away a demon lord, it's unbelievable!

"No wonder Su Bai is so powerful."

"His many cutting-edge technologies and powerful alchemy equipment."

"It's very likely that it was obtained when we swept away the demon lord!"

Everyone in Silvermoon University was talking about it.

Students from other colleges and universities have similar findings.

For a time, everyone was shocked.

However, it also reflects the correctness of Meiri Jiujiro's tactics. .

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